Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 142 I'm Not A Ghost!

Chapter 142 I'm Not A Ghost!

After watching a video, nothing else, "Yao Yao is a ghost" has already started to appear in her live broadcast room...

Hey, where did you find out it was a ghost?A little like a ghost?
Well, maybe the effect in the video may indeed be a bit ghost-like, but that's not in the video, so the smile is not to set off the atmosphere!
Also, they added special effects and BGM to the video, so it looks like a ghost, yes, it just looks like it!
Uh, she did pretend to be a ghost, she did it once when she crossed over on the first day, but that was just pretending to be a ghost!Just pretend!

She knew it was for survival!

Otherwise, you know how dangerous it is for a weak woman to meet two thieves in that situation!

It was life that forced her to be like this!

"Ahem, that, the housekeeper pays attention, the housekeeper pays attention, please seal the one who said I love female ghosts, thank you."

"Here, those who brush rich women and ghosts should also pay attention, thank you."

After finishing speaking, Li Shuyao saw that the whole screen was swiping for protection, and all the ghosts that were said to be swiped before were gone.

Li Shuyao is angry, this group of viewers is becoming more and more difficult to manage, and they bully herself in different ways every day. Now she dare not write down her name in a small notebook. Every time after she finishes reading in the live broadcast room, these people The fan base is like a hero...

And her current fan group can no longer be seen, all kinds of emojis are flying around, she is not a fool, so naturally she has no shame in knowing these things!
When people comment and criticize in class, they are not ashamed, but proud, it's crazy!
So she killed the roll call in the live broadcast room. If nothing else, she couldn't let these people be too rampant!
But there is no way, this meme must be settled, there are still all kinds of emojis flying around in her fan group, she doesn't need to look at it, now her fan group must be full of emojis of herself holding a plastic knife pretending to be a ghost!

These souls are weak!

Although I was full of anger in my heart, I still had to show a calm attitude on the surface, not for anything else, but not to make them look down on me!
Alas, as expected, there is no such thing as simplicity in the world of adults!
"This video is really good, and this series of videos is really interesting. There is definitely no script. I really didn't receive it at the time. I was washing up."

Li Shuyao looked at the barrage and said:

"However, after receiving the call, we made a little design. After all, we have filmed a lot of episodes before, so we designed a little trick."

This video was not only shot by Shi Liyuanjun and Brother Yu, but part of the video shot by them was also edited, mainly the camera above the attic.

"Apart from this little trick and the preparation of some ingredients, there is basically nothing else, and it looks pretty good."

"If you talk about female ghosts again, one day I will really shoot a scary video, let's see if you dare to watch it!" Li Shuyao said with a blank stare.

Well, that's what she said, she definitely won't shoot any scary videos, and she definitely won't go to haunted houses or anything.

In other words, it seems that Halloween is only a few days away...

That won't go either!

She is afraid of ghosts!

What's up!
Don't let me be too timid!

"Okay, okay, the video is here, let's continue playing the game." Li Shuyao glanced at the barrage, and directly ignored the barrage that said he would definitely watch it.

She won't shoot that kind of weird video!

"Okay, that's the end of today's live broadcast, I'm going to sleep beautifully... Uh, why do people ask why Xue'er and I always stream together, because that guy always wants to eat supper with me. Li Shuyao pouted: "By the way, the Chinese version of let it go will be officially released after a while, haha, soon, they will all be infected by me."

"This time it's me and that guy Xue'er singing together, everyone can look forward to it, okay, let's get down to it."

Now the promotion of the Chinese version has started, and Li Shuyao also took time to shoot the MV with them these days, and it should be in post-production now, and it will be released in early November.

Well, it should almost be placed after the World Championship.

But, after all, the music circle and the game circle are not that closely related, so it doesn't matter.

Unless you are music related to the e-sports circle, you won't be able to catch the popularity of others.

Think about it, after releasing this song, I should be going to play a game. After that game, I can rest for a while, because it is the transfer period.

At that time, it was the time for the big teams to wave their money to buy players, and it was also the time to announce the big roster.

She will also become a focus of the e-sports circle by then.

But well.

The transfer period didn't end until mid-December, so she didn't have to be exposed so early.

Maybe there will be a surprise for them then.

In addition, Li Shuyao is now strictly a player in the CR secondary league, and has not signed a contract with the first team, and will sign another contract after playing a game.

Although Shen Zongyue wanted to sign directly for three years, Li Shuyao was very determined to sign for one year!
Three years is too tiring, she definitely won't play for three years!
During this period of time, there are actually quite a lot of debates about whether Li Shuyao should play professionally. In her live broadcast room, fan group, and some forums, they are actually discussing this female up master who suddenly rushed to the top ten of Hanbok.

Every day, a lot of people ask her if she wants to play professionally. There are passers-by, and there are also some people who are in charge of scouting talents from the team.

It's a pity that there is no LCK team looking for her...

Well, it's not that people don't pay attention to the e-sports circle here. Li Shuyao's Hanbok account has long been exposed.

"Phew...let's talk about it later." Li Shuyao stretched for a long time, and then heard her cell phone ring.

"Hello, sister Lu." Li Shuyao connected the phone, and it was Lu Yao who called: "It's so late, it won't be... there is some bad news."

"That's not true." Lu Yao said, "What I have to say is actually good news."

"Ang? What good news?" Li Shuyao blinked.

"Do you still remember when you agreed to cooperate with Fu Jinqing?" Lu Yao said.

"Uh... It seems that there is such a thing..." Li Shuyao puffed her mouth.

"There has been no movement on your side. Now that they have invited you, do you want to go?" Lu Yao said with a smile, "It's a good opportunity to write the theme song for a TV series."

"TV drama? Theme song?" Li Shuyao blinked: "Let Xiao Ning go."

"She has to be busy with his release for a while, and after the production, she has to go out to make announcements. You think she is as lazy as you are to death every day." Lu Yao said angrily.

For a while, Lu Yao understood Li Shuyao's true face, this guy is even lazier than Fang Xuening!

Fang Xuening is just more Buddhist, and prefers to make videos by himself, but he will do it if he has the opportunity, and he will also accept commercials and so on.

But Li Shuyao is too lazy to die!
I don’t go to any announcements, I don’t participate in any activities, and I don’t go out at home except for shooting collaboration videos...

Oh, at most go to school to do some scientific research.

Lu Yao is about to die of anger, what kind of scientific research do you do with a singing game up, you'll suffer!
 It's on the shelves~ It's on the shelves~ Today's update is [-] words!

(End of this chapter)

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