Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 121 I have never fought such a wealthy battle

Chapter 121 I have never fought such a wealthy battle
When Brother Yu and Li Yuanjun first went up, what they saw was indeed just some sundries, and they were neatly arranged. It looked like an ordinary attic, but because they were scared by Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening just now All of a sudden, so the two of them still felt a little bit worried.

Then, the moment Fang Xuening pressed the button, a puppet with disheveled hair and white clothes fell from the sky and appeared directly in front of them. The two people, who were caught off guard and a little scared before, yelled out.

But soon the two discovered that the one that fell before them was a rag doll.

"Why are you yelling so loudly? It scared me." Li Yuanjun yelled at Brother Yu.

"Obviously you surprised me." Brother Yu stepped forward to take a look at the little doll. It must have been made in a hurry, so the production was relatively rough, with some red ink painted on the face.

"Tsk tsk, we... have been tricked." Liyuan Bacteria laughed.

"Yes, the effect of this show is absolutely explosive." Brother Yu also slapped his mouth: "I really know how to play. I see that there is a camera on the opposite side, which is specially waiting for the two of us to come up."

"It's ok, I didn't notice it." Liyuan Bacteria followed Brother Yu's hand to look over, and sure enough, he saw a camera with a small red light flashing.

"This... people are so well prepared... those who don't know think we have a script." Brother Yu smacked his mouth: "I have even thought about the title of our video now."

"How did it start? Going to someone else's house for a meal and being tricked instead?"


The two walked down with a smile. Anyway, the video will definitely be edited, so they don't care what they say in the middle, just cut it out if it doesn't fit.

"Yaoyao, it's ok..." Brother Yu gave Li Shuyao a thumbs up immediately after he came down.

"Haha, it was mainly Jingyi's idea, and Xue'er and I carried it out." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Where is Jingyi? It can't be that there is something tricky." Liyuan Bacteria looked around: "Let me tell you, we are already prepared, and we will definitely not be fooled. "

"No, no, the prank must work the first time, and it won't work the second time. Let's take a look at the room." Fang Xuening said with a chuckle.

"Here is the room where we are that person, this is mine, this is Xueer's, this is Jingyi's... and over there is a small balcony on the second floor, where you can read books and play Playing games, looking at the scenery or something."

Li Shuyao then took two people to look at the layout of the room, this time there was really no trickery.

There was nothing special in the room, and I didn't go in to take a closer look. After all, it was a girl's room, and neither of them just glanced at it and left.

I'm really interested in the sign on the door.

What left the deepest impression on them on the second floor is naturally the balcony with beautiful layout. It is said to be a balcony, but it is actually a small living room. Imagine that Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening are sitting on a lazy sofa reading a book, and the sunlight outside shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows On the table and bookshelf in warm colors, it is really beautiful.

"Come on, let's go downstairs."

"This is the piano room, where I usually create, play the piano, etc. There are also some other musical instruments in it."

The two of them looked at the room full of various musical instruments and nodded. Sure enough, the home of the music up owner is different, and a room was specially set up for music.

"This is the place where you used to shoot those piano playing videos." Li Yuanjun looked at the music room and said, "It's so artistic, how many people dream of having such a room here."

"Indeed..." Brother Yu nodded, "But I already have my fantasy e-sports study room."

"This is our recording room. Because it's too troublesome to go out, we built a small one by ourselves. The previous songs were basically born here." Li Shuyao continued to bring people to the next recording room. between.

As for her parents' room, she didn't open it. She has always protected that room very well and often cleaned it.

"Ah, I remembered, is this the same room as the studio version you played..." Brother Yu jumped up and said, "My God, I thought you were in the recording studio, didn't you?" It's too romantic to think that you are in your own home."

Li Yuanjun also nodded. The piano room next to it is very good. This recording studio really hits the little romance in everyone's heart.

Well, it would be even better if there is another gaming room.

"Okay, that's it." Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening brought them back to the living room.

"Hey, but, where did Jingyi go, why didn't I see her even after turning around." Liyuan Bacteria scratched his head.

"She has something to do, so she just isn't in the room." Fang Xuening said with a smile.

"Not bad, then..." Liyuan Bacteria blinked, and his eyes kept drifting to the kitchen.

"Well, what's next..." Brother Yu also started to glance at the kitchen.

"Oh oh oh oh, I understand!" Li Shuyao nodded, then smiled at Li Yuanjun's camera and said, "My friends, this is the end of this video, see you next time."

"Goodbye." Fang Xuening followed behind and waved.

"Hey, hey, it's not... it's not... it's over?" Brother Yu blinked his eyes with a confused look on his face.

"That's right, I've finished watching the house." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Yes." Fang Xuening also nodded.

"No, no, that...we're here for Cengfan, Cengfan..." Liyuan Bacteria opened his mouth, didn't eat at noon, ran all the way and wasted a lot of time, and now he was about to starve to death.

"That's right, the one who ate food."

"We still have a song..." Li Yuanjun glanced at Brother Yu.

"Ah, yes, that's how it's sung." Brother Yu stepped on his feet and started singing while dancing: "hungry, we're very hungry today."

"It's very angry and angry if I didn't catch up with the meal." Liyuan Bacteria also sang along.

"Hahaha... It's here, isn't there some tea?" Fang Xuening smiled while holding a teacup.

"Cough cough cough... this... ah..."

"Haha, just to tease you, don't you want to know where Jingyi is, you can find out by going to the backyard." Li Shuyao smiled and pointed to the small door leading to the backyard.

The two looked in the direction Li Shuyao pointed, and there was indeed a backyard door over there, which was tightly closed. They had never noticed this way before, or Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening had always done it deliberately. Kind of shy away from this side.

"No... what kind of trick is it? As soon as I went out, I saw a huge ghost over there." Liyuan Bacteria laughed.

"Go and have a look." Yu Ge pulled the Liyuan bacteria and walked towards the small door.

As soon as the door was opened, the two of them were stunned. There were two rows of tables in front of the exquisite tent, and there were various seafood on the tables. Tantai Jingyi was playing with barbecue behind an oven.

"Hey, are you having fun?" Tantai Jingyi said with a smile and waved her hands: "Wash your hands and come help."

"It's okay bro... My God, buddy has never fought such a rich battle." Liyuan Bacteria opened its mouth.

"No matter who is cooking today, my brother Yu will definitely help out!" Brother Yu also smacked his mouth beside him.

 I got up early in the morning to do a nucleic acid test. It was raining in Dalian, and my hands were a little stiff from the cold...

(End of this chapter)

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