Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 138 Discussion, Invitation

Chapter 138 Discussion, Invitation

The professional age of e-sports professional players is actually not very long. It can be as short as a few months, and as long as seven or eight years. The peak time is even shorter, and some peak time is only a series of games. began to fall.

There are many factors that affect professional level, such as mentality, version understanding, professional attitude, etc. This is a very comprehensive issue.

But those problems are all visible and tangible. If you don’t want to fight yourself and have a professional attitude, then CFF can’t save you.

If those other tangible factors are adjusted, then what are the factors that affect the player's state?

Li Shuyao felt that this state might be the CFF value.

When you are too tired, the CFF value will fluctuate. Usually you have "bullet time", but when you are too tired, you will lose it, and your state will decline at this time.

In the past, everyone said that the team is not in a good state recently, and I hope everyone can adjust their state or something.

So what exactly is this state?

Today Li Shuyao felt that she should have found some answers.

As for whether it is accurate... that still needs research.

The two became more and more speculative, and they didn't eat lunch. After chatting for a while, they started to do experiments directly.

Yan Xiaohua asked Li Shuyao to do an experiment on the CFF value, and asked her to watch the flickering screen. The average human eye flickers at about 45 Hz, which means 45 flickers per second, so the TV is 60 Hz, and it is normal for everyone to watch.

Professional players should be higher than this value, and the more talented professional players, the higher this value may be.

Li Shuyao...

Well, Li Shuyao couldn't see the flickering at all until it flickered 144 times per second.

It's just... scary.

Li Shuyao didn't have a deep feeling for this before, because she has been using a 144 Hz screen, so she can't see it.

Then Teacher Yan Xiaohua took out an old-fashioned TV, and Li Shuyao immediately saw the difference.

In her eyes, this old-fashioned TV is constantly flickering...

"I think you can come to a professional team to observe on the spot and do systematic data analysis."

After various experiments, Li Shuyao said to Teacher Yan Xiaohua:

"You can analyze the different values ​​​​of professional players in different situations, such as after exercising, after getting enough sleep, after staying up late, etc., to see if this value has caused the players' state to decline."

"And I can teach them martial arts, and see if using martial arts can improve the decline of the players' condition."

Yan Xiaohua nodded: "I do have this idea, but there is no channel."

"I'm here to contact. I believe that professional teams will not refuse to use scientific methods to save the careers of their players." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "This is a very interesting topic."


When I came out of the college, it was already a bit late.

Although I stayed in the school for a day, it was a very fulfilling day. There are actually many studies on this CFF, but it has little to do with e-sports, so Yan Xiaohua didn't tell Li Shuyao.

But even so, Li Shuyao still benefited a lot.

"Ah... the sweet smell of science..." Li Shuyao took a deep breath, feeling very beautiful!

Now she can't wait to go back and share this matter with Tantai Jingyi, and then she will talk to CR's manager about this research. If it can be successful, it will be historic for e-sports professional players.

Perhaps this research can greatly extend the professional life of professional players and maintain the peak state of players, which is very important for the event.

Because the traffic that some star players can feed back to the event is really terrifying.

When these players retire, the impact on the event is also quite heavy, which often occurs in traditional sports. For example, the emergence of a star player in an event directly makes this event that was not noticed by people get a lot of attention.

After the player retires, the attention will suddenly drop, and no one will even watch it.

For example, a certain 110-meter hurdles.

If the research can really achieve this, it will definitely be vigorously promoted by Fist. Many people will also think that e-sports is a long-term industry that can be joined. This way, more people will join and the popularity will be preserved. The scale of the league can continue to expand.

It depends on how the follow-up fist is operated.

After going home all the way, Li Shuyao took Tantai Jingyi and talked about CFF all the way from the state of a professional player.

Although what Li Shuyao said was very simple, for Tantai Jingyi...

Still a bit esoteric.

"What you said...may be right." Tantai Jingyi nodded thoughtfully: "In terms of personal experience, I think that when I am in a good state, I can really see all the dynamics on the field, but in a bad state. I can’t see clearly when I’m in the dark, the feeling is all fleeting, and it’s easy to get darker in front of my eyes.”

"That's right, that's how it feels." Li Shuyao nodded a little excitedly: "Tell me, what we said to Manager Shen, would he agree to Teacher Yan's coming to study?"

"Should... yes." Tantai Jingyi nodded: "If it does not affect the training, he should support scientific research, if it is beneficial to the players."

"Yeah." Li Shuyao nodded, and then sent Shen Zongyue a WeChat...

Soon, Shen Zongyue called.

"You said there is a way to keep players in their best condition and prolong their peak condition?"

This is what Li Shuyao told Shen Zongyue. Although Shen Zongyue was a little skeptical about this, he was really interested.

What is the most embarrassing thing for them?
It's because after spending a lot of money to buy players, they are in a sluggish state, unable to make a name for themselves, and then they rise up as soon as they sell them.

That guy is old embarrassment.

There are also veteran players whose contracts have not yet expired whose status has declined too much, and who are even about to retire...

It's really not easy to gather a lineup. Sometimes they even think that it would be good to gather 5 people to play the game.

If there is really a scientific method to solve these problems, it will be a blessing for team managers like them.

"It's still under study, but we already have a direction." Li Shuyao told Shen Zongyue about the discussion between himself and Teacher Yan Xiaohua today, and then said: "Although it is not completely determined, I think the first step must be taken. .”

Shen Zongyue was silent for a while and said: "I understand, but we need to discuss it."

"...Mmm." Li Shuyao also fell silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Anyway, I told you the matter, and I will send you the contact information of Teacher Yan Xiaohua, and you can do the rest." Li Shuyao said.

"Okay." Shen Zongyue responded and hung up the communication.

"Phew... I hope it will work." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth, "In the past two days, I'm afraid I have to do some scientific research."

"You study too? What are you studying?" Tantai Jingyi asked.

"Research how to keep your CFF value at its peak. By the way, you have to cooperate with my research these two days." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

 I wrote Tai Chi in these two chapters, and it happened that Teacher Hanliang also released a video about Tai Chi yesterday. Interested friends can go to Station B to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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