Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 129 Is she here to smash the scene?

Chapter 129 Is she here to smash the scene?
Li Shuyao took the team of prawns and Brother Yu who completed the first level to continue to the next level. On the other side, he looked at the time. It was only three hours in total. The team lost the game.

Then that team needs to dye their hair!
The half dyed one!

So the closer the end is, the more intense the competition becomes.

"This level is very simple. It is to use the neck to turn the hula hoop. Everyone has to turn it. It is enough for one person to turn 10 times in a row." Li Shuyao put the chicken legs beside her and said, holding two ordinary hula hoops.

"Aren't you going to demonstrate this time?" Brother Yu asked while holding a hula hoop.

"No." Li Shuyao shook her head.

"Ang? Why..." Da Xia blinked.

"It's too ugly, and it's easy to be intercepted." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth. She could think that once this game was recorded, every frame would be an emoticon!She doesn't want it!
Brother Yu and Da Xia looked at each other, and suddenly felt that the hula hoop in their hands became heavy.


"let's start!"

Heavy has to be done too!
The prawn started to turn when it was put on the neck. It has to be said that the prawn's neck is really long, and this turn is more obvious.

Brother Yu smacked his mouth next to him.

Hey, what Li Shuyao said is right, it seems that it is really all emojis.

My God, what should I do if I have idol baggage.

"It's over!" Shrimp turned around 10 times and looked at Brother Yu.

The air was a little quiet at this moment, but cheers continued to come from the room where the darts were thrown.

"Ahem... Well, I'm starting to spin." After a few seconds of silence, Brother Yu closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and put the hula hoop around his neck.

Da Xia looked at the "ferocious" brother Yu and smacked his mouth, damn it, it seems that it is really full of emojis.

However, this game is indeed very simple, and both of them passed it in one go.

"Then for the next game, you will recite in your mind for 10 seconds, and I will time the time here, with an error of 0.1 seconds, that is to say, it will be considered a success between 9.9 seconds and 10.1 seconds." Li Shuyao took out her mobile phone and said.

"I'll do it, I'll do it." Shrimp closed his eyes and started counting the seconds.

After a while, the prawn suddenly called out: "Stop! How many seconds?"

Brother Yu looked at the timer: "8...8 seconds."

On the other side, Sanmu invented a new method of throwing darts, and directly took a handful of darts and threw them on the target. Not to mention, this method made throwing darts a lot easier, and quickly completed two hits Heart request.

So Ah well Zong and Zhebie came to the end again.

When Sanmu and Liyuanjun ran to the hula hoop, Da Xia also finished the countdown and directly entered the next part of the game.

Li Shuyao took a basketball and a hula hoop, and led Da Xia and Brother Yu to the basketball hoop in the yard.

"The tenth level is shooting." Li Shuyao walked a few steps with a hula hoop and put it down, almost at the position of a free throw: "Shoot in this hula hoop, 10 consecutive shots, you can pass the level, remember It’s 10 shots in a row, not 10 shots in total.”

"Wait... Are you going to say that you want to demonstrate to us again." Liyuan Bacteria, who was watching the fun with a hula hoop in the back, said, "Our hula hoop is over here, and we will wait for you to count down the seconds."

"Right now, wait for me, give me time for a song." Li Shuyao waved his hand, then patted the ball lightly, and looked at the basket above his head.

Back then, my mother was also a not-so-famous small forward who was famous in the midday sports circle on campus, so things like shooting basketball were not difficult!
Li Shuyao took a deep breath and adjusted her body to the best condition.



"Bang, swish!"

Play the board.

"Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!"

Li Shuyao made 10 consecutive baskets, all of which were hits!
Li Shuyao slammed her mouth. If I had this kind of accuracy back then, I would have been able to enter the school team anyway. It's a pity, it's a pity.

The 6 ups opened their mouths looking at the basketball constantly bouncing on the ground... Inexplicably, they felt that Li Shuyao didn't come to be a referee, as if he was here to smash the field.

"Come here, those who count down the seconds, come here, those who shoot continue to shoot." Li Shuyao waved her hand, and then quickly ran into the room, she hadn't finished eating the chicken legs yet!

Brother Yu looked at the other 4 ups and followed Li Shuyao to count the seconds step by step, then turned to look at Da Xia: "To be honest, we really didn't expect her to be so fierce. Really, you have to believe me."

"This... who would have thought of it." Da Xia smacked his mouth: "This is too scary, it's like cheating, it's normal for you to say that you are good at one project, why do you feel that she is good at every project. "

"Forget it, he's a genius, let's hurry up and shoot." Brother Yu said, "I'll take this project. You've passed the previous few projects. I'll take this one."

"Yeah." Shrimp nodded, shooting is really not his strong point.

He is still a little bit shocked by Li Shuyao...

These few projects are difficult to say, but they are definitely not easy to say that they are simple, especially if they pass them once, they are even more difficult. Is this a robot?

Soon, the countdown over there was also over.

This is relatively simple, as long as you calm down a few times, you can find the pattern.

So, basically everyone came here to shoot, and the three teams took turns. If they made a shot, they continued to shoot, and if they didn't make a shot, they changed.

The sun is gradually setting to the west...

Li Shuyao was eating ice cream next to her and looking at her watch. The time passed by. Brother Yu had scored 7 goals in a row, but he still didn't make 10 consecutive goals.

With more than 20 minutes before the end of the game, Brother Yu finally made 10 shots in a row. Hearing his strenuous shouts, Li Shuyao nodded in relief.

Sure enough, hard work will pay off.

Brother Yu was very excited at first, but then he turned his head and saw Li Shuyao...

Immediately, I was not so excited.

I'm so excited, I scored 10 in a row for the first time. It didn't look like anything before, but when I really played it, I knew it was really difficult.

It's easy to get one or two, and it's not difficult to get 10 in total, but it's too much a test to get 10 in a row.

They are not professional basketball players...

Fuck, is this Li Shuyao a professional athlete? Why can he do it!

She's here to mess things up!

The time is coming to an end, so it is very important for them to win this victory at this time. Basically, they can be sure that they don't need to dye their hair. After all, there is only one team that lost today, so as long as there is one team among the remaining two teams If this level is not completed, then they win.

Li Shuyao took the two of them to the next level. The next level was to use the handle of the ping-pong ball to bounce the ball. If you can bounce the ball 10 times, you will be successful.

But obviously, the two of them didn't have much interest in juggling the ball, and the time was about to end, so the two of them looked out the window while juggling the ball...

"There are still 10 minutes left, everyone, come on." Li Shuyao was carrying a table tennis racket, and while walking, she used the handle to shake the table tennis ball without dropping it!

Brother Yu looked at the table tennis racket in his hand...

Immediately there was no interest in continuing.

Madan, it's too shocking.

This guy can do everything?

"I'm thinking, if she came to break through, how many levels can she break through today..." Da Xia smacked his mouth, feeling like she was going to win...

 Hahaha, there were no new additions in Dalian yesterday, hahaha, great, but you still need to pay attention to protection, come on!
(End of this chapter)

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