Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 120 What's on the Attic

Chapter 120 What's on the Attic

"Yaoyao is really a bit biased here." Li Yuanjun got out of the commercial vehicle with a bunch of flowers in his hand. They had been running for a long time, and it was already past one in the afternoon.

"I don't know what to eat, I'm going to starve to death." Brother Yu touched his belly and smacked his mouth: "She said that she is very good at cooking, so she won't give us another cup of lemon fruit tea. "

"Probably not, how can you say that Yaoyao can be regarded as half a gourmet up master, right, how can you have some delicious food at home." Li Yuanjun said.

"And one more thing, she doesn't live alone, right? Those who live alone may be a little lazy. There are either instant noodles at home or no, and they only order takeaways. But there are three people in her family. In addition to Yaoyao, Xueer and Jingyi, this must be in stock, and girls, there will always be a lot of weird little snacks."

Brother Yu smashed his mouth:

"I have a deep understanding of this."

"That's right, I have it too." Liyuan Bacteria nodded.

"Hey, if you put it this way, it's as if we've taken advantage of three up masters, right, the three of them live together." Brother Yu stretched out three fingers!

"Hey! That's right for you to say that, our first issue is worth three!"

"One issue is better than three issues!"

"Haha, then let's like about..." Liyuan Bacteria blinked and stretched out a thumb: "We also want the third issue?"

"Cough, cough, don't, don't." Brother Yu hurriedly stopped Liyuan Bacteria.

"But...what if they don't cook, but just eat takeaway?" Liyuan Bacteria scratched his head.

"Then... as long as she orders some fruit tea and instant noodles, we'll count!" Brother Yu waved his hand.

"Eat whatever you have?"

"Eat whatever you have!"



The two sang together and started walking towards Li Shuyao's house. After registering with the guard, the two entered the community together.

The scenery of this community appeared in the previous cooperation video, so the two of them walked in very calmly, um, it really is a little rich woman.

All the way to Li Shuyao's house, after ringing the doorbell, Li Shuyao came out bouncingly: "Welcome to my house."

"Ah, hello, I... um, I'm Liyuan Bacteria." Liyuan Bacteria stood outside the door and smiled awkwardly, then quickly pulled Brother Yu who was beside him and said with a smile: "Hehehe, this is Brother Yu .”

"Yes, yes, I am Brother Yu, hehehe..."

"Hey Hey……"

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, why did the two start laughing awkwardly all of a sudden, I'm also quite embarrassed that you stood at the door laughing awkwardly together.

"What, let's come in and talk." Li Shuyao scratched her head.

"Oh yes yes, go in."


" you want to say hello to our audience friends?" Li Yuanjun said to Li Shuyao holding up the camera.

"Ah, hello everyone, welcome to my house." Captain Li Shuyao waved his hand with a smile on camera.

"Well, welcome to my home."

"Welcome to my home..."

Li Shuyao was a little speechless when she saw the two also said the same thing to the camera, why did they look very nervous.

" about sitting down and having a cup of tea?" Li Shuyao asked tentatively.

"Ah, yes, yes, drink tea and drink tea."

"Drinking tea is good, drinking tea is good."

The two nodded together, and then sat on the sofa in the hall. Brother Gou ran over, jumped on the coffee table and looked at the two curiously.

"Oh, this is your cat. What's its name?" Brother Yu asked, pointing at the kitten.

"Brother Dog," said Li Shuyao who was making tea for two people in the kitchen.


Li Yuanjun and Brother Yu glanced at each other... They had heard of someone called Mimi, Meow, and Cat, but this was the first time they heard someone called Gouge.

As expected, it's the musician's dog...ah no, it's a cat.

"Come, let's drink tea."

Li Shuyao came over with two cups of tea, and put them in front of Brother Yu and Li Yuanjun.

"Okay, are we just getting there?" Liyuan Bacteria said after drinking a cup of tea.

"Wow, this tea is so delicious, I can describe it in four words..." Brother Yu smacked his lips.

"Uh... refreshing?" Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"It melts in the mouth." Liyuan Bacteria smacked its mouth.

"It's refreshing." Li Shuyao pursed her lips and said.

"It's indescribable." Brother Yu followed up.

"It's refreshing." Li Shuyao continued with a suppressed smile.

"Okay, it's refreshing." Liyuan Bacteria nodded immediately.

"OK, we have another idiom today! It's refreshing!" Brother Yu shouted while holding the cup!

Then the three of them suddenly became quiet, as if crows flew over their heads.

" about I show you around my home?"

After a short period of silence, Li Shuyao took the initiative to mention it. She felt that if she didn't speak anymore, maybe everyone would sit face to face until night.

"Yes, yes, let's take a look together." Liyuan Bacteria said quickly.

"Yes, yes, yes..." Brother Yu also nodded.

"Then let's start directly upstairs." Li Shuyao took the two of them up, and after they reached the second floor, they walked directly to the innermost part of the second floor, pointing to a small staircase and said:

"This is the place leading to the attic. Yes, there is a small attic above this, mainly for storing some sundries."

"Oh..." Liyuan Bacteria nodded: "Inexplicably reminds me of the plot in some movies."

"Then when we go up, there's a dead body hidden on it, hahaha..."

The two laughed and laughed, and suddenly saw Li Shuyao's expression was a little strange.

Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows slightly, the corners of her mouth curled up little by little, and then she took out a "long knife" with "blood" from behind her and said word by word: "Also... maybe..."

Power Source Bacteria: "..."

Brother Yu "..."

"Then...that, don't...don't be kidding." Liyuan Bacteria waved his hand.

"Fuck...Yao...Yaoyao...over the head...I'll go..." Before Liyuan Bacteria could finish speaking, Brother Yu suddenly saw a drop of red liquid dripping from the door of the attic directly above Yaoyao's head.


The people who came came shouted together and turned around to run.

"Hahahaha...just kidding." Li Shuyao laughed hahaha, then threw the plastic knife aside, and Fang Xuening jumped down from the attic laughing haha.

"Haha, Brother Yu, how are you Liyuanjun, haha." Fang Xuening stood beside Li Shuyao holding a small red bottle.

"I'm going... I'm scared to death." Brother Yu patted his chest.

"It's ok, your show is full of effects." Li Yuanjun also took a few breaths, mainly because Li Shuyao's expression just now was really horrifying, and it was inexplicably similar to the ghost's smile in a horror movie.

"Okay, let's add a sound effect to this part, it will definitely scare many audiences." Brother Yu said with lingering fear.

"Haha, why don't you go up and have a look? Haha, there's nothing there, just some items that you don't usually use." Fang Xuening said with a smile: "It may still be tricky, you decide for yourself."

"Would you like to take a look?" Liyuan Bacteria looked at Brother Yu.

"Then...randomly, 1 to watch, 2 not to watch." Brother Yu took out his phone.


Brother Yu clicked, and the number 1 appeared.

"Go, go and see!"


The two walked up the stairs. The moment they went up, Fang Xuening and Li Shuyao glanced at each other, and then Fang Xuening lightly pressed a button...


Suddenly, two people screamed in the attic.


 If you had an attic in your home, what would you put it in?
(End of this chapter)

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