Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 136 About using traditional martial arts to strengthen the physique of professional e-sports

Chapter 136 About using traditional martial arts to strengthen the physique of professional e-sports players
By the time get out of class was over, Li Shuyao had already gained a group of young apprentices. Although it seemed that no one recognized her, it didn't matter. Who said that celebrities would be recognized when they went shopping in the street, hum!

As for the last few students who jumped out and wanted to add their own WeChat and treat themselves to dinner...

She gave these students a sentence that the audience at Station B most often gave her: "Next time."

"It seems that you are quite popular. Have you ever thought about coming back to school?" After class, Teacher Han Liang took Li Shuyao back to his office.

"Not in a hurry." Li Shuyao chuckled, "Let's see in two years."

She really misses the life of going to school, but she has to play a job in the past two years, and she has no time to go to school for the time being. Anyway, for the postgraduate entrance examination, she can do it at any time. When she feels that life is meaningless, she can take the exam. Study and study.

Anyway, for her, taking the postgraduate entrance examination is not difficult.

"That's right, you're still young." Teacher Han Liang nodded. From her point of view, such a young age is only at the level of a freshman, so it's okay to delay for two years.

As for the fact that someone is an up master and already makes a lot of money...

Being an UP doesn’t delay going to school, or in other words, doesn’t it happen that you have time to study when you are an UP master? It’s always right to learn more things to improve your self-cultivation.

"By the way, why are you looking for me today? Sit down and talk." Teacher Han Liang pointed to the chair next to him.

At this time, there are no other teachers in the office. Their office teachers are either teaching classes or leading training teams. Those who have no classes or training tasks are basically not in school.

"Well... today I mainly want to discuss a topic with you." Li Shuyao thought for a while and said.

"Huh? What subject." Teacher Han Liang was a little surprised. She thought Li Shuyao wanted to learn some martial arts again, but she didn't expect it to be a research subject.

"It's about using traditional martial arts to strengthen the physique of e-sports professional players." Li Shuyao thought for a while and said.

In fact, she didn't think so much when she came here, but she felt a little different after a set of Tai Chi. Although it was only a little bit, she felt that this seemed to be a good exercise method for e-sports players.

E-sports should not be at the expense of the body, which is unhealthy and will be criticized by others.

Although e-sports is popular at present, compared with traditional sports, it is still in its infancy, and everything is constantly being improved.

Everyone is paying attention to the improvement of the game, viewing experience, training system, coaching system, etc., but there is no way to improve the physical health of the players.

In terms of prevention, we can only strengthen physical exercise, and the remedial method is to join a physical therapist and give the players massage and physical therapy.

However, injuries are still haunting almost every professional player, which shows that this path can only be delayed, but it has not fully taken effect.

So, why do players suffer from injuries?
It is mainly caused by staying up late for a long time, sitting for a long time, and a lot of training.

These are all to ensure the maintenance of a very high level of competition, but such high-intensity training also leads to a decline in the physical condition of the players, which will also lead to fluctuations in the competitive state.

Since Li Shuyao is going to play professionally, she naturally wants to know more about it. In addition to making music and connecting with others, she has been studying this professional player these days.

She found some problems.

"The players train crazily in order to maintain their competitive state, but because of the frenetic training, their physical fitness is reduced, and because of the reduction of physical fitness, the state of the field fluctuates." Li Shuyao thought for a while and said: "Actually, this is a problem that is not quite right. The place."

"You mean, the current professional player model is not healthy, right?" Teacher Han Liang said after thinking.

"Yes, the players are overdrawing their talents. The huge amount of training has brought them superb skills, but also brought them poor physical and mental conditions. This is not right." Li Shuyao shook his head: "In the arena The state is determined by three aspects: technology, body and spirit."

"Even if you have excellent skills, but your body and spirit are too bad, you can't perform at your own level. At that time, your state will decline. Many players who have fallen sharply will choose to rest for a period of time, but resting for a period of time will cause yourself decline in technology."

Li Shuyao continued:
"So what I'm thinking is, is there a way to keep the players healthy and energetic without delaying the players' training? I think this method must be the most scientific and appropriate .”

"So, you think of martial arts?" Teacher Han Liang asked.

"That's right." Li Shuyao nodded: "I have experienced it personally. Martial arts brought me not only combat power, but also abundant physical strength and vigorous energy. I think this is very important for professional players. important."

"I can teach you martial arts, but research in this area... I can actually recommend someone to you." Teacher Han Liang said with a smile: "She is doing research on the critical flicker frequency. I feel that the aspect you mentioned, Maybe it will give her some inspiration."

"Critical flickering frequency..." Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows. She had never heard of this term, but she somehow understood it.

"Let's go, let's go find her." Teacher Han Liang waved his hand, and then walked out with Li Shuyao.

As he walked, he explained to her:
"This critical flicker frequency is referred to as CFF, um... Let me say something that is easy to understand, that is, how many hertz you usually watch TV or computer."

"Television is usually 60 hertz..."

Li Shuyao nodded thoughtfully: "The computer we use is 144 Hz..."

"Yes, it's just this in a nutshell. You just need to understand it. Specifically, let her explain it to you." Teacher Han Liang led Li Shuyao all the way to a laboratory, but there was nothing weird about it. Very clean and tidy.

They came to an office in the laboratory. After knocking on the door and entering, Li Shuyao saw a female teacher who was frantically typing on the keyboard.

"Teacher Yan, I'm sorry to bother you." Teacher Han Liang said with a smile.

"Mr. Han, sit down, right away, I'll finish this paragraph..." Yan Xiaohua continued typing, and stopped after a while, turned around to look at Han Liang and Li Shuyao.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Yan Xiaohua smiled apologetically: "Who is this?"

"Oh, this is Li Shuyao, um... he is about to become a professional e-sports player." Teacher Han Liang thought for a while, and then directly introduced this point.

She felt that this was what Teacher Yan Xiaohua was more concerned about now.

Sure enough, after hearing that Li Shuyao was about to become a professional player, Teacher Yan Xiaohua's eyes lit up, she stood up straight away, walked to Li Shuyao's side and stretched out her hand: "Hello, my name is Yan Xiaohua, I'm glad you can come Take part in my experiment."

"Uh... hello." Li Shuyao also stood up and shook hands with her...


What experiment?
I just came to learn a set of gymnastics and prepare to exercise for the players, why did I come here to do experiments...

It seems a bit off topic.

and many more……

How did I get here?
 really scientific...

  Well, my science.

  Haha ...

  (Thanks to Youxia Hanmeng for the reward~Memeda~)

(End of this chapter)

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