Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 8 White Hair!White hair!

Chapter 8 White Hair!White hair!
Li Shuyao picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was already 8 pm. Who would come at this time?
Suddenly, a figure appeared in her mind...

" can't be Fang Xuening." Li Shuyao slammed his mouth, and then ran downstairs, this Fang Xuening is very familiar to her, she is her best friend... uh, it is her original One of my best friends, if the door opens late, hum...

"Wow..." Li Shuyao panted and opened the door of the small garden. At this time, she has not fully recovered, and she has not added the genes copied from the two thieves to her own genes, so she is still in physical strength. A weak chicken.

As soon as the door was opened, a girl in a black slim dress and black boots stood coolly outside the door, the breeze blew, and her long milky white hair made her face even more rosy.

It's just that she didn't have any expression on her face at this time, and looked at Li Shuyao who was holding the doorknob flatly.

"Yaoyao, you have to be restrained." Fang Xuening patted Li Shuyao on the shoulder lightly, then walked straight to the house without looking at her, as if she didn't consider herself an outsider at all.

Li Shuyao closed the door with a speechless expression. Judging from her past experience, she couldn't take her words, otherwise she could give you a life of doubt.

Fang Xuening Shi Shiran walked into the house, frowned slightly when he saw the slightly messy hall, and then put on his slippers: "Yaoyao, why is your living room... so messy, I Help you clean up."

Fang Xuening looked back at Li Shuyao and smiled slightly at her, looking harmless to humans and animals.

"Ah, that, it's so late, let's clean it up tomorrow." Li Shuyao scratched his head. The two thieves bumped around a few times in the living room before, the table and sofa were all skewed, and there were still some footprints on the ground.

She was busy all day today, and she didn't pay attention.

"It's okay, I'll help you." Fang Xuening said and walked upstairs, then walked into a guest room naturally, put on a relaxed home clothes, put on apron gloves, and ran to the bathroom to take out A mop that has not been used for a long time...

Li Shuyao either uses a robot vacuum or a housekeeping service. Anyway, there is a special housekeeping service company in the community, which is very convenient. A phone call will come to the door soon.

If Fang Xuening hadn't taken out this mop, she would have forgotten there was such a thing...

Wait, why is Fang Xuening more familiar with this family than herself.

"That, Xuening, what are you doing here so late?" Li Shuyao asked while helping up the shelf that the two thieves knocked down.

"I have a cover song to release, but I'm missing a little bit of feeling." Fang Xuening nodded with satisfaction after seeing the footprints on the ground being cleaned up: "That's why I want to invite you to help with a piece of piano."

"However, why are there such footprints in your house?" Fang Xuening tilted his head and looked at Li Shuyao curiously.

"Ah this..." Li Shuyao scratched his head: "Actually, my house was burglarized last night, or this morning..."

So, Li Shuyao told Fang Xuening about the situation of the two thieves.

"It's so dangerous, hurry up and change the lock." Fang Xuening looked up and down at Li Shuyao: "So you are so haggard because you didn't sleep well last night?"

"It's been changed today." Li Shuyao blinked, and she was much better than before. At first, when a delivery guy saw him, he thought he had encountered a ghost.

It's just that it hasn't fully recovered to its perfect state yet.

Humph, when I wake up, I'll make you fall in love with me tomorrow!

But this milky white hair with a pure face is too lethal...

After cleaning up the room, it was almost nine o'clock, and there was nothing else to do today. Li Shuyao was going to take a shower and went to bed.

Wait, did Fang Xuening come to play the piano...

Forget it, I'll talk about it tomorrow, I'm so sleepy today.

Lying comfortably in the big round bathtub, feeling the warm water and soft bubbles, Li Shuyao suddenly felt that this kind of life is not bad, I can be lazy and it's my hometown...


Just when Li Shuyao was enjoying the warm bubble bath, the sliding door of the bathroom was suddenly opened, and then a certain white hair walked over with a bath towel as if nothing had happened.

"Go to the side." Fang Xuening waved to Li Shuyao, and after Li Shuyao moved to the side, she jumped in comfortably...

"You...why are you here." Li Shuyao stared, what's going on, this is not right, although the towel is quite, this bathtub is quite

In short, why didn't she take a shower in the bathroom of the guest room, what was she doing here.

"The bathtub in the guest room is too small." Fang Xuening closed his eyes gently: "And you have to drain the water yourself, so troublesome, don't you welcome me?"

Is that why you run into someone's bathtub in the middle of the night?And what kind of trouble is your innocent expression on? If you don't know, you think I'm bullying you.


The warm water enveloped Li Shuyao, which slowed her thinking down a bit. At this moment, she didn't want to worry about those things. Let's soak together, and the place is quite big anyway.

In such a warm environment, Li Shuyao didn't want to speak, so he closed his eyes so gently, and rested on the small ceramic pillow behind him, feeling very comfortable.

Then she felt a small hand lightly patted on her thigh... and moved up and down a few times.

"Cough..." Li Shuyao coughed, feeling the need to remind a certain white hair.

"What's wrong?" Fang Xuening blinked her big eyes and looked at her innocently.

"You..." Li Shuyao was about to say something when she suddenly saw a series of "golden attributes" that almost blinded her eyes...

"Hey... what kind of winner in life is this?" Li Shuyao slapped her mouth and complained about Fang Xuening in her heart, and then began to browse Fang Xuening's superb genes, as for the little hand that was placed on her...

what hand?Where's the hand?

"Hey, the perfect language talent is level 9, and the excellent singing talent is level 7. These two are the most attractive... uh, don't need the others, either they are the same as my golden attribute, or I use No way, but... what happened to that old Siji's talent, you've fallen into the system!"

Li Shuyao complained silently twice, and then copied the language talent and singing talent into the system's archives. These two solved her urgent needs. She was still thinking about whether to change a song or not. Now it seems that No need, you can safely make her "Crossing Divine Comedy".

Wow, this song was considered one of the Divine Comedies back then, and there was once a "bloody storm" on the Internet. Well, it was the kind of blood on the face of Meng Meng.

Of course, these are not the most important, the most important thing is that this song brought her countless small money, wow...

Li Shuyao, who was thinking about a better life in the future, suddenly stagnated for a while, because some evil little hand had already moved up a little bit, and unknowingly held it directly...

"Student Fang Xuening, is your hand in the wrong place?" Li Shuyao opened his eyes and said speechlessly.

"Really? Is there any?"

A certain white hair blinked and looked at her innocently.

 Today is still a diligent two-shift beast~ I suddenly feel that it seems that there are more people updating at night... Do you want to change it to the evening...

(End of this chapter)

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