Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 135 Who is the teacher

Chapter 135 Who is the teacher
Seeing that everyone turned their heads to look at her, Li Shuyao raised her head and felt very proud. What's the matter, I am very grateful for the teacher's teaching and learning, can't I say it loudly for love!
Teacher Han Liang was a little helpless, this guy didn't recognize his life at all.

Physical education classes are taught according to subjects, not according to classes. That is to say, she teaches martial arts, but her students come from many classes, so it's okay for Li Shuyao to sit in.

However, Teacher Han Liang can tell that Li Shuyao's mental state has changed slightly. It seems that she has also practiced martial arts well when she returns home.

In fact, the students are indeed very well-behaved, most of them just glanced at her and then turned away, some of them snickered, and there were a few male students who seemed to recognize themselves and looked back at themselves several times. Eye.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, sure enough, she has developed towards the direction of becoming a star, can everyone recognize her when she comes here?

Sure enough, the heights are extremely cold!
She went to Teacher Han Liang today to learn a set of gymnastics for physical exercise, and then to promote it to professional teams in the future.

Although Li Shuyao also saw that Tantai Jingyi would also exercise at home, but that kind of exercise is very basic. After practicing martial arts for a period of time, Li Shuyao felt that...

It's still good at martial arts, and it's not about asking you to go to everyone, it's just about exercising your body, your reaction, and your energy, which doesn't exist in other forms of exercise.

Li Shuyao often accompanied Tantai Jingyi to watch e-sports competitions. She felt that the body of e-sports players was actually a big problem, especially the mental state.

It's how you can keep yourself at your peak all the time.

Forced to rely on crazy training to maintain?
Li Shuyao felt that although it could be maintained, the efficiency was too low and the damage to the body was too great.

So what about adding martial arts?
She felt it was a topic worthy of research.

Find a suitable set of martial arts for the players, so that the players can maintain sufficient physical strength and energy, and use martial arts to continuously exercise the players' response ability.

Will this allow everyone to prolong their peak state?

Maybe it is possible.

So Li Shuyao happily went directly to Teacher Han Liang.

It happened that Teacher Han Liang was teaching Taijiquan today, so he asked Li Shuyao to learn together.

Teacher Han Liang quickly started to demonstrate after finishing her speech. In fact, she originally broke down the whole Tai Chi 24 poses into several parts, and then taught one part in a class, but today...

She is going to demonstrate it first, the kind of demonstration from beginning to end, Li Shuyao doesn't need to break down the movements at all, this guy is a bian (tai) talent!
A set of Taijiquan didn't take too long, and it was much simpler than the boxing method taught to her by teacher Han Liang. Li Shuyao learned it after just one look.

Li Shuyao didn't think about how advanced Tai Chi boxing is, it's too advanced and other professional players can't learn it, and the simple and easy-to-understand ones are the best.

After the demonstration, Teacher Han Liang began to break down the movements for his students, while Li Shuyao started boxing from beginning to end by himself.

Taijiquan gave her a different feeling. Different from the comprehensive boxing method, this kind of popular Taijiquan actually has no lethality. sweat.

In addition, the feeling of slowly typing gave her the illusion that the time was stretched.

Li Shuyao finished the round and stood there in silence...

In fact, she usually feels this way when she trains in the morning, but she feels it more strongly now...

It feels like your opponent has suddenly slowed down.

It's kind of like the feeling of bullet time in the movie.

Of course, it's not that exaggerated.

If it wasn't for Li Shuyao's sensitivity to these things now, she might not feel it, thinking it was her own illusion.

In other words, people who are originally geniuses can't feel it, and Li Shuyao was not originally a genius, so they have some feelings.

At this time, teacher Han Liang also finished the first part of the decomposing movements, and asked the students to practice by themselves first, and then everyone dispersed.

"Hey~ I see that you practice very well. I...I'm a bit ignorant, can you teach me?" When Li Shuyao was thinking, the two boys looked at Li Shuyao with "natural" expressions.

Okay, these two have been looking back at me just now, it's not that they recognize themselves.

Li Shuyao puffed her lips: "I'm strict, if you don't do your movements properly, I will do it."

"Come on though!"

"Let the horse come here, I'm not a man if I shout!"

"That's right, a man of seven feet tall, how can he live under others for a long time!"

"Huh? It seems wrong to put your sentence here."

"Who said that? I often hear the prince shout this sentence."

"You used Lu Bu's skin..."


The two boys were a little excited. This beautiful female classmate who seemed to be meeting for the first time was easy to talk to. As for what they said would be hands-on, they just ignored it.

Just kidding, look at this classmate who is so beautiful, has such a good figure, and has long hair fluttering, and... has such a cute puffed mouth, can he hit people?
Don't make trouble!

After a while, I get to know each other and add a WeChat, treat me to lunch, go to the library to read books, discuss papers... perfect!
Well, for the next development, each depends on his ability!
"Okay, then let's start with the first gesture." Li Shuyao raised his hands, and then slowly squatted down: "Come on."

"Okay." The two boys saw that it was simple, and there was nothing difficult about the starting gesture. This is just the beginning!It shows that people don't reject themselves, or else they will reject them when they come up!

So, the two boys followed suit with a little excitement.

"Stop, stop." It was Li Shuyao who yelled before the two squatted down to get up, and then they froze.

"Do you squat down to this extent? Squat down for me and move your legs a little further."

Li Shuyao lightly kicked the feet of the two boys to make their horse gait more standard. She felt that she was only short of a small bamboo stick.

"Hmm... not bad, not bad, next, the second action, splitting the wild horse's mane..."


Teacher Han Liang went back and drank his saliva, and then he watched Li Shuyao with a group of people practicing martial arts... and he was very strict. Not only did the other students not get angry, but...

Have a little fun?

I'm going, what's the situation?
No, how could this person be so familiar no matter where she was, she was obviously here to listen, so why did she become a teacher?

Although it is not a problem to be a countless teacher to these students at her level.

But why do these students listen to this stranger's class so casually!

Forget it, it’s all about teaching anyway, just learn it.


Do these students like a stricter teacher?

Teacher Han Liang looked at the stern Li Shuyao and fell into deep thought... Maybe he was too relaxed with them before, but the students don't want to learn martial arts in depth, so there is no need to be so strict.

Teacher Han Liang thought about how he practiced martial arts back then...

Well, sure enough, a strict teacher produces an excellent apprentice!

It seems that I have to be stricter with my classmates in the future.

Moreover, these students seem to like it more, especially those male students, look at the way they are enjoying it.

Sure enough... this guy Uyo is excellent no matter what he does.

I never thought I had the potential to be a teacher.

 These chapters are about science, really science!
  Group: 698–170-163, if you are interested, you can come and play together~

(End of this chapter)

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