Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 146 I'm Waiting For The Shallowness

Chapter 146 I'm Waiting For The Shallowness
When Li Shuyao was furiously writing, the few people who were watching were afraid to speak, for fear of disturbing her, and the few people who were not paying attention at first became cautious after seeing the two sentences she wrote.

It looks really good!

The foundation of classical Chinese is very deep, and I can write such good words as soon as I come up.

Everyone looked at the few words she wrote, and then thought about the content of the TV series, and somehow they felt that they fit well, the kind of helplessness and resistance in the current situation...

Seeing that Li Shuyao wrote a few strokes, crossed them out, and then re-wrote them, carefully considering each word, and everyone knew that this was repeatedly looking for the most suitable word.

Then everyone was even more afraid to speak out, for fear of interrupting Li Shuyao's train of thought.

Ideas are amazing. When you write along a line of thought, inspiration will continue to burst out, and you will quickly come up with your work.

But if it is interrupted by something, then all the things that were thought of along that line of thought before will disappear at once, and you can't remember it no matter how you think about it.

Although not everyone has experienced this experience, at least they have heard of it, or have been scolded when interrupting others...

Then a few people can only make eye contact.

Some of them knew Lu Yao, so they looked at Li Shuyao and then at her incredulously, has your family always been like this?This is too scary.

Lu Yao smiled slightly, hum, seeing how you have never seen the world, some people in this world are called geniuses!

Lu Yao's heart is similar to these people.

Fuck, is this guy so fierce, start writing as soon as you say start writing?Not stopping at all?

She really wanted to open Li Shuyao's head to see if there was a library in this little head, which contained all the good things from heaven, the kind that could be eaten for a lifetime...

There is something to say.

"Articles are made naturally, and skillful hands can get them by chance."

I'm afraid it wasn't God who stuffed her head full!

Tsk tsk, sure enough, people are more popular than people.

"After giving away the brocade book and looking back, there is no time left to steal..."

After the modification, Li Shuyao wrote the first few sentences, and then immediately wrote "Like a Dream Order".

"Last night, the rain was dredging and the wind was violent, and the sleep was so deep that the wine didn't disappear... Do you know if you know it, it should be green, fat, red and thin..."

"Okay, that's basically it, let's see how it goes."

After finishing writing, Li Shuyao smiled:
"Adding a few lines in front of "Like a Dream", I think it can make the song fuller. After all, the number of words in this song itself is not many. If you sing it repeatedly, it will feel a bit ruined. Add The first few sentences are like an annotation for a TV series, what do you think?"

"The front is the verse, and "Like a Dream" is placed in the chorus. I think it is very good, and it can directly highlight the emotion."

The producer looked at the lyrics and then at Li Shuyao, and his eyes were full of inconceivability. After reading it before and after, I think it is still very good. Although it is definitely not as good as Yi Anjushi, but at least it is not abrupt when read, combined with TV dramas, it is very good. Not bad anymore.

"Of course, if it is produced like this, some people will definitely say that the front is not suitable for the back, so you have to be prepared to use it or not." Li Shuyao shrugged.

She has already experienced this. Many people privately messaged her before saying that they insulted Su Shi. She has already thought about it. If this song is released, someone must privately message her saying that she insulted Li Qingzhao.

The first part of this song was written by modern people, and the latter part was written by Li Qingzhao. When this song came out, it caused some controversy. In addition to some people who forced their wits to say that Li Qingzhao wrote it badly, there were also criticisms of the first half. of.

Li Shuyao once read some of these criticisms, well, most of them said that ordinary people would say it was good, and people with discerning eyes would say it was bad. At that time, what was bad and what was bad was rarely mentioned.

In fact, most of the works are looking for bosom friends. Li Shuyao thinks that this song has at least won the love of the public, and most people love it, so that's fine. After all, it is definitely incomparable with the poems that have been passed down through the ages.

And if you look at it in conjunction with the TV series, the previous paragraph is more suitable for the TV series. After watching the TV series and listening to this song, you can actually gradually understand it.

When reading the previous paragraph, Li Shuyao could see the picture. She didn't know the rhythm of ancient poems, and she didn't know why some people said that modern people must follow the way of ancient people when composing poems.

But she read it, understood it, and felt that it was enough when she had a picture in her mind and a feeling in her heart.

No matter what the external form is, poems and songs cannot avoid the word love. This love is not the love between men and women, but the feelings of people.

When Li Shuyao looked at the front part, he saw the flowers blooming beside the willow tree, and also saw the man who was looking for the fragrance of the flowers but delayed the title of Marquis, and saw him and her quietly in the picture scroll with the morning glow shining all over the sky. Staring into the distance, I saw that the moment she entered the palace gate was as deep as the sea, and saw his pale hair receive a letter from her on the battlefield...

Well, these are her own imagination, not the pictures in the TV series.

However, reading poetry is a very romantic thing. Many times it travels through time and space, breaks boundaries, and revels in the beauty of that moment...

Poetry has pictures.

Li Shuyao could tell that the people in front of her were basically not intoxicated, they just felt that the lyrics were good and could be used!

"Okay, okay, it's pretty good, then, the song..." The person in charge of the producer looked at Li Shuyao eagerly, not saying anything else, it was already a pleasant surprise to be able to write such lyrics in just a few minutes.

Saved a lot of time!

But the song is different, can the song be made?

Li Shuyao nodded, then took the notebook and pen and put them on the shelf where the score was placed, then sat back on the piano chair, put both hands on the piano, and carefully recalled the tune of the song.

She has been doing this kind of thing for a while, so she is actually very proficient, but it still takes a lot of brain cells. If she hadn't been strengthened by the system, she wouldn't be able to handle this kind of thing.

And it can't be done at once, it needs to be modified a little bit, of course, it is definitely much faster than re-creation.

So, everyone almost held their breath again.

Li Shuyao played a short section, then wrote a piece of music in a notebook, then shook her head, and then started playing again. The tune is almost the same, but there will be some small changes.

People next to me feel differently.


It sounds a little nice.

The ones that are crossed out are very nice.

A few people look at me and I look at you. Before, everyone was questioning Li Shuyao's creative ability, but he came up with satisfactory lyrics in such a short period of time.

Then everyone was questioning whether Li Shuyao could compose a song...

Although he didn't say it, it was because Li Shuyao quickly took out the lyrics, so I was embarrassed to say it, but I could see it in my eyes!

As a result, Li Shuyao sat down and began to create, and it sounded...

Very nice look.

Everyone was a little shocked.

So... is this a genius? that how geniuses create?
Sorry, I was being shallow.

 Nowadays, many people like to belittle the present and elevate the ancient times. It is true that the splendid culture handed down from the ancient times and polished by time is very charming, but there is no need to blindly belittle the modern times, put your mind at ease, and really appreciate some things. Both ancient and modern are beautiful... …

  Chapter 5~ Let’s stop here for now~ Thank you to everyone who saw here~
(End of this chapter)

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