Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 132 Sister Come to Cook You Meal

Chapter 132 Sister Come to Cook You Meal
Li Shuyao looked at other people's expressions and shrugged slightly. Comparing her to them was a bit of a bully, but they were actually very good. Some of the projects were really not easy, but they did it one by one.

Do it over and over again, find the rules little by little, and overcome difficulties.

They are not professional athletes, and they don't even exercise very often, but they keep trying and experimenting for a goal, and finally succeed, which is actually worth affirming.

How many people see a thing and feel that it can't be completed, and they give up without even trying it. In fact, it is human nature to give up, which is why success is so rare.

Li Shuyao thinks that what this video wants to convey should be the spirit of never giving up. This project seems really difficult, and there are more difficult and incredible projects in the future, but she believes that these people will continue to do it one by one .

Similarly, this program is also conveying another spirit, that is, nothing is impossible. Projects that seem impossible to you, but they can still be achieved through continuous challenges.

When their spirit of constant challenge and the spirit of nothing impossible in this world are conveyed, what to do is actually not so important.

There is no need to compare with her.

She cheated, of course she wouldn't tell them about it, and they wouldn't believe it if she told them, they would just think you were pretending to be X.

Then leave a figure of a master.

Don't be complacent, one mountain is still higher, there is always someone stronger than you, so don't give up, believe in miracles, and also learn to be humble.

You see, this correct value is directly filled!
The most important thing is that this show is still very interesting.

"Go, go dye your hair!" Li Shuyao clapped her hands after throwing the basketball: "Don't look, let's go."

"Oh... let's go."

"Dye your hair, go dye your hair."

"Tsk tsk..."


When they saw Li Shuyao pick up the drumsticks again, everyone suddenly felt that it would be good to let her eat all the time, but it was better not to let her play any games, it was too shocking.

But everyone adjusted quickly, and there was a burst of laughter when they walked to the barber shop.

Because several other people have a common goal of happiness-Liyuan Bacteria and Sanmu.

Sure enough, happiness is based on other people's madness.

When I came to the barber shop, Liyuanjun and Sanmu stood at the door, and then the others walked in one by one, and everyone said a word...

Li Shuyao couldn't help laughing as she watched the front of them making fun of them one after another.

Li Shuyao smiled when she walked up to the two of them: "I suddenly remembered, it seems that I decided what color you two should dye... What color do you two like, please tell me in advance, I can consider whether to agree to you ……Ha ha."

Power Source Bacteria: "..."

Three eyes: "..."

I miss the cute Yoyo who ate chicken legs at the beginning!
After the two of them sat on the chair, Li Shuyao looked at Sanmu and then at Liyuan Bacteria: "Then...the Liyuan Bacteria is red, and Sanmu is green! I think Sanmu's hairstyle dyed green is very handsome!"

"Clap clap clap..."

The few remaining people applauded.

"Yes, yes, I think so."

"Three eyes, why don't you think about getting all infected in the future."

"You two can make a red and green, haha."


The world where the other four stand together is colorful, but the world where Li Yuanjun and Sanmu are sitting on chairs is black and white...

The sky is blue...

cough cough.

When the two of them were dyeing their hair, Li Shuyao also thought about it, should she dye her hair?
Fang Xuening has dyed white hair, and usually wears white clothes. She just likes snow white.

Tantai Jingyi has short hair. When she is busy, she doesn't even wash her hair or take a bath, let alone dye her hair. She spends her time playing games every day.

The original Li Shuyao would dye some dark colors, such as wine red, so that it usually looks like black, but it will look red in the sun, which is still very beautiful.

Well, let's forget it, it's pretty good now, even if I don't dye my hair, my wife is still very beautiful!

The hair dyeing time is not short, but it is already evening now, and one person only dyes half of it, so it is not so slow, much faster than girls dyeing their hair.


The barber seems to have a special liking for Liyuan Bacteria, and he has been doing styling since he dyed it half red.

Not to mention, dyeing it half red is inexplicably like Yagami, and it looks a little handsome...

After dyeing their hair, everyone started to go back. In fact, Li Shuyao could go back at this time. After all, the show is almost over here, and they can go back and record the rest.

So, seeing that Li Shuyao was still going back with them, they thought it was because Li Shuyao had something in the villa that he didn't get back.

Back at the villa, everyone was about to say goodbye to Li Shuyao, but this guy actually changed into slippers, rolled up his sleeves, put on an apron, and put on sleeves...

"What... what are you going to do?" Ah Zong looked confused, what's the situation with this housewife-like dress?He turned his head to look at others, did anyone say anything to her?He didn't remember what happened to Li Shuyao later.

Next, they were going to tease Liyuan Bacteria and Sanmu on the sofa again, and then began to watch tomorrow's show, and then it was almost over, what should be done.

They want to live in this villa for a few days, and then finish recording the whole show, Li Shuyao doesn't need to live here...

"You've all worked hard today, sister is here to cook you a meal, haha, I stewed all the big bones before I left, and it's almost done now." Li Shuyao waved her hand and happily ran to the kitchen.

The few remaining people continued to look at each other...

Everyone felt that they were looking at each other in dismay today, why did they feel that this Li Shuyao always played cards out of order!

This guy can still cook?
No, why is this guy so proficient, he just went to cook?Even the apron and sleeves are ready and I'll go... It looks like I'm going to cook very early.

Several people gathered outside the kitchen.

There is one thing to say, Li Shuyao is wearing a professional attire, with her hair tied behind her back, wearing an apron and sleeves, and then seriously chopping vegetables and cooking. It really feels like a wife coming home from get off work cooking in the kitchen.

This feeling...

It's very warm!

Then everyone unanimously raised the cameras in their hands.

It doesn't matter whether he needs it or not, let's take a picture first, and then pair it with some soft music, tsk tsk, it's absolutely amazing, it's really amazing.

As for whether the food she cooks is delicious...

Who cares if it tastes good or not!

"Ahem, some people here seem to have girlfriends or are married."

"How do you know that I'm thinking about my family at this moment, tsk tsk, I haven't seen her for a day, I miss her."

"Wait, I suddenly remembered, did Li Shuyao just say that my sister..."


Everyone was silent for a while.

Here one counts as one, and any one of them must be much older than Li Shuyao.

But why didn't everyone refute it immediately?
Maybe it's because she was really strong before?

Could this be the legendary saying that there is no priority in learning, and the one who has achieved it is the elder sister?
 It will be on the shelves almost on December 12st... Suddenly I'm nervous...

(End of this chapter)

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