Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 147 Why does this person seem more anxious than us

Chapter 147 Why does this person seem more anxious than us

Li Shuyao was very charming when he was composing music, that kind of concentration deeply attracted everyone present...

Well, maybe it was shocking too.

After all, it is a bit too scary to get a subject and do it immediately. Of course, what is even more scary is that people have done it in a short time.

Look at the words, listen to the song...

Can it really be taken out suddenly?
This is not the same as when you are inspired and emotionally prominent. This is a propositional work, which is something that you have no idea before and suddenly comes to you and asks you to write.

Don't you really need a little idea?

The most troublesome part of a work is actually the conception. Without ideas, nothing can be written. If you have can't be done all at once!

You are exaggerating a bit.

A few people took chairs and sat down beside them, and then they just watched Li Shuyao's melody straighten out little by little.

It took about 20 minutes, and she almost finished the 4-minute music.

When Li Shuyao played the piece from beginning to end, everyone was somewhat dazed.

If they hadn't seen this person actually create here with their own eyes, they would have thought that Li Shuyao had prepared it in advance.


Is it really such a coincidence, they only contacted Lu Yao yesterday.

Did Li Shuyao create it overnight?

It is possible, but if it was really made last night, it would be fine to just take it out. Is it really necessary to change it so pretentiously?
Listening to the constant modification of the score, it is really creating.

Then several people looked at Fu Jinqing and made a gesture, is this song plagiarized?

Fu Jinqing shook his head lightly, he had never heard this song before.

In other words, no matter whether it was written last night or created now, it is an original song.

Even if it was really created last night, it would be extremely fast.


She is only 18 years old.

The producer of the TV series looked at Lu Yao with a slightly different expression. Maybe there will be more collaborations in the future. Li Shuyao, the firefighting captain, is so talented that he was able to create such a high-quality song so quickly. Saved so much time.

If I work overtime, I can definitely come up with this song in half a month!

And there may still be time to craft it.

Over there, Lu Yao's face was grinning, mmp in his heart, this girl definitely wants to pretend to be X, otherwise what kind of on-site creation is she doing!If someone here has ulterior motives, just take this song away and publish it for you, won’t you be dumbfounded?

You should get the copyright for my old lady first!

Of course, these people here are unlikely to do those things. These people are either well-known musicians or crew members. If they do such things, they will basically not have to mess around in the circle in the future, and Lu Yao can also sue kill him.

But she thinks that she should educate Li Shuyao well when she goes back, and she can't just take out the songs she wrote in private, and now I don't know how many people are coveting her songs.

"Almost, that's it." Li Shuyao took a deep breath, and took out the almost revised score, and just after taking it out, Lu Yao snatched it.

Once you have heard it, you will have heard it. It is not that you can free up the score after listening to it. The score can no longer be given to others casually.

"Everyone, is there any doubt now?" Lu Yao said with a smile: "I believe that even if it is the previous song, this one may not be suitable for this TV series."

Li Shuyao shook her head with a smile. The tune is rather sad. In fact, it doesn't fit Li Qingzhao's "Like a Dream", but it fits well with this TV series.

In the final analysis, this song is still for this TV series. The addition of Li Qingzhao's "Like a Dream" is actually more like a gimmick, directly raising the tone of the whole song and the whole show.

But, it sounds good.

"No more doubts, happy cooperation." TV drama Fang said with a smile.

"Happy cooperation." Lu Yao smiled and shook hands with them, then turned to look at Fu Jinqing and said with a smile, "This time you really want to cooperate."

"I believe it must be a pleasant process." Fu Jinqing said with a smile: "Today, Teacher Li Shuyao gave us a big surprise. I am very happy to be able to cooperate with Teacher Li Shuyao."


Li Shuyao looked at the group of people in the back speechlessly and exchanged greetings: "Well, sister Lu, why don't you go talk about the contract and other things, and let the others come with me to make the accompaniment, and by the way, I'll fix some ideas for the sound mixing .”

Everyone's laughing exchanges stopped suddenly, and several people looked at Li Shuyao in a daze.


Just started making?

Have you even thought about mixing?
No... Just now you had a little concert in your head, how did you create it and then even mix it up, you won't tell me that you have finished the MV in a while, right?

You don't need to make the MV, we have scenes from TV dramas...

No, why do you think of making an MV?

"Do you have a band here? It's fine if you don't have one, I can do it myself, that Fu you know how to make it? Let's go and finish it quickly."

The piano is only for the convenience of Li Shuyao to sort out the score. This piece requires many instruments to work together, especially the addition of some traditional instruments, which can add a lot to the whole piece.

The people on both sides blinked their eyes, and suddenly they couldn't be dealt with by Li Shuyao.

No, that seems to be because the TV drama producers are in a hurry, why does it feel like Li Shuyao seems to be more anxious than them.

Shouldn't this be the most anxious of their TV series producers, and then the song creators will make a move to fight for a higher price...

The producers of the TV series are ready to be slaughtered. Although they say that negotiations should not expose their weaknesses, they are no longer able to expose their own weaknesses. It's really over.

Can only be slaughtered.


It seemed that Li Shuyao wasn't ready to make any preparations at all, but seemed more anxious than them. It seemed that Li Shuyao was planning to start work directly today.

Ah this...

It's a bit out of process.

"Ahaha, this soldier is very fast. You are also in a hurry. Let's get the finished product out as soon as possible. This is only our first cooperation, and there will be many opportunities for cooperation in the future." Lu Yao didn't do anything unnecessary, but It directly affirmed Li Shuyao's approach: "Then let's divide into two groups. I believe that with this cooperation, we will definitely give each other more opportunities in the future."

"That's right, then please trouble Teacher Li Shuyao and Teacher Fu Jinqing. We will have someone to help make it together. Thank you all. If we can really make it this time, we will definitely not treat you badly."

The person in charge of the TV drama producer sighed a little. They were still struggling with the theme song this morning, but it seemed to be completely resolved in the blink of an eye.

Everyone felt a little unreal at this moment.

It seems that this has never happened before... They have also cooperated with many musicians, but this kind of situation has never been encountered before.

Sure enough, the world of geniuses is hard for ordinary people to understand.

At this time, everyone looked at Li Shuyao who went out to make music, and felt like watching a fairy...

 I dreamed of teleporting crazily last night, but it was amazing...


(End of this chapter)

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