Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 15 A lot of little red dots!

Chapter 15 A lot of little red dots!

Li Shuyao, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up, pulled off a certain white hair lying on her body, sat up and scratched her messy hair, picked up her phone and looked at it, it was already 12 o'clock at noon.

No wonder I'm so hungry!

But I shouldn't wake up from hunger. Although her current appetite is a little bit large, isn't it all because of storing energy for the system? She doesn't have such a large appetite at all, she is still a little fairy with...

Suddenly, Li Shuyao woke up with a jolt.

Let me go, why do I feel like a little fairy... I must have fallen asleep, um, I must be!
Li Shuyao nodded affirmatively, and at the same time threw aside the little paw that a certain white hair had secretly stuck to her body.

After unlocking the phone's screen lock, Li Shuyao's pupils shook wildly!

Countless little red dots appeared in places like QQ, WeChat, SMS, and station B, and her heart was tangled together in an instant...

Soul light!You have already removed the little red dots before going to bed, why so many little red dots suddenly appear, I think you are embarrassing me, Fat Tiger!
Li Shuyao clicked on the text message below with a solemn face. This thing is not with the others. She has sorted out other apps, but the text message is at the bottom and can be seen immediately, so I give this thing priority. click off!

When she opened it, she was stunned for a moment. There are really few people sending text messages these days, so the number of red dots here is the least, but there are some anyway, and they are basically sent by her former classmates.

Basically, they are asking if it is her who sings on station B...

Because when she posted piano music at station B before, a few of her friends would help forward it. Although people basically didn’t watch it, they knew that Li Shuyao often posted videos of music songs at station B.

Her classmates are basically the most intelligent ones, and they found the video forwarded by others in the circle of friends in three clicks, so they quickly thought of her, so they sent her WeChat, but she didn't reply when she was sleeping. , and some continued to send text messages.

Most of the text messages are classmates and friends, so the content is similar to that of WeChat. Basically, they are either asking if it belongs to her, or congratulating her for finally making it through.

The same is true in QQ. Those who add QQ these days are basically old classmates.

Some old classmates don’t have any, QQ is basically a place where major fan groups chat, so on the contrary, QQ has the least news.

After reading the news, Li Shuyao blinked her eyes. At this moment, she suddenly realized that the music posted early this morning had an effect.

She didn't expect that such a song would bring out so many old classmates and old friends whom she hadn't seen for many years. Because she always skipped grades, her classmates are usually a few years older than her, so the communication is not too much... …

Well, a certain white hair was also her high school classmate back then, but the university was different later on.

Speaking of which, her two best friends are high school classmates. After college, she really didn't communicate much. They were either busy with club activities or working part-time to make money. As a minor, she could only play the piano or something... …

There were messages from two people on WeChat, and she replied, one was a message from another best friend, Tantai Jingyi.

The lady of Tantai's family: "That's right, my teammates are listening to your song. When it's uploaded to NetEase Cloud, we can also play it for you when we are live."

The nursery rhyme in the book: "Netease Cloud uploaded it today, I didn't expect it to be so popular."

The lady of Tantai's family: "Fang Xuening is at your house, I will come over in a few days."

Nursery rhyme from the book: "Huh? You stopped playing games?"

The lady of Tantai's family: "Hmph, it seems that you don't care about me very much. Our results in the summer split this year are not very good, and the playoffs are not sure. The top laner in the team is about to retire, and the jungler seems to be down We have to leave for the next season, so the team wants to train new players."

The nursery rhyme in the book: "Come on, when the time comes, I will take you to pretend to be X and let you fly."

The lady of Tantai's family: "Come on, I'm going to train."

Nursery rhyme in the book: "Goodbye~"

While talking to Tantai Jingyi, Li Shuyao also replied to Chongchong.

Chongchong: "Congratulations, the new song is very nice."

Nursery rhyme in the book: "Thank you, Sister Chong, for recommending it."

Chongchong: "Haha, nothing is nothing, the main thing is that your content is good, if you have a chance, go out and have a meal together."

The nursery rhyme in the book: "Okay, okay, I'm going to rub your heat again at that time."

Chongchong: "Hey, this song of yours is so popular, maybe it will have more than [-] million hits, and I will be the one who rubs off on your popularity. That's right, when are you going to show your face?"

The nursery rhyme in the book: "It's probably coming soon. In this era, you can't hide it even if you want to."

Chongchong: "That's right, come on, next time you can contribute together."

Nursery rhyme in the book: "Okay!"

In fact, she has no resistance to showing her face, but she has never shown her face before, so she also wants to not show her face, but... If she doesn't show her face, what is she doing to strengthen her genes, so, she still has to appear on camera.

You can wait two days before showing up...

Otherwise, send out the video Fang Xuening recorded?
Hey, let's talk after watching, let's talk after watching.

After the two agreed on the next joint contribution, Li Shuyao turned her head to look at her B station app. Compared with the previous two, this one is the big one. She ran to the settings first, and cleared all the prompts of the app. Then he nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough, you can't open the notification, just click to open it yourself.

Li Shuyao first took a look at the number of her fans. In just one morning, it had already climbed from 1 to 8. The speed of increasing fans was terrifying, and it was still rising. It is estimated that by the end of this wave, it should be able to increase directly. to at least 10.

However, if you want to continue to rise, you still need more follow-up works. More and better works can make you quickly increase your followers.

Some UPs even change every day in order to maintain their popularity, which is terrifying.

However, most UPs are updated almost once a week in order to maintain their popularity, except for those real masters... For example, a certain Caiqian, whose work really cannot be produced in a short time, but every time one is released, it is a high-quality product, and basically will Set off a wave of small hot searches.

Then there are all kinds of likes, just click on this thing, there is nothing to see.

You can take a look at the private messages and @自己的, most of them are praising her, saying her voice is so cute, her figure is so good...

Her figure has appeared in both previous videos and Chongchong's videos.

There are also many questions about whether the song can be covered, whether the copyright can be sold or not.

Occasionally, there are a few of them for business, and I ask her if she will advertise or not.

Well, some people who play tricks are directly reported and blacked by her. You can't be soft-hearted when dealing with these people!
There are also people who come here to swear. Anyway, there are people in this year. No matter who you are, come up with a set of "quality three companies" first, and greet your family directly.

Choose a few replies depending on your mood in the private message, and don’t reply to the cover for the time being, and wait for Baimao to finish the cover before giving it to others.

After watching it for a while, she finally opened the page of her video, and a certain white hair had already gotten up to watch it with her...

(End of this chapter)

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