Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 133 Dinner!Dinner!

Chapter 133 Dinner!Dinner!
Li Shuyao doesn't know where these 6 ups are from, and she's not the kind of person who likes to find out where people are from. She never cares about what other people look like behind their backs. What she cares about is what the other person is showing at the moment. looks like.

As for whether he will count her or something...

This is really unnecessary, there is no conflict of interest between them, or she does not have any conflict of interest with anyone at present, the linkage between the up masters is a process of mutual achievement, everyone is eager to rub each other, in B Standing up in the ranks is the real thriving, not spring.

Of course, disputes outside of up have always existed, but...

Isn't there still Lu Yao?

She just needs to walk upright and sit upright. Flies don’t bite seamless eggs. There are always very popular anchors and ups who are rarely hyped, so it still depends on how you do it.

Speaking of which, although Li Shuyao said that she didn't know where these people came from, but the accent seemed to be from both the north and the south, so she would cook more home-cooked dishes, some from both the north and the south.

Li Shuyao thought about it, and first made a messy stew. Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, pork belly, and Chinese cabbage were warmed up in a pot, and it was warm just thinking about it.

Then make a baked chicken wing with salted duck eggs... salty and greasy, some people like this one.

There is also a sauce bone, specially looking for the kind with meaty bones, and there are many meat thieves. It was marinated for an hour or two in the afternoon, and it started to stop before going to dye the hair. Now the kitchen is full of meaty smell. For those who have been busy all afternoon, it is simply a fatal temptation!

After that, there will be a traditional dish of braised pork, a dish of fried pork with chili, a dish of sweet and sour pork with pineapple, a tomato and egg soup, and two cold dishes, a money cucumber, a tomato mixed with sugar, and then take out the braised chicken drumsticks they prepared Chopped a plate.

Six hot dishes, three cold dishes and one soup, and they are all of the kind with a lot of portions, enough for these few people to eat!

Well, Li Shuyao also prepared a portion for the aunt who looked after the room. Although she said that she paid for food and cooking, it’s okay for you to bring a portion after cooking.

But people refused...

All right, then leave the rest for them to eat tomorrow!
As for the appetizer soup, dessert, and fruit after dinner...

Let me go to the refrigerator to find ice cream to eat, why are there so many problems!

Because the preparatory work is basically done, and Li Shuyao's operation is very fast, so this meal is also very fast.

For the first time, everyone felt that watching other people's cooking was like watching a show. Li Shuyao's operation highlighted a steady, accurate, ruthless, and fast!

Not only is the speed fast, but the organization is very clear. Basically, several things are being done at the same time, and there will be no conflicts or mistakes. Everything seems to be well-designed. Without any lag.

That knife technique, that tilting spoon, that arrangement...

Even the aunt who was watching was dumbfounded.

I've been cooking for a lifetime, but I've never seen anything like this...

Li Shuyao is also a bit tired. Ma Dan needs to calculate a few things a little bit. What is she trying to do? Show off her skills?Of course not, isn't she trying to let everyone have dinner earlier? Isn't this to save time? Isn't it for you that she flips two spoons at the same time and cooks two pots of soup by herself!
If you don't say one or two, come up and help me...

Well, you guys can't help much either.

Then you can't perform a show next to it to add oil and buffs or something, you know you are filming, this is not filming a food show, it is still filming there!

Not long after, all kinds of aromas gathered in the kitchen here, and now everyone will no longer question whether it is delicious, you tell me that a person who can't cook can make such a posture?

Fuck, this looks like a cooking robot in the future, every process is engraved in the program, otherwise it can be pinched so well?

Then she seemed to hear the sounds of hunger over there one after another...

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth.

Well, I can't blame them. I haven't eaten much after working all afternoon. I guess I'm already hungry and my chest is sticking to my back. But, if I want to shoot good works, I don't have to be busy.

No one in this world is easy. If you want to achieve your goals, you need to pay something.

So no need to complain, just do it.

After finishing, find a way you like to relax, whether listening to music, playing games, or reading novels, let yourself completely release.

After release, just do it seriously.

Of course, Li Shuyao is different, if the cheating life is still so hard, then he should clean up and find a class.

Well, as for now, she is enjoying cooking, you know!

While Li Shuyao was cooking, the six of them ran back to record the end of the film. However, the big guy was somewhat absent-minded, and even teasing Li Yuanjun and Sanmu seemed a bit insincere.

Sure enough, everyone is equal before hunger!

"Ahem, well, this episode of the program is almost here, and we can't wait for it now."

"Do you know that when we were recording this segment, Yaoyao was cooking for us in the kitchen, really, it was the nursery rhyme in our Lady Justice book."

"It's so fragrant, really, we couldn't help it."

"That's almost over, we're going to get ready for dinner."

"Hahaha, yes, yes, then see you next time! Let's go eat!"


A few people finished the last few words one by one, and then ran back in a hurry. There were already some dishes on the table.

Did not say, shoot!
After working for more than an hour, Li Shuyao filled a large table with food under the eyes of the aunt who looked at the gods. Although the aunt said she would not eat it, she was curious about the taste of these dishes, so Li Shuyao gave her the same. Packed some.

Anyway, Auntie doesn't know how to eat with them.

After the food was set up, everyone didn't eat, so they took the camera to take a picture of the meal from left to right.

Before, I took pictures of each dish one by one, but this time I just took a panoramic view.

You said that you are so fast and skilled at cooking, it’s all right, why is the presentation so beautiful, my God... What kind of up master are you, you will definitely make a lot of money when you go out and open a restaurant.

Then Li Shuyao also became a tool for everyone's shooting, silently cooperating with others in shooting from various angles...

Is there such a thing, people work so hard to cook for you, but you actually use me as the background?

Hmph, I will never cook for you again!

After shooting from various angles, everyone finally sat down. If they were not worried that the food would be cold and unpalatable, these guys might still be able to take pictures for a while.

"Well, first of all, everyone, thank you, Yaoyao, for your hard work cooking for us."

"Yes, yes, thank you."

Several people raised their glasses, either Coke or Sprite...

"Okay, I won't say more about the extra words, let's eat!" Li Shuyao waved his hand and started eating after clinking a glass with everyone. Have a meal!
"Eat, eat, eat!"

We are all friends, seeing how natural Li Shuyao is, everyone gets up naturally.

"Oh, yes, this tastes good."

"Niuwa Yaoyao, I didn't expect your craft to be so good."

"Seriously, Yaoyao, haven't you thought about opening a restaurant or something?"

"It feels similar to the restaurant I reviewed last time."

"That's great...I'll go..."


Several people chatted and laughed with each other, and then suddenly looked at Li Shuyao, who was eating happily with a big bowl of rice...

Didn't I eat this product all afternoon, how can I still eat so much...

 When the epidemic is over, go out to restaurants with friends!

(End of this chapter)

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