Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 145 It turns out that I am not that simple to drop Party B

Chapter 145 It turns out that I am not that simple to drop Party B

Fu Jinqing really wants to cooperate with this creative newcomer, but he will not force it, if he can, he can, if he can't, he can't, it doesn't matter.

In fact, this time he is more of a recommendation. He also has some ideas of his own about creating this song. He wants two people to cooperate to complete this work. Of course, if Li Shuyao can't do it, he will complete it by himself.

Although the time is tight and the pressure is a bit high, overall he can still complete it, which is a challenge for himself.

Speaking of which, he also really wanted to hear what Li Shuyao had to say, after all it was not easy to have a mature idea in such a short time.

So, everyone turned to Li Shuyao.

What is Li Shuyao thinking at this moment?

she was thinking...

Fuck, it turns out that Party B of me is not such a pure Party B, it's not me begging you, it's you begging me, then I...then I got stuck.

Then I'm still nervous P!

Then the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

"Ahem..." Seeing Li Shuyao's expression, Lu Yao felt that something was wrong, so he coughed twice.

Li Shuyao smiled and waved her hands, don't cough, I'm the boss now, you know, I'm the tallest in the audience!

"I already have a complete idea about this song." Li Shuyao said with confidence.

Several other people looked at each other, and then their eyes lit up. Although Li Shuyao is very young, it can be said that there have been many golden songs during this period, and the quality of each song is guaranteed.

That's why they decided to invite Li Shuyao. The quality of the first few songs was so good that they felt that Li Shuyao could be trusted.

As for age...

People mainly look at the results, and it has nothing to do with your age. Going to the society mainly depends on your ability. Only those who have no ability themselves will look at other people's age.

Don't say that Li Shuyao is 18 now, if she can really come up with satisfactory works, they will call you a child prodigy at the age of 10.

"For this song, I want to do a male-female duet." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "Of course, I will use "Like a Dream" as the skeleton, and then fill in certain content."

"It's possible, but will the production time be too long? We don't have that much time." Fu Jinqing thought for a while and said: "If the production is too hasty, will the quality of the entire song be lowered and become a pure song? Love, this is not in line with the plot, or let’s talk about it in detail.”

The concept given by Li Shuyao was very general, and none of them had any idea. They glanced at each other and felt that it seemed a little unreliable.

It's clear that they don't have enough time, so why put aside the difficulty of this challenge, just compose the music directly.

If you compose the music directly, it will be much simpler. You don’t need to review and modify the lyrics a little bit, you only need to create the music, which will undoubtedly save a lot of time.

After all, a theme song must fit the theme of a TV series, so the word needs to be carefully crafted. They chose to use "Like a Dream" directly because the word is very close to their TV series, or the script of this TV series is Based on this word.

The name of the TV series is also found from this poem, so it is very appropriate.

If you have to add lyrics and sing duets, it may be a little more troublesome.

"How long do we have?" Li Shuyao asked after thinking for a while.

"At most half a month." The TV drama producer said, "So it's urgent."

For a well-produced music, half a month is definitely not enough. Maybe the lyrics and music of some songs are written very quickly, because the creator's inspiration bursts out, and the first draft can be produced very quickly.

However, after that, we have to constantly polish and revise, and change to the most suitable version. After that, there will be a series of work such as recording, mastering, mixing and so on.

If you just do it step by step, it will not be too slow, but this is a creative work, not a factory screwing screws, and there is no template for you to follow suit. Of course, plagiarism and reference are another matter.

If creation were so easy, there would not always be accusations that there is no new idea.

The TV drama producers have great ambitions, and they are not willing to produce a defective product. Although the theme song is not the content of the drama series, it is also quite important.

In fact, if it is not possible, they can also directly buy a song that has already been released as the theme song, but if it is not tailor-made, there will be deviations, and they are very unwilling.

That can only be the last choice.

"I know you still have doubts, forget it, then I'll create it directly. I think it's more convenient to talk about things with the work, which is much more convenient than talking about it here." Li Shuyao looked at the eyes of several people and felt a little helpless. It's true that what she said was a bit general, but...

It's not necessary for you to ask her to reverse any song, what are the dead brain cells doing, why don't you just show the work to you, what's the use of talking about so many ozone layers!

"Teacher Li Shuyao, already have a work?" The person in charge of the production team opened his mouth in disbelief, and the people around Fu Jinqing also looked at Li Shuyao in surprise.

Not to mention that they were incredible, even Lu Yao looked at her incredulously, as if asking if it was true in his eyes, if it wasn't you, I would quickly get back to you.

This makes Lu Yao a little bit confused, is she round or not...

"No, do you have a piano here? Give me another pen..." Li Shuyao said.

"This..." Several people looked at each other in blank dismay. They had never encountered such a situation before. When they were discussing cooperation, they sat down and started creating in person. It was really unprecedented.

"There is no need to question Yaoyao's creative ability." Lu Yao smiled on the surface, thinking in his heart that he must repair this little girl well when he goes back!

But outside, she would not question Li Shuyao.

"I think you can try it." Fu Jinqing's eyes lit up, and then he looked at the producer: "How about trusting her once?"

"Okay." The producer nodded. Since Lu Yao and Fu Jinqing have said so, they are willing to believe it once: "Everyone come with me."

Li Shuyao picked up the outline of the story, flipped through it, and walked out together.

These people came out, but it attracted the attention of many people. Everyone knows a little about this project, and they all know what they are doing, but they don't know why they came out suddenly.

A group of people came to a place similar to a music classroom, with a wooden floor, a piano and an electronic organ, which seemed to be a place where they could practice quickly.

"Is it okay here?" The producer looked at Li Shuyao and asked.

"Yes." While reading the outline of the story, Li Shuyao sat on the piano chair, took the pen and the notebook without opening the lid, and wrote the words "Know or not" on the notebook.

"Lady Yi An..."

Li Shuyao sighed softly, closed her eyes and recalled the woman in her mind. She was born between the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, experienced the end of the prosperous age, and experienced half a life of wandering...

"Once the flowers bloom next to the willows, when you look for the fragrance, you mistakenly look for the marquis of the pavilion..."

 Chapter 4~
(End of this chapter)

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