Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 131 Our world view has collapsed

Chapter 131 Our world view has collapsed

Seeing that Li Shuyao agreed, 6 people ran over, 3 cameras surrounded her, and then all kinds of props were prepared in their hands. They played all these games, and the props were also at hand.

They were dazzled by how quickly Li Shuyao passed each item. Now they want to see how fast Li Shuyao can complete the ten levels!
Li Shuyao didn't say anything, but squatted by the wall, and then Li Yuanjun stood on it with a piece of paper to prepare, and on the other side, he pinched his watch with his mobile phone.

"3, 2, 1, start!"

Ah well, as soon as he started talking, the paper in Liyuan Bacteria's hand fell gently from the wall.


Li Shuyao slammed her head against the wall, and the others who heard it grinned.

Let me go, as for using such force, what kind of hatred is this, are you going to smash the wall... It hurts.

However, Li Shuyao seemed to be okay, after taking away the paper, he took over the sieve cup.

This is the one she is least sure of. After all, it is purely luck, and she has not practiced any special techniques, so delaying time is the most delaying time.

Li Shuyao took the sifter and shook it casually a few times, then when she looked up, she saw everyone looking at her expectantly...

Fuck, why are you looking at me like this? Although I have a cheat, I can’t do anything. My cheat is not invincible, and it has nothing to do with luck. Look at me, it seems that I can definitely get rid of it. It's the same as making three 3s. Isn't this a joke? How could I throw three 6s at once? I have no talent in this respect!
Li Shuyao put the sifter on the table speechlessly, and then opened the sieve directly...

Three 3 o'clock are placed on it brightly.

"Hiss..." Everyone gasped. What kind of monster is this Li Shuyao? Is he so strong that he can even throw this thing out?
Li Shuyao was also stunned for a moment, damn it, didn't I just complain in my heart... As for cooperating with me so much, I strongly suspect that this is definitely God's bad taste!
When Li Shuyao got angry, she blew up 5 balloons in a row!
Angry lady!
Ah, I'm dumbfounded even if I'm standing by, it's... only a few minutes have passed, and you've broken 3 levels in a row?This is a person?Does anyone believe this?I'm afraid I don't think they are all edited.

Fuck, I feel like a mirror is all right.

At that time, it will be placed directly on p2, and it is estimated that it will be finished in less than 10 minutes.

After blowing up 5 balloons, Li Shuyao didn't care who it was, and began to recite "Ai Lian Shuo" with her mouth puffed up: "Flowers of water, land, vegetation...the love of peonies is suitable for everyone!"

After finishing speaking, Li Shuyao picked up the rope for tug-of-war and walked out. It was too easy for her to recite things. Not to mention this, she had recited it in school before, and now she just said it casually.

It is not difficult to memorize things, what is difficult is to create.

Now Li Shuyao has thought about writing her own songs, um, they are really her own songs, not copied from the past, even though they may not be as good as those popular songs, but no matter what, she still writes them herself.

But I still need an opportunity, waiting for the day when my inspiration bursts out!
Li Shuyao strutted out onto the lawn, then turned her head to look at the others: "Come on, come two or three people, let's tug of war, if I lose, I will be punished for half an hour."

A few people feel that their mouths have never been closed. This bald man has already reached the fifth level. How long has it been?Five 6 minutes?
Fuck, why does it feel like she can play 100 levels in a day.

"Well, let's send someone out to tug of war with you." Brother Yu said.

"No, brother Yu, prawn, you two come together, just a team." Li Shuyao waved his hand, hurriedly ordered, and pinched the watch over there... Ah no, it's too late and no time to cook!

Brother Yu and Da Xia glanced at each other: "How about some water?"


Then Brother Yu and Da Xia stood on the other side of Li Shuyao, picked up the rope, and just as they were posing, they suddenly felt a huge force coming from the opposite side...

The two of them were dragged over by Li Shuyao with a confused look on their faces.

"Don't let the water go, do it again." Li Shuyao was a little speechless, and asked the two to pick it up and pull it again. It was obvious that the two of them had let the water go a little bit, hum, wasting time!

"Oh oh..." Brother Yu and Da Xia picked up the rope again. What happened just now, although they said that they were a little bit wet, they wouldn't be pulled over all at once.

"Get ready!" Liyuan Bacteria raised his hand in the middle of the rope: "Start!"

Brother Yu and Da Xia were also prepared this time, this guy is not a normal person at all!Then don't release the water, so the rope was a little deadlocked for a while.

Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows. Sure enough, the tug-of-war does not depend entirely on strength, but...

"Bang!" Li Shuyao stamped her foot violently, and the ground sank slightly.

"Ha!" Li Shuyao gave a light drink, and then directly pulled the rope over...

A few people's eyes popped... Damn, is this a human?This is probably not a humanoid tyrannosaurus, it looks so beautiful, how can a girl with such a good figure contain so much energy in her body.

I'm going, it's too scary.

If there is no defense, it feels like someone can be trampled to death...

What the hell is the ground sinking a little? Hey!

After the tug-of-war, Li Shuyao ran into the house, stood in front of the sofa, threw the ping-pong ball into the bottle with a thump, then turned around and picked up the prepared dart, and threw it into the center of the target with two bangs.

Then took the hula hoop again...

To be honest, she refused to put a hula hoop around her neck. She felt that every minute and every second was a meme!This is not beautiful at all!

However, she turned slowly, who said she had to turn so fast.

Don't know if you want to be elegant!
So Li Shuyao gracefully put the hula hoop around her neck, then spun it lightly with a smile, and even danced consciously...

After 10 laps...

"Crack!" Li Shuyao threw the hula hoop on the ground violently, what the fuck, why can I dance!Blame the hula hoop!

"Come and set the timer!" Li Shuyao yelled, and then Liyuan Bacteria came over with a mobile phone.

Li Shuyao thought for a while, then took the phone by herself, closed her eyes and began to read silently. After 10 seconds, she picked up the phone and showed it to everyone——10.069, which can be said to be almost exactly right.

After returning the mobile phone to Liyuan Bacteria, Li Shuyao picked up the basketball again and went to shoot!

Several other people looked at the mobile phone in Zong's hand at the same time. This is the last project. How long has it been?

Ah well, I pouted and showed everyone the time, it was just 13 minutes... This is still a little time delay during the tug-of-war.

Several people are a little speechless, this is inhuman!

Standing in the hula hoop, Li Shuyao began to shoot basketball...

10 in a row without stopping at all, like a robot, basically exactly the same even if it runs infinitely many times.

It was two or three minutes before and after, and the final time was fixed at 3 minutes.

Completed all 10 levels of challenges!

Several people stared blankly at Li Shuyao whose movements were almost the same, feeling that their world view was being impacted again and again...

Then, it collapsed...

is this man?
 It was seen that there were outbreaks in other places yesterday, everyone must pay attention to protection.

(End of this chapter)

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