Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 137 Deciphering the Secrets of Professional Players

Chapter 137 Deciphering the Secrets of Professional Players

After the two sides explained to each other, they finally understood what they said. Teacher Yan Xiaohua understood Li Shuyao's reason for coming, and Li Shuyao also understood Yan Xiaohua's research.

I have to say that the dialogue between smart people is convenient. Teacher Han Liang said something in the middle, and then both sides understood what the other meant.

Li Shuyao's goal is to allow professional players to have a more stable state, a better physical and mental state.

And teacher Yan Xiaohua is to study the brains of professional players...

Well, to put it bluntly, this is it.

As for the long list of professional topic names, there is no need to repeat them, anyway, that's what it means.

After seeing that both of them understood, Teacher Han Liang left. She still has class later, so she won't discuss with them anymore. As for martial arts...

Anyway, Li Shuyao will do it too, let them do it themselves.

After Li Shuyao and Yan Xiaohua sent Han Liang away, they immediately started a heated discussion. The two had common topics, and they basically belonged to the kind of people who could understand a little bit, so they chatted right away.

Yan Xiaohua also explained to Li Shuyao what the critical flicker frequency is, and Li Shuyao quickly understood something...

"This is actually a discovery I made by accident. I found that in the eyes of some students, the 60 Hz screen is flickering, and the 144 Hz screen is normal. I became curious about this aspect, so I started to study it." Yan Xiaohua said a little excitedly: "I found that such students, among other things, play games very well, so I learned more about this aspect, and learned about the e-sports industry by the way."

"After this understanding, I discovered the difference. Professional e-sports players tend to deal with the situations you call team battles and encounters more calmly, while ordinary players are not, and many of them are even more calm. Just hit it straight."

"That makes a big difference."

"At first I thought it was a training problem, but I gradually discovered the difference. Some passers-by players have not received professional training, but they can still calmly deal with sudden battles or large-scale team battles. This is not training. problem."

"It's talent."

Li Shuyao nodded: "So teacher, you started research on this?"

"Yes." Yan Xiaohua said: "Don't you think it's very interesting, what is the so-called talent? Is it true that it can't be cultivated the day after tomorrow? Then if it can be practiced, what kind of method do you need?"

"It's really interesting." Li Shuyao's eyes flickered, she was hooked!
This teacher Yan Xiaohua seems to have some understanding of the e-sports industry, and some terms similar to team battles come out of his mouth.

"Actually, I really want to find some professional players to improve my research, but... there is no channel." Teacher Yan Xiaohua said with some regret: "I have found a lot of student volunteers, but I feel that none of them have reached the level of top professional players. level."

"Actually, professional players are also born from players," Li Shuyao said.

"I understand, but what I need are top professional players..." Yan Xiaohua said: "I need a lot of data to perfect my thesis and research."

The difficulty lies in this. There is a difference between top professional players and ordinary professional players. There are so many players in the world, but top professional players... To be honest, there are only a handful of them.

"After my research, I think top professional players can see the whole situation clearly during team battles, that is to say, the picture... slows down in their eyes." Yan Xiaohua said with a smile: "It's similar to bullet time... Isn't it interesting."

"Yes..." Li Shuyao nodded, a bit exaggerated.

"The concept of time was proposed by humans. It is our perception of changes in the outside world. Different animals actually perceive differently. If you think that 1 minute has passed, it may be 7 minutes or 10 minutes in the eyes of an animal. What controls this perception?" Yan Xiaohua smiled and pointed to his head: "It's the brain."

"Let's go back to CFF, which is the critical flicker frequency. This is the abbreviation."

"In the eyes of dogs, the TV we watch is actually flickering pictures, because most humans can't distinguish flickering pictures after exceeding 60 hertz, but dogs can."

"The same is true for top professional players. When they watch 60 Hz images, they see flickering, but when they watch 144 Hz images, they don't see flickering."

"To put it simply, it shows that your reaction has become faster. For example, when encountering a team battle, what ordinary people see is a fleeting picture, while what top professional players see is a slow They can operate it calmly, in the eyes of outsiders, this is their extremely fast reaction speed.”

"That is, the so-called 'bullet time' in the movie."

"So... what can affect this CFF?" Li Shuyao asked.

"I know what you want to ask. Under the same objective conditions, that is, under the same computer equipment, screens, etc., age, physical fatigue, oxygen content of the surrounding air, and your Genes will affect this value." Yan Xiaohua laughed.

"That is to say..." Li Shuyao stood up suddenly, walking around a little excitedly: "That is to say, the so-called poor state of professional players is actually the value of CFF changing!"

"When you get older and your body is overtired, your original ability of 'bullet time' will disappear, and what you see is that your reaction becomes slower, and the team battle you see is no longer a slow It’s just a flashing picture, so naturally it’s impossible to operate perfectly and let the opponent catch the flaw!”

Yan Xiaohua looked at Li Shuyao with a smile and nodded slightly: "This is the direction of my research, but I can't be sure, because there are too few data, and whether this is the only factor, in fact, there is still a question mark. It can be said that there will be a gap when the two sides have the same understanding of the game, the same proficiency of heroes, the same level of mental health, and some in-game factors are completely the same.”

"I think it may be the decisive factor." Li Shuyao's eyes flickered slightly: "This point is too critical. In the game, many times a small mistake will lead to the collapse of the game as a whole, and you can see clearly, If you can't see clearly, if you can react well, if you can't react well, I'm afraid it will have a lot to do with it."

"When you blame yourself for making mistakes, the mentality will gradually deteriorate, which will affect more things."

Li Shuyao took a deep breath:

"If you find the root of the problem, then you can find the right medicine."

Since it is considered to be the gap caused by the CFF value, how to keep the players in their best numerical state can maintain the best state of the players to a certain extent.

When making this matter scientific, it seems to clear away the fog and directly pick up the most essential things.

Of course, these are based on a certain level, not to say that there is no need to train in the future, just practice this specifically.

But for the top professional teams, adding this item on the original basis may make your players have a better competitive state and a longer peak time.

 How about it, is it a very scientific chapter, and I think it is really possible, haha, I don’t know if there are any e-sports professionals who are studying these.

(End of this chapter)

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