Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 134 Thank you again, teacher

Chapter 134 Thank you again, teacher
Looking at Li Shuyao who is "eating all kinds of food", everyone suddenly understands why Li Shuyao cooks so many dishes... Let me go, you are not worried that you don't have enough to eat, right?

Forget it, since you are so beautiful, cook so deliciously, and are so strong, I don't want to argue with you!
Speaking of which, they really had a busy day. After all, they got up late in the morning, so they just got together at noon and ate some instant noodles or something.

In the afternoon, although it was said that there was some padding in the middle, in fact, I didn't eat very well.

In addition, I have spent the afternoon exercising. Although it is not that intense, it is also quite tiring and a little nervous.

After going around for a while and coming back, I was hooked by the smell of Li Shuyao's cooking for so long, and now it tastes really delicious...

Who would have thought that this girl who looks weak and very beautiful is actually a martial arts master who can cook behind her back!
I go, this is simply the perfect wife!
Tsk tsk, I don't know which young man will be cheaper in the future!

It's just that the appetite is a bit large.

But it doesn't matter, people are financially independent!
I was very happy with this meal, mainly because the taste was really good. It was hard to imagine that such a large table was completed by Li Shuyao alone within two hours.

After eating, Li Shuyao just said goodbye and went home. In fact, there was still a lot of food left. She didn't charge the system this time. After all, it was a public place, so she was still too embarrassed to eat so much.

It would be bad if I left people with the impression that I am a foodie. My image has always been that of a goddess.

So, in the evening, she didn't eat much, so she ate a bowl of rice!

But it seems to others that he ate too much in the afternoon, so he didn't finish eating so much... Damn, although this guy only ate a bowl of rice, his appetite was about the same as other people's.

Now who doesn't know that Li Shuyao is a foodie?
Everyone present counted as one, no one had a bigger appetite than Li Shuyao!

It was a bit late, so Li Shuyao took a taxi directly to go home...

Uh, it seems that it's not too late and I can only take a taxi. The place is too far away, except for self-driving, I can only take a taxi.

Self-driving, she still doesn't have a small book!
But it's coming soon, I guess she should be able to get the small book before she goes to CA for training.

After returning home, Li Shuyao looked at the time, it was already getting late, fortunately, the notice was changed in advance and the live broadcast would not be broadcast today, otherwise wouldn't it be the incarnation of the legendary King Pigeon today?
Tsk tsk, it's scary to think about it. If I didn't broadcast live and didn't notify, someone would probably write a small composition under my private message, comment, or other videos.

Li Shuyao slammed her mouth. Since her popularity gradually increased, more and more people wrote small essays.

Well, she tried her best not to let people find opportunities to write small essays!

After stroking Brother Gou, Li Shuyao turned around and went back to wash up. Today is considered a busy day, wash up and go to bed!

Opening her room, Li Shuyao saw a certain white hair playing with her mobile phone on the bed.

"Hi, you're back, tsk tsk, there's still a vague smell of food..." Fang Xuening came up to smell it: "Well, you don't smell of other people's perfume."

"Fuck you." Li Shuyao gave Fang Xuening a white look, then changed into a bathrobe and entered the bathroom.

"Little demon, little demon." Li Shuyao called out from the bathroom.

"Here." The artificial intelligence in the bathroom shouted.

Well, the name of her family's artificial intelligence is Xiaoyao, basically whatever you want to call it will do.

"Put hot water on and take a bath." Li Shuyao then shouted.


As soon as Li Shuyao finished speaking, the bathtub automatically released hot water. The water temperature was displayed at 36 degrees, and it quickly filled the entire bathtub. After a while, layers of bubbles surfaced on the surface of the water.

"Huh..." Li Shuyao let out a long sigh of relief lying in the warm water, as expected, after a busy day, lying comfortably in the bathtub is the most relaxing.

"Wow wow..."

Li Shuyao sighed lightly, okay, it doesn't matter if there is someone beside me.

The warm hot water soothes the tiredness and the nerves. Everyone relaxes together and forgets all the troubles and tensions...

Well, although she doesn't seem to have any worries or tensions.

But this moment is indeed very quiet, very slow.

At this moment, Li Shuyao couldn't help but feel a little intoxicated, hugging a certain white hair and feeling the slight rippling of the water.


The next day Li Shuyao got up early, took a simple wash and went to the backyard to practice martial arts. The healthy routine made her feel a little bit more energetic.

But Li Shuyao couldn't help sighing when he thought about the schedule he would face in future matches.

It's no wonder these guys have nothing wrong with their bodies!

It seems that after I go, I have to take everyone to practice martial arts together to keep fit!
Speaking of getting fit...

After exercising, Li Shuyao took a taxi and went out after changing her clothes. Not long after, she came to teacher Han Liang's house again...but she knocked on the door, but there was no one at home. After contacting her, she found out that he had gone to class today.

So, Li Shuyao went straight to the university where teacher Han Liang was.

This university is semi-open, and you can enter and exit the university campus, but places like teaching buildings, apartment buildings, and libraries are not allowed to enter and exit casually.

In other words, you can wander around the campus, but you cannot enter the building.

Coming to the long-lost campus, to be honest, Li Shuyao still misses it a little bit, and also has a little psychological advantage.

Quack, you all have to go to class and do homework, I don't need it!Ha ha!

It's a pity, it's a pity, the time for military training is over now, wouldn't it be more enjoyable to hold a watermelon and watch their military training by the side?
Li Shuyao wandered aimlessly in the campus, perhaps because she was really young, and there was no sense of disobedience in this campus, she looked like a freshman.

Well, it's not the same to some extent, after all, the skin color of the freshmen should not have completely recovered from the color of military training.

The autumn wind blows the leaves of Fatong slowly falling, and there are some singing voices from a far corner. It sounds like an old song from a long time ago, and it seems that the retired teachers are singing in a chorus on campus.

On the playground, some people are running in circles, some are chasing football, some are climbing the horizontal bar...

It seems that when you come here, you realize that the outside world is a bit noisy.

Sure enough, there is always a feeling if there is a comparison.

At this moment, Li Shuyao felt as if she was soaking in water of the right temperature after a busy day, very peaceful and comfortable.

It's not that there are no people here, it's just that the people here are relatively simple.

Well, it's only relative.

Then Li Shuyao saw Teacher Han Liang who was teaching the students martial arts in another playground.

Li Shuyao ran over happily. She had made an agreement with Teacher Han Liang in WeChat before, and she came to listen for a while.

Well, just a little while, not too long.

"Students, today we are learning the 24 forms of Tai Chi..." Teacher Han Liang glanced at Li Shuyao, who was in the student team, curled her lips, she didn't feel any disobedience standing inside: "I hope everyone will study hard. "

"Thank you teacher!" Li Shuyao laughed and shouted...

 Paying attention to e-sports players I have a sudden whim to decipher why e-sports players are better than ordinary people, what is talent besides hard training... Haha, I will write it in the next few chapters, this is science!

(End of this chapter)

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