Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 151 The Nightlife of Brother Dog

Chapter 151 The Nightlife of Brother Dog
Li Shuyao had a very comfortable meal this evening, and she found that the chef's cooking here was even more delicious than her cooking!If Lu Yao hadn't stopped her, she might have gone to seek a teacher or something.

After eating, everyone dispersed. After all, it was not too early. Those who should go home to sleep went to sleep, and those who should continue to go back to busy should continue to go back to busy.

The people in the TV drama seem to want to rush out the finished product of this song and add it to the episodes of the TV drama. It's a bit of a struggle.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Li Shuyao, she went home happily in Lu Yao's car.

Lu Yao didn't give any more lectures along the way, after all, Li Shuyao's performance today was good enough, her feat of becoming a melody in a day can completely cover up other minor flaws, plus she is still a beautiful girl.

She was only a little naive, but she didn't have any arrogance. She was even very serious when she was working, and her concentration and leadership were at the max level.

Although Lu Yao knew that this guy wanted to finish it quickly and go home to take a shower and sleep, but others didn't know it. It seemed that Li Shuyao worked overtime for them, and finally presented a well-made theme song in one day.

This uncanny feeling completely masks that little blemish.

Of course, the amount of food in the end was even more unbelievable. It is estimated that the impression Li Shuyao left on everyone today is that she can eat and be able to do things...

Along the way, the two of them just chatted about their plans for the future, and then Lu Yao tactfully said that when they go out to eat, they will eat a little less...

"Goodbye, Miss Lu..." After waving with Lu Yao, Li Shuyao jumped out of the car with a smile on her face, watched Lu Yao's car drive away, then turned and ran back home.

Today's harvest is full!

Not only did I get a small amount of money, but I also had a big meal, which was very good!
After returning home, Li Shuyao nodded in satisfaction when she saw Brother Gou sleeping peacefully in the nest. Although he usually hops around, he is still very obedient.

After lightly stroking her twice, Li Shuyao happily ran back to her room.

In the afternoon of the live broadcast room, Li Shuyao took time to change her name and took a leave of absence, so she didn't have to worry about anyone waiting in the live broadcast room.

Today I can take a comfortable bath again.

Li Shuyao went back to take a shower and went to bed, and after about an hour, the whole room became quiet.

At this moment, Brother Gou’s ears moved a little. After making sure that no one was walking around, he crawled out of his den, quietly ran to the second floor, sniffed lightly, and ordered it with peace of mind. nod.

Sure enough, all three of them had fallen asleep!
Brother Gou happily turned around and trotted downstairs. The black-bellied guy would often stay up late at night before, but since he started fighting with Ma Ma, she also started to go to bed early, and since then it has become easier to move around. Many.

Brother Gou ran to the first floor lightly, then ran directly through the small hole under the back door, and then jumped up to the tree in the backyard with a swish.

Brother Gou, who jumped onto the tree, looked out of the yard, and then slid down a branch that grew outside the yard. The moment he touched the ground, Brother Gou swayed to the side with the branch in his arms, and then pulled the branch away. On the railing in the backyard.

In this way, the branch can maintain a slightly drooping posture, so that when it comes back, it can easily climb the branch and go back up the tree.

Well, although it can also get into the gaps in the railings in the backyard, but there are many vines such as creepers planted in the gaps, and it dislikes that these things will stain its fur.

If she is too dirty, Ma Ma will grab herself to take a bath again!
Thinking of taking a bath, Brother Dog shook his head slightly, then looked down at his little paws and feet, fortunately they were not dirty!
Brother Gou is a little proud, he crawls out every day, he is already very proficient, and now he can easily get in and out without getting his fur dirty.

After jumping out, Brother Gou seemed to turn into a bolt of white lightning, and jumped out all of a sudden, happily crossing the lawn and the street, and ran to the door of a house with a howl.

After running all the way down, there was a little mermaid, a little Samoyed, a little puppet, and a little Labrador behind Gouge...

A group of cats and dogs came out or jumped out of the yards of each house, and then excitedly followed Brother Gou to crawl and roll.

"Oh..." A newly joined little husky just wanted to call out, but Brother Gou's eyes and claws quickly pinned his head.

Brother Gou gave the little husky a look, don't shoot!Quietly know it!

Well, there is also a little hedgehog, a little turtle...

However, these two did not run out from the house, but drilled out of the small woods or small pools in the community. They seemed to be the offspring of some pets that were abandoned and gradually survived here.

After walking around the neighborhood for a few times, Brother Gou seemed to be followed by a group of more than a dozen cubs, and even two pure white foxes, which looked very charming.

Brother Gou almost wiped out all the pet cubs in this area. Of course, these are those who can understand Brother Gou’s call. Those who don’t understand at all are not within the scope of Brother Gou’s recruitment. Brother Gou’s team only has elites!
Brother Gou ran into the woods with a group of little guys, and then stopped on a small grass. Brother Gou jumped on a small rock, looked at a group of "elites" below and nodded in satisfaction.

"Meow meow! Meow meow meow... meow meow... meow!"

Today we come out to play again, let's eat, drink and have fun together, have fun!

"Meow meow……"

"Wang Wang..."



"Slap." Brother Gou jumped off the rock and gave the little husky a slap. They all speak their own language, why do you keep learning how to bark like a wolf!
After teaching the little brother a lesson, Brother Gou dragged out a few bags of cat food from the forest, which he saved after grabbing food from Li Shuyao. It was mainly composed of mutton and chicken powder, and of course, there were also some freeze-dried fruits and vegetables. , Generally, it likes to eat goat milk for comparison.

Well, Brother Gou dragged out several cat food bowls and bags of fresh goat milk.

It's all saved by it in the past few days.

If Li Shuyao came here, he would know why Brother Gou is so edible...

But Li Shuyao has always been very generous in eating, and Brother Gou has been modified by the system after all, so maybe it is really good to eat, so I told the people at the pet shop to reserve more, and then Brother Gou stole it Bring out a lot.

Including cat food bowls that occasionally disappear suddenly.

Brother Gou skillfully directed several younger brothers to drag the cat food over, then tore open the package and poured goat milk and cat food into several cat food bowls.

Of course, some will inevitably be spilled during the period, and whoever spills out will be beaten by Brother Gou.

If a younger brother wanted to eat what was spilled outside, he would be beaten up by Brother Gou.

I don’t know if the ones that fall outside are dirty and can’t be eaten!

Every time at this time, Brother Gou will deeply despise the owners of these pets. Even his own pets can’t be trained well. What kind of pets do you have? It's really lazy!
Thinking about it this way, the three of my own are really excellent.

 Does your cat run out by itself at night?

(End of this chapter)

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