Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 16 Dig her for me

Chapter 16 Dig her for me

As soon as the video was opened, pieces of bullet screens floated past:

"Congratulations on discovering the treasure..."

"Brothers, I can't get out."

"Welcome back."

"A million times more..."

"This video is poisonous!"

"Hahaha, this little girl's dancing is so interesting."

"You may not know, but I watched this little girl bouncing around for 2 hours."


Li Shuyao twitched the corners of her mouth, maybe that’s not the case. Although this song is very good and can be regarded as a recurring Divine Comedy, the audience in the previous world was not that big, or it was not as popular as the other great Divine Comedies. Of course, It was enough to "bloodbath" station B.

It's just that the era was too early, and the Internet was not so developed...

But this song seems to have a better chemical reaction in this world. Li Shuyao thought about it... Maybe it is the name of this song that restricts this song. After all, people who don’t know the name of this song think it’s from the 80s song.

This time she didn't put the name of the song on it. She titled it "If You Are Unhappy, Please Dance". It is not a particularly eye-catching name, but at least it will not dissuade you.

After everyone heard the content of this song, they soon began to spontaneously click three consecutive times, and some even started reposting crazily. At present, the playback volume is close to 50. I don’t know how many of them are repeated views. .

Listening to the voice coming from the phone, Li Shuyao unconsciously sang along:

"Look at the world of platinum, take a step forward, and dance with the endless throbbing in your heart..."

"I'm already tired of the unpredictable things and the eternal things, I use this first acquaintance to make this eternal vow with you..."



"Ah Yo~"


Fang Xuening at the side secretly took out her phone, and pointed the camera at Li Shuyao...


Zhenhong's live broadcast platform is not ranked too high among the major domestic live broadcast platforms, but it is considered very capable to survive the tragic live broadcast platform battle.

The Zhenhong live broadcast platform focuses on music live broadcasting. It has signed a lot of genuine singers for a lot of money to live broadcast. In addition, it has recruited a large number of beautiful singers. Let’s talk about how they sing. Anyway, there are a bunch of beautiful women live broadcasting. A piece of cake in the live broadcast industry.

After the live broadcast platform gradually got on the right track, the boss Zhen Dahong began to decentralize some management rights, mainly focusing on the company's general direction, business cooperation projects and... the cultivation of newcomers.

Different from ordinary bosses, he likes to discover potential newcomers very much. For newcomers, this may be a good opportunity, but for newcomers who are gradually growing, this opportunity is like drinking poison to quench their thirst.

Because the contracts he gave newcomers were basically stuck in his platform, not to mention the outrageously high liquidated damages, but because the newcomers signed too many, but there were so many resources, and as a result, many people I couldn't get the recommendation I should have, and then I gradually rolled up.

Such a result directly led to the managers of the Zhenhong live broadcast platform living a very nourishing life...

Therefore, Zhen Hong's reputation in the industry is very bad, no matter where he squeezes newcomers, he won't get a good reputation, and after growing up, several big anchors will directly pay liquidated damages to quit, feeling like they are doing it for themselves. Same as redemption.

This mainly involves the issue of sharing and copyright. His platform is mainly a platform for music works, so it is normal to produce works. The copyright is all stuck in the hands of the platform due to contract issues. As a result, many top anchors Neither can get the benefits they deserve.

So long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, so I just quit.

But newcomers don't know that there are too many lessons here, or for newcomers, when a contract with a decent salary is placed in front of him, most of them will choose to sign it, after all, they have income.

He took advantage of this to harvest newcomers crazily.

Today he has his eye on a newcomer again. A UP host at station B is called Nursery Rhyme in the Book. The previous videos of this UP host are not interesting. They just play the piano in an ordinary way. He has a good figure. If he shoots a short video to show his figure Can quickly gain some fans.

But the newly released song this morning surprised him. It is reasonable to say that this song cannot be produced without a top team. He asked around, and there is no team in the circle that produced this song. , Arrangement is all her alone...

After listening to this song several times, Zhen Dahong looked down at the following comments:
"So cute, so cute, so cute, say important things three times!"

"It's a very healing song, and if I'm not mistaken, it should use the two voices of loli and girl, the perfect switch, hit my inner most perfect fantasy about these two voices. "

"This song is simply poisonous, I can't stop at all, and now I keep repeating singles, and it doesn't feel tired at all, it feels full and full."

"Who would refuse to have a cute little sister singing in your ears all the time?"

"The rhythm of this song is really good, I kept nodding along with the girl on the screen."

"From the rhythm to the lyrics, there is nothing to criticize. I still play the disco in my mind."

"Completely compose, compose and arrange the music by myself. It's amazing. I seem to see a new boss rising. Hey, there is Tranquility Xue among the producers... Could it be my Mr. Xue?"

"It should be, don't you thank Mr. Xue for your help in the comments below?"

"Hey, Mr. Xue hasn't updated for so many days, and he went to record songs with others."

"I suddenly looked forward to President Xue singing this song, haha..."

"I'm different, I look forward to these two people singing together..."

"Is this the sixth-level number? You have been taught and you have been taught."


Zhen Dahong silently flipped through a lot of comments, then nodded lightly, he is going to dig this person!

Anyway, it seems that Duodu is a newcomer. Although the level of this song is good, if there is no follow-up hype, it will be nothing. He has seen a lot of people like this in these years. One song explodes, and then Disappeared everyone.

However, Zhen Dahong seems to have a lot of value to be tapped as a newcomer. Even if there is only one song, he can surpass the popularity in a short time. For an upper-middle-level anchor, even if she is an ugly monster, as long as she sings every day, his company also has a lot of faceless singing anchors.

The most important thing is that she is just an up host, and it seems that she has not signed any live broadcast contract with Station B, which means she should still be a free person at present.

Then there will be no contract disputes, and this kind of newcomers can be easily recruited.

But hurry up, if there are more people looking for her, I'm afraid she will have a rebellious mentality.

He has experience with this.

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone and called the Human Resources Department:

"Hey, Xiao Wang, there is a newcomer in music at station B today, there is a new song called "Platinum disco", have you watched it, haven't watched it yet, go and check it out, besides, dig this person up for me! "

(End of this chapter)

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