Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 130 How Long Will It Take Her to Break Through

Chapter 130 How long will it take for her to break through ten levels

When Brother Yu and Da Xia were thinking, there were cheers from Zong and Zhebie. Less than 10 minutes before the end of the game, they finally completed the task of shooting 10 baskets in a row. It also means that they are at least not the last one.

Although Li Shuyao made 10 shots when he first came up, it was a bit shocking, but they finally succeeded after working hard for such a long time, and it might be a lore, so both of them were very excited.

No need to dye your hair!

Then the two saw Li Shuyao who was juggling the ball next to him...


never mind!The two turned around and looked at Liyuan Bacteria and Sanmu.

There are still 5 minutes, can you two make it?

Li Shuyao also looked at the two of them curiously.

Although there are still 10 minutes left, if they can make shots, it will only take a few minutes, and as long as they continue to make consecutive shots, she will let them continue to make shots even if it is overtime, either succeeding or failing.

The ball thrown before the time is up also counts.

Li Yuanjun held the ball and stood inside the hula hoop. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes gently, and patted the basketball lightly with both hands.

At this moment, Li Shuyao seemed to see many players on his not-so-tall body!
Among those people, some once achieved the buzzer lore, some achieved an incredible 35 seconds, and some cried to the coach that I want to play!

At this time, Li Shuyao's mind was filled with an exciting BGM, and the intense rhythm constantly stimulated her cerebral cortex. She wished that she was the one who reversed the situation on the field at this moment!
At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Li Yuanjun, and only the distant birdsong and the constantly changing rhythm of the ping-pong ball in Li Shuyao's hands remained in the field...

Time passed minute by minute.

It seems that he is looking for a one-hit chance, it seems that he is thinking of ways to reverse the situation, it seems that he is listening to the sound of the constantly beating ping-pong ball.

Damn it, why hasn't the ping pong ball in Li Shuyao's hand dropped yet!

Just when everyone was thinking about ping pong balls, Li Shuyao slightly tilted her hand, and the ping pong ball slipped off the racket and landed gently on the ground.

This sound seemed to turn on a switch, and Liyuan Bacteria suddenly opened his eyes, holding the basketball in both hands, looking at the basket, sincere and fiery!
This time, he wants to turn things around!

He's out!

With everyone's hope, the spirit of reversal, and the climax of the BGM, the basketball draws an elegant arc in the air and rushes to the basket!



didn't get in...

Li Shuyao: "..."

Ah Well Zong: "..."

Zhebie: "..."

Power Source Bacteria: "..."

Three eyes: "..."

Brother Yu: "..."

Prawns "..."

The sky is blue and there are thousands of paper cranes outside the window...

Cough, you were so hot before, I thought you were going to reverse the situation, but why didn't you invest in it directly, aren't you wasting my feelings.

Li Shuyao was speechless, just look at your expression, that movement, that BGM!

Oh, you can't hear the BGM, but it doesn't matter!You go in at least one or two, let's see hope, what are you going to do if you can't get in so directly?

Waste of emotion, waste of emotion!
If you are reversed, I have already thought about what BGM to match for you, and I am ready to write a piece of music for you alone, but it's okay if you didn't put in any of them.

Then what shall I write to you then?
Write the song that the sky is blue!It seems to be called MOM.

"The time is up..." Li Shuyao looked at his watch and sighed, "Although there was a reversal among you, in the end, it still failed."

Liyuan Bacteria and Sanmu are not lagging behind from the beginning to the end, but they did lag behind for a period of time, and they lagged behind by a large margin.

But they reversed with continuous efforts, but eventually lost.

A little helpless, but there will always be a winner in the game.

Several other people walked over while applauding, and slightly hugged the defeated Ligen Bacteria and Sanmu.


The others laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, you guys are going to dye your hair, hahaha."

"Tsk tsk, there's no way, it's just that strong, hahaha."

"Why don't you two come to a traffic light, how about you dye red and you dye green?"

"Haha, we don't have to dye our hair anymore."


Liyuan Bacteria and Sanmu looked at the cheering people beside them speechlessly, they didn't understand the joys and sorrows of human beings, at this moment he just felt like beating them...

"Walk around, the recording is summarized."

"Come and come, let's go."


After chatting and laughing for a while, 6 ups are ready to record today's summary, which is not considered the ending, and they have to dye their hair at the end.

Li Shuyao didn't need to record this part. Listening to the laughter over there, it seemed that he was joking about Li Yuanjun and Sanmu who lost the game, and was also summarizing today's highlight moments.

Speaking of it, Li Shuyao was a little envious of seeing these people joking with each other. Sure enough, this is the friendship between good friends!

Instead of being like a white hair who always wants to wash with you for nothing!

Li Shuyao angrily took a bite of the leftover chicken leg, don't waste food!
By the way, I went to see how the auntie's preparations are going. Everyone will go to dye their hair soon, and it will take a long time to wait until they come back from dyeing their hair. Calculate the time and it should be a supper for everyone.

Supper is just supper, this group of people are a bit desperate to shoot videos, they don't even eat.

It's not too early to see, they have to hurry to dye their hair, it's too late and people will close the door.

So I must dye my hair before eating.

During the game, they occasionally ate some snacks with Li Shuyao, but they just stuffed their stomachs and didn't eat well.

These people are really...

Tsk tsk, these chicken legs are really delicious. I will ask them where they bought them later. I will buy some and keep them at home when I go back to make music. I will eat them when I get hungry.

Well, from now on, the rule of not eating in the piano room will be changed, and it will be changed to not eating dregs, runny soup and other foods that cause trouble to hygiene, and everything else can be eaten!
Such as chicken legs.

Eating and eating... Li Shuyao suddenly heard someone calling her, she ran over again, and then she appeared in front of everyone eating the chicken leg again.

Just like when they summoned Li Shuyao more than three hours ago!
Hiss, or call her the Goddess of Chicken Drumsticks.

Why does this guy love chicken legs so much!

No, it's not just chicken drumsticks, this guy loves to eat everything.

This time, there was a camera facing that way, so the appearance of Li Shuyao running over while eating chicken legs was actually recorded.

At this moment, Li Shuyao's expression is still a little dazed, and she looks somewhat cute.

"What's the matter?" Li Shuyao hurriedly put down the chicken legs, it's not good to eat when talking to others, it's polite!
"Uh, um, we want to see how long the 10 levels would take if you were the one to break through." Ah Ma Zong said, "It's the last little Easter egg, would you like it?"

"Okay." Li Shuyao nodded, then suddenly startled, what the hell, there are a few levels that seem a little silly.


Forget it, I promised everything, it doesn't matter!
As long as you do it fast enough, you won't be able to capture my emoji!

 I'm a little sleepy, but I wish you all good health.

(End of this chapter)

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