Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 143 Yo~ Isn't This a Treasure Girl~

Chapter 143 Yo~ Isn't This a Treasure Girl~
Lu Yao originally thought that Li Shuyao should be similar to Fang Xuening, a more Buddhist type of person, but, she should still like to make money, after all, her eyes light up when she hears small money.

She can't go wrong with this look!
But it turns out that she was still wrong...

Although this guy loves money, this guy is even more lazy!

After selling some of the copyrights of the previous songs, Li Shuyao also returned some funds. Coupled with the settlement of the live broadcast and video, she is now considered a little rich woman. Although she is only at an average level, her life is completely stress-free. .

Then this thing started to get lazy.

If this guy wasn't so lazy, Lu Yao would have created greater value in the first few songs.

Of course, those few songs are over in the past. The most important thing is that many people have asked her to write songs recently. After all, it is not easy to produce several excellent original works, so some companies came to find her. Li Shuyao wrote songs.

But this guy is actually picky and picky, he thinks that the singer is not good enough, so he refuses...

Although Li Shuyao concluded that a good song cannot be ruined by a bad singer, Lu Yao felt that this guy was just lazy!

However, Lu Yao somewhat respects artists themselves, so it doesn't matter if Li Shuyao is lazy, after all, she has a lot of value to create.

Whether it's the Chinese version for Fang Xuening, follow him, the daily live broadcast, or the linked video, they are still very diligent.

So during this period of time at least Li Shuyao's appearance rate at station B is very high, and the number of fans has exceeded 300 million, which is not a big miracle.

If only as an up, Li Shuyao is still very qualified, the video is updated regularly, the live broadcast is stable, and it is often linked.

But as a singer...

Li Shuyao wished she had quit the entertainment industry.

At any rate, it seemed that she had spent a lot of money to invite people to dinner last time, and she felt a little distressed. She said that she could get some better endorsements, and she could directly release a song as a promotional song for the advertisement.

But this is actually more difficult.

If someone who can afford to buy a song for an advertisement is not sure whether they will invite a newcomer like Li Shuyao, we can only wait and see if there is any good business.

The general business is actually to make a video to promote it, the price will not be very high, and it is not worth composing a song specifically.

So we still have to wait for the opportunity.

Lu Yao felt that this opportunity was very good.

"Didn't you say before that you wanted to take on a business to create a song? I think this time is good. That kind of business is rare, but the creation of film and television dramas is still very common."

Lu Yao said:

"This is the first time that a large-scale film and television drama has asked you to create it. It is also inspired by your song "I hope you will live forever". This time, the other party also wants you to create a song related to poetry. Originally, Fu Jinqing was asked to create it, and he recommended you to be together, and then the producer talked to me, I think this opportunity is good, what do you think?"

"Which poem?" Li Shuyao asked.

""Like a Dream Order" is Li Qingzhao's song "Whether you know it or not." Lu Yao said.

"Oh, what's the name of the TV series? What about the plot?" Li Shuyao asked.

"The TV series is called "Knowledge". It is said that it happened during the Northern Song Dynasty. It is a story of a girl living in an official family hiding herself since she was a child and then constantly struggling. It should be the period from Song Renzong to Song Yingzong." Lu Yao summarized. After a while, he said: "Well, there will also be love in it. Don't be too lively with a historical background, and add some ancient elements, but you still need pop songs, you know."

"Oh, okay, when will we go?" Li Shuyao nodded calmly, fortunately, there are some in her small song library!

"You agreed? Do you have any ideas? It will be easier for me to talk with the other party. Do you want to sing or just make it?" Lu Yao asked.

"Well... I'll sing too." Li Shuyao said.

"That's the male and female versions..." Lu Yao thought for a while and said.

"No, no, it's not two male and female versions, it's a male and female duet." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "It just so happens that I'm singing a duet with that guy Fu Jinqing."

"Huh? Duet... that embodies love?" Lu Yao was taken aback. After all, when it comes to male and female duets, most of them are love duets. What do you love me and I love you.

"There will be love, but it won't be so obvious, reserved, you know it implicitly, and in the Northern Song Dynasty... how should I put it, although it is not as miserable as the Southern Song Dynasty, it must be hurt."

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth and started running the train with her mouth full:

"For the Song Dynasty, what can't be avoided is the splendid literature and the bloody martial arts... So, the song will definitely reflect the aspect of war, but it won't be too obvious, and it will bring a touch of injury... "

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow, let's meet Fu Jinqing and see how to create." Lu Yao opened his mouth, it seems... what he said was quite reasonable,
"Hmm...Okay." After Li Shuyao agreed, the two parties hung up the phone.

Li Shuyao threw the phone on the bed, and threw herself on the bed too...

"Hmm... so soft..." Li Shuyao rolled a few times, feeling very happy. Speaking of which, she really didn't think of this song before, um, when the time comes, let's go directly to create it, anyway, she has it all in her head.

"I really am a treasure." Li Shuyao said happily lying on the bed.

"Tsk tsk, this is really the first time I've seen someone say that I'm a treasure..."

Li Shuyao's writhing body paused, and she lifted the quilt covering her head, and then saw a certain white hair looking at her with a half-smile.

"Yoyo, isn't this the legendary treasure girl who actually showed her face?" Fang Xuening pursed her lips and looked at her pretending to be surprised.

"Let's fight to the death!"

Li Shuyao jumped up with a blushing face, grabbed Fang Xuening and threw her out, and then immediately rushed up.

"Hahahaha... If you tickle me, I will tickle you too... Hahaha..." Fang Xuening found Li Shuyao's tickle, and then the two began to scratch each other.


"Stop, stop, stop scratching, hahaha..."

" stop first!"

"No, you go first! Hahaha..."

"Then let's go together..."

"Good good...haha."

"3, 2, 1... Hahaha, you are cheating, haha."

"Aren't you the same, haha."


Tantai Jingyi stood at the door speechless and looked at the two people who were fighting, then turned her head and saw Brother Gou who was groping over quietly...

As soon as Brother Gou looked up, he saw Tantai Jingyi staring at it.

"Meow..." I said I was passing by, do you believe me?

"Meow..." When Brother Gou saw Tantai Jingyi raised her foot, she knew she didn't believe her, so she turned around and ran away.

Then it heard a crisp sound from behind.

Brother Gou rolled and stopped, looked back, Tantai Jingyi was eating dried fish with relish...

Damn it, she's caught her again!

No, why does she always have small dried fish in her hand? Hey!
I will never be fooled again, even if my dog ​​brother jumps from here, he will never eat your dried fish!
Tantai Jingyi squatted down with a smile, looked at the kitten and waved with a smile, shaking the small dried fish in her hand.



At the scene where Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening were having fun, a ball of white hair fell in through a parabola, and it could be vaguely seen that there was still a small crispy, crunchy and salty dried fish in its mouth...


"Crack clap..."

 Chapter 2~
(End of this chapter)

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