Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 9 Your home is my home!

Chapter 9 Your home is my home!
People will unconsciously think about life at every stage of life. For example, Li Shuyao at this time, after waking up, she is thinking about why Fang Xuening is not in her guest room, but by her side.

Even one thigh was lying across her body, one arm was resting on her chest, her head was buried on her shoulder, and the hot air kept hitting her ears between her breaths.

Although she said that she couldn't be excited now, but for a moment, she felt the deer in her heart bump around.

He tilted his head slightly, stared at the delicate sleeping face of a certain white hair for a while, and then nodded with satisfaction, it seemed that his orientation was normal.

Throwing a white-haired arm and leg aside, Li Shuyao picked up the phone and glanced at it.

Huh, it's almost nine o'clock.

It's really cool to have a day when you don't have to work...

However, why did he sleep for so long again.

Li Shuyao put on a casual outfit, then walked to the mirror in the room, looking at herself in the mirror, her eyes lit up slightly.

Today, she is already in the most complete state, and the major genes that have been strengthened to full level have begun to play their role. If she goes outside, she is the most beautiful boy on the street!
"I feel that you seem to be a little different." There were some rustling voices behind Li Shuyao, and then a certain white hair spoke up.

"Yes, has it become more beautiful?" Li Shuyao swayed from side to side, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became. Sure enough, the system was still strong, and she felt that she had fallen in love with herself.

"No, you never let me sleep on your bed before." Fang Xuening leaned on the soft headboard and looked at her innocently: "So you finally recognize yourself."

I recognize your size, can you not say such scary words with a pure appearance.

"By the way, did you say you were going to play the piano for you last night?"

"Yes." Fang Xuening nodded: "In addition, let me inform you that I will move to our house during this time."

"???" What does our family mean, are you also Dong Xiangguo?

"House prices in Hu City are too expensive, renting a house is a waste of money, anyway, we have so many empty rooms, I'm going to move here, and then I can live broadcast to show you, so that your number of fans will increase, why? Like." A certain white hair stared at Li Shuyao with a pair of beautiful big eyes.

"Ah...Okay." Li Shuyao nodded, it doesn't matter, this guy is a million fan UP master, although he has just broken through one million, he is still a little sister among many million UP, but he is much stronger than her .

It's good to use a big UP traffic to accumulate fans in the early stage, at least it will make her start less difficult.

"Okay, the decoration team will be here this afternoon." Fang Xuening nodded with satisfaction: "In the past, you never let me and Jingyi help you, but now you finally figured it out?"

Jing Yi?Li Shuyao was stunned for a moment, and then immediately remembered the girl with short hair and a valiant appearance. She is now the goddess of all-powerful in the e-sports arena. In the game, the summer split has just started, and her team is hitting the S10 global finals, so she has no time to play.

Wait, the point doesn't seem to be the e-sports goddess.

What the hell is a decoration team?

Li Shuyao turned back suddenly and saw Fang Xuening looking at him with a smile.

"What decoration team?"

"I see that there are so many empty rooms downstairs. Anyway, it's empty. I'm going to build a simple recording studio, and then build a live broadcast room in my room on the second floor... You won't object." Fang Xue Ning looked at Li Shuyao eagerly.

And this good thing?
Li Shuyao was still going to install another one when he had money in the future. Unexpectedly, a certain white hair would be delivered to the door, but on the surface it was still fierce!

"Okay." Li Shuyao nodded while pinching her waist, and then immediately realized that her appearance was not fierce enough, and then she pouted, ready to object.

"That's great, Yaoyao, I love you to death." Fang Xuening suddenly jumped off the bed, then kissed her on the face, then ran back and took out his mobile phone to make a call: "Master, Yes, it's the address I gave you last time, you can prepare to come here."

"You... you haven't let them come over yet." Li Shuyao opened her mouth and touched her face. Did she force her to kiss him just now?It must have been kissed forcibly...but it feels really good.


"Of course, how can I let them come without your consent." Fang Xuening nodded with a smile, and then directly hugged Li Shuyao gently: "Okay, my luggage will be here in the afternoon, with me With you, you are not alone, how is it, moved?"

Don't dare to move, don't dare to move, don't dare to move at all.

Fang Xuening went back to her room happily, thinking that today's Yaoyao seems to be more attractive, and it seems that she has come out of her sadness, so she can rest assured.

For the past few months, she has been playing the piano at home, and even the videos posted on the website are sad songs, and she has been trying to contact her but can't get in touch.

And this time, she hadn't released a new video for nearly ten days in a row, so she was going to come and watch it. Although she looked a little haggard, her mental state was much stronger than two months ago.

Seems to have come out of the pain of losing a loved one.

That's fine. In the future, I will follow her to be a free and free UP master. With Xiao Yaoyao's conditions and talents, plus her own recommendation, it will not be a problem to mix into a central UP master. As for whether it can be a head or not, Then it's up to her.

In this era of the fan economy where traffic is king, the central part is not bad. If you don’t have big ambitions, you can usually support yourself with an occasional advertisement or two.

Then I recommend her to pick up some performances, participate in some activities and the like, which is very good.

What's more, Xiao Yaoyao herself is a scholar, and it will be easy for her to take an exam and study for a Ph.D.

Fang Xuening looked back at Li Shuyao who picked up the phone and started to order food.

Xiao Yaoyao is still young, she is really heartless.

Still, it looks good, and life must go on.

I'll be a little guardian first!

At this moment, a certain white-haired maternity MAX!

At noon, Fang Xuening looked at a large table of food in a daze: "Well, Yaoyao, is there anyone else coming at noon?"

"No, just the two of us." Li Shuyao ate the chicken wings wrapped in salted egg with great energy. I used to feel greasy after eating too much, but now it's not at all. Every one is delicious, oh ho ho, Why don't the system change its name to the food system.

"Then...then why are we ordering so many dishes? It's not good to waste food." Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao with a bit of regret. Sure enough, the child started to overeat after suffering a major blow. This is not good. very bad.

"No no no, I will definitely not waste food, don't worry." Li Shuyao waved her hand: "I eat a lot now, you will get used to it later."

Li Shuyao thought about whether to expose the big appetite, but suddenly thought that Fang Xuening should not leave for a while, and she will find out sooner or later that she can no longer use the system.

So, long pain is worse than short pain.

So in the next half an hour, Fang Xuening's worldview... collapsed...

 Well, yes, I still like the pure color of lilies.

(End of this chapter)

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