Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 144 I Never Hit 2

Chapter 144
Early the next morning, after Li Shuyao got up, she threw the two white hairs lying on her body aside, washed her face a little, changed into her exercise clothes, and ran out.

On the other side, Tantai Jingyi also came out at about the same time. The two of them would not punch directly at the beginning, but ran two laps to warm up first.

After all, it's late autumn, and it's still a little chilly in the morning. First, warm up, do some preparatory moves, and then do two sets of punches. After the punches, go back to take a shower, and then come down to eat.

All in one go, very perfect.

Generally speaking, after eating, Li Shuyao will either make music, or draw comics, find out how to draw, or practice cooking.

Well, she doesn't agree with saying that she is lazy, she is obviously busy all the time!

But today, after eating, she wasn't busy with those things. Instead, she got dressed and waited for Lu Yao.

Because today seems to be a more formal occasion, Li Shuyao took out the formal suit from last time. Her formal suit is not a skirt, but pants, so it looks really formal, and there is nothing strange about it. idea.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Lu Yao came by car.

In the car, Lu Yao told Li Shuyao a lot, saying that this time is a very formal occasion, don't say any special lines from the second year, be more dignified, and don't act excessively.

Li Shuyao was speechless for a while after listening, when did I say a very second-rate line, when did I not be dignified, when did I act too much, you are slandering!Hong Guoguo's slander!
I made an exception to wear such a formal dress today, last time I was going to be a foodie... Ahem, I only wore this one when I was the goddess of justice!
If you hadn't said yesterday to be more formal, I would be wearing a hoodie and jeans today!

As for aesthetics...

I naturally have my own aesthetic!

Isn't it best to wear clothes that are comfortable for you, and don't care what others think, I don't ask you to do anything!
Well, today I'm going to be Party B...

So if you want to be the second party, isn't that just wearing formal clothes?

Li Shuyao pursed her lips, and when she heard Lu Yao babbling, she immediately remembered Nan Yiyi's lovely manager...

Alas, the agent was found early.

There is no way, the agent I found, I have to admit it through gritted teeth!
"What's going on in your little head." Lu Yao saw Li Shuyao's big rolling eyes through the mirror: "Hmph, are you thinking that Sister Lu really hates you, what are you talking about, I'm not ignorant. "


Li Shuyao opened her mouth and said, what the hell, did this guy put roundworms in his stomach? He actually knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Are you still thinking, if you keep nagging me, I will change my agent."


This guy has mind-reading skills, definitely has mind-reading skills, it's too scary, it's really too scary, Mama, I want to go home!
Lu Yao rolled his eyes: "Okay, don't go to Secondary School, we'll be there soon, when the time comes, you can have a good discussion about the song."


Li Shuyao puffed her mouth and said, I never fell into the second grade!

Li Shuyao and Lu Yao came to an economic company. Well, in a building where the roof can only be seen from the head up, the two of them took the elevator all the way to the 18th floor. When they walked in, they saw people coming and going.

Li Shuyao looked at these people smacking their mouths. One or two of these people almost wrote the words "I'm very busy" on the line. It's pitiful to see, tsk tsk.

Li Shuyao and the others didn't attract any attention when they came in. In other words, there are usually all kinds of celebrities here. For newcomers like Li Shuyao, at most, those who know each other smile and nod, and those who don't know don't even look at it...

The two came all the way to a conference room, and after knocking on the door and entering, there were already some people here.

The Fu Jinqing I met before was also sitting here.

"Hey, we met again. I didn't expect you to create so many excellent works in this period of time. Sister Lu is looking forward to you." Fu Jinqing stood up after seeing Li Shuyao, and greeted Li Shuyao enthusiastically.

"Hello..." Li Shuyao nodded politely, and then said silently in her heart, you can't fall into the second grade, and you can't do strange things...

Several other people also greeted Li Shuyao and Lu Yao. There were TV drama producers and Fu Jinqing's side, mainly because the two sides were cooperating.

After everyone greeted Li Shuyao and Lu Yao, Lu Yao shook hands enthusiastically, and Li Shuyao nodded beside him, hello.

Then I silently said in my heart that I can't be in the second grade, and I can't do strange things...

Then Lu Yao whispered in her ear: "What are you doing..."

Li Shuyao glanced at Lu Yao, and then said to herself...

Lu Yao leaned into her ear again: "Hurry up and I'll get back to normal!"

Li Shuyao curled her lips, it's really difficult to serve!
"I'm a bit busy these days, and this time I finally have the opportunity to cooperate." Li Shuyao smiled and shook hands with Fu Jinqing, then nodded to the others.

"This time I want to appreciate Yaoyao's masterpiece." Fu Jinqing said with a smile.

After everyone greeted each other, the TV series got down to business. The outline of the story and the general requirements were printed out and placed in front of everyone.

But in fact, everyone already knew it before coming here, and these materials are more of a reminder to everyone.

"It's a bit of a rush to find everyone this time. First of all, I would like to say sorry to everyone. We are indeed in a hurry, so we have to ask you to come to the meeting temporarily."

A man from the TV drama production side came out and said.

This time it was indeed in a hurry. Lu Yao, who contacted yesterday, was coming to a meeting today. Generally speaking, he would not invite someone so impatiently, and would give some time slot.

After all, not everyone has nothing to do the next day.

"I won't talk about the specific reasons here. I believe everyone understands what we want. Then, Teacher Fu Jinqing and Teacher Li Shuyao, you can share your thoughts."

Fu Jinqing looked at Li Shuyao, and then made a gesture of invitation: "My idea is actually very simple, just like Teacher Li Shuyao's last time I wish you a long time, compose the lyrics of "Like a Dream", and Li Shuyao I believe everyone has heard of the speed at which the teacher makes music, and this is the fastest method nowadays."

That's right, there was a problem with the TV drama producer's music. The theme song was already set, but there was a temporary dispute over copyright and it couldn't be used.

They're ready to sue...

But regardless of the issue of prosecution, their TV series will be postponed if they don't have a theme song, which will be a fatal blow to them, or in other words, someone just wants them to postpone.

So they are urgently asking for the theme song now, if they can't release it as scheduled, they will lose a lot.

They also searched for several companies, and when they found Fu Jinqing, Fu Jinqing immediately thought of Li Shuyao, if he said it quickly.

Li Shuyao is really fast.

It can be seen from her continuous song response before.

Fast speed and high quality.

And there was the song "I hope you will live forever" before, so she didn't have to write lyrics. The lyrics of "Like a Dream" are so well written, just compose and sing.

 Chapter 3~
(End of this chapter)

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