Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 128 Is This the Goddess' Technique?

Chapter 128 Is This the Goddess' Technique?
There is no technical difficulty in blowing a balloon, the main thing is to dare to blow it. After all, this thing exploded in front of your eyes. If you dare not blow it, it will definitely not explode...

When the three teams started to blow up balloons, Li Shuyao also took a balloon and blew it up with a bang.

Li Yuanjun and Sanmu looked at Li Shuyao, Li Yuanjun was still covering his ears with one hand and holding a half-blown balloon with the other, squinting his eyes and not daring to blow it.

"So, is it simple?" Liyuan Bacteria blinked, why can't I explode.

"Bang!" Sanmu blew up a balloon expressionlessly.

"..." Well, you are all very good.

The sound of blowing balloons sounded one after another in several areas...

Soon, ah, I will finish playing this side, and then move on to the next game... reciting poems.

"The next item is to recite poems, and that, to recite Ailian." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Why not Shui Tiao Ge Tou." Zhe Bie smiled and said, "I can slip by memorizing this poem."

"Haha, if Yaoyao made up the music on the spot, Ailian said, and we would memorize it all at once." Ah Ma Zong also said with a smile.

"The on-site arrangement is not as fast as your memorization on the spot." Li Shuyao pouted: "It's okay for the two of you to memorize half of the song or finish the whole song by yourself."


Then the game proceeded one by one. Everyone recited the poems together and then the tug-of-war. Originally, Li Shuyao thought that the team with Brother Yu should be the most powerful in the tug-of-war.

After all, Brother Yu still has a slight advantage in this project in terms of body shape and weight.

But in the first round of tug-of-war with Ama Zong and Zhebie team, Brother Yu and Da Xia actually lost!
Li Shuyao was taken aback for a moment, as expected, the tug-of-war is actually a skill game, and the prawns are indeed too thin...

But in the end, Liyuan Bacteria and Sanmu lost the game, and they had to be punished for half an hour before continuing to the next game.

Li Shuyao brought the two winning teams to the sofa in the living room, and put the two water glasses at a certain distance in front of them.

Li Shuyao sat on the sofa with a ping-pong ball, aimed at a water glass, and threw the ping-pong ball into the water glass with a click: "Look, it's that simple, you just need to throw the ping-pong ball in here."

6 ups: "..."

I go, what happened?Why did you throw it in like that?It's that simple?Is this game so simple?We've tried it before, and it's not that simple.

"Just throw one in. Come on, everyone." Li Shuyao waved her hand with a smile, and then gave up the venue.

The 4 ups followed suit and started throwing ping-pong balls like Li Shuyao did before.

Maybe it's because everyone's throwing posture was not right...

Well, it must be, maybe this posture is easier to cast.


10 minutes passed.

"No, no, I still have to play it." Brother Yu shook his head.

"No, how did you throw this just now..." Ah Zong handed the ball to Li Shuyao again: "Demonstrate it again, let me see."

"Oh..." Li Shuyao took the ball, took a little aim, and threw it into the glass with a click: "It's just like that, it's very simple."

Several people looked at each other...

This is a foodie... Ah no, the ability of the goddess of justice is so strong.

"Forget it, I think we should vote according to our method." Zhebie said.

"I feel so too."



Several people nodded, Li Shuyao is not an ordinary person!I watched the video before, it seems that this guy can also martial arts, I don't know if it is true or not, but the posture of watching the video does not seem to be fake, it seems that it really seems to be the case.

So, a few people still throw the ball in their own way...

After a while, prawn, who was the most talented in aiming, threw the ball into the cup and completed the first kill of the game...

However, everyone seems to be less excited.

"Let's go, let's go to the next game." Li Shuyao led them to the next stop, and the time for punishment was almost here.

Liyuan Bacteria, who had been watching for a long time, took two balls and sat on the sofa.

After only two throws, the ping pong ball went straight into the glass!
As soon as Li Shuyao took the two people in front to the place, cheers came from behind...

Ah well, Zong and Zhebie fell to the end all of a sudden.

"Here we come, we come."

Li Shuyao was holding a dart when Li Yuanjun and Sanmu rushed in.

"You guys are so fast." Brother Yu's eyes widened.

"Of course, the Power Source Bacteria just threw it in twice, and it took less than a minute!" Sanmu said.

"Oh yes, I remember that Liyuan Bacteria made a similar video before." Da Xia said, "Yes, it's amazing."

"That's... the essence of this game is to overtake!" Liyuan Bacteria raised his head.

"Okay, let me demonstrate. The next game is to throw darts." Li Shuyao held two darts, and then stood by and aimed at the target in the corner.

"Wait..." Ah Ma stretched out his hand to stop it: "That... you won't... you won't just finish it again."

"No way..." Sanmu opened his mouth, and the others also looked at Li Shuyao.

Li Shuyao glanced at it, then waved his hand, and the two darts were all fixed on the red heart of the target.

"Hey, it's enough for each team to throw two darts into hearts, it's easy." Li Shuyao clapped his hands and smiled.

The distance between them is not far, that is, the distance of three or four steps. If she can't hit the throw at this distance, Teacher Han Liang can come and beat her to death.


The others gasped.

"Why does it feel like she didn't come to participate in the competition..."

"It's kind of..."

"Why don't you cut this part out."

"Too hurtful."


"Come on, brothers, get moving, the game is about to start, each person takes a few darts, take turns." Li Shuyao clapped his hands, then distributed the darts to several people, turned around and ran to see the other team situation.

The few remaining people looked at each other again.

"Come on guys."

"Come, come!"

"Look at me!"


This side started throwing darts, and the other side was still throwing ping pong balls, Li Shuyao suddenly felt that she was free...

She ran to see the aunt who was staying behind in the villa. The aunt had already bought a lot of fresh ingredients. After paying for the food and labor costs, Li Shuyao asked the aunt to help with the ingredients.

When Li Shuyao took out another chicken leg, the ping-pong ball throwing over there was finally over.

The call sign ran over there and threw darts.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, sure enough the boys are still alive.

Throwing darts was not as easy as it seemed. Several people took turns throwing darts many times and they still didn't hit two, but there was one.

All 6 people gathered together in this room seemed a little crowded.

Well, especially after Li Shuyao came in with chicken legs6
"Come on, come on, come on... Brothers, work hard." Li Shuyao held up the chicken leg and cheered beside him: "It's actually not that difficult, it's a feeling! If you feel it, you'll hit it!"

As soon as Li Shuyao finished speaking, the prawn slapped it onto the red heart.

"NICE!" Brother Yu shouted: "We succeeded, next one! It's not easy..."

 What's the matter with falling in love in dreams these two days...

(End of this chapter)

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