Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 152 This Is My Country

Chapter 152 This Is My Country
Brother Gou looked at the cats, dogs, foxes, hedgehogs, little turtles and other small animals who started to eat cat food and nodded in relief. Although it was called cat food, everyone ate meat, so it didn't matter.

Brother Gou thought about it for a while, there are quite a lot of people today, basically all of them are here, so he took out the meat and seafood that he hid when Li Shuyao had barbecue two days ago!
Although the taste has changed a little bit, it is still a good thing, and the weather has been getting colder recently, but it has not completely broken.

Brother Gou took out these things one by one and put them in a row.

Everyone started to eat happily again.

Although I eat high-end rations at home every day, it’s more fun to “prey” and eat outside. Look at those dogs constantly pounced on the food, and then “violently” biting...

Although it looks a bit cute, but this is training them!
Brother Gou happily inspects his little brother, since your master doesn’t train you, then I will train you, although I can’t speak like Ma Ma and that white hair, but I can train you like a soldier!
Brother Gou thought about the three in his family, Ma Ma naturally needless to say, as Brother Gou's reborn parents, Ma Ma's kindness to Brother Gou is as high as the sky, as deep as the sea... It is the depth of the sea, not the sea cucumber...

Ahem, anyway, Mama gave it life, gave it food, drink, shelter, and taught it various skills, so even if Mama occasionally went crazy to bathe it, it endured it !
A certain white hair is naturally the stupidest one in the family, but she is also the kindest person in the family. She treats herself very well every time. When Ma Ma wants to "destroy" herself, she will always stand up and speak for herself!

As for the worst person in the family, it must be the house girl!

But it is also because of her that Brother Gou realizes what is sinister human heart, so Brother Gou still likes her very much, and he can learn all kinds of new tricks from her every time, which makes Brother Gou open his eyes. Vision!

If he hadn't learned so many "conspiracies and tricks" from her, Brother Gou would not have been able to lay down such a "land" during this period of time.

"Meow meow..." Brother Gou sat down slowly leaning against the stone, stretched his two little feet to the sides, and yelled at the two foxes who were eating.

The two little foxes squeezed out from the other foodies, ran to Brother Gou and squatted down, just curled up next to Brother Gou on one left and one on the right, and Brother Gou rested his two paws on both sides comfortably. on a little fox.

Hugging a fox by his side, a bunch of cats and dogs in front of him were eating and playing, and Brother Gou smacked his mouth contentedly.

This is my country!

Brother Gou turned his head and rubbed against the little fox beside him. There are two foxes, one male and one female. Brother Gou has already confirmed this. Brother Gou is still very fraternal. They are their own people!

As for protecting your own empire...

Brother Gou is very confident in this point. He can gather so many cubs. How many stray cats and dogs have been beaten away? All vulnerable.

Brother Gou not only has excellent genes, but also has sufficient nutrition. The stray cats and dogs outside are not his opponents at all due to their lack of nutrition.

The little fox exudes a faint fragrance. I don't know which brand of shower gel it is, but Brother Gou stubbornly thinks it is the little fox's own smell, and narrows his eyes happily.

At this time, the little Samoyed slammed its mouth and came over, looked at Brother Gou eagerly, pulled the little fox, whimpered twice, and wanted to squat here by itself.

"Meow, meow..." Brother Gou rolled his eyes, you look at your face, are you ashamed to compare with other little foxes, the little foxes are white and fragrant, with those small eyes, that small face...

Tsk tsk, you know if you can compare or not, don't back down!
Brother Gou gently touched the little fox who was pulled by the Samoyed, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I will love you well, you are my favorite.

Unwillingly, Samoyed turned around and ran back to bully the little tortoise with the husky. The little tortoise didn't know how to resist, and just retracted into its shell when it was photographed.

As for the little hedgehogs, they dare not bully them. It has nothing to do with other things, mainly because they have been stabbed.

There are also a few other kittens who don't dare to bully, they are the boss's kind, how can they bully the boss's kind, although the boss has never said it, but the big guy still has a bit of insight.

The dogs whined and barked a few times, and then looked at the two little foxes beside Brother Gou unwillingly. Damn it, they couldn't capture the boss's sincerity even though they even sent the most beautiful little Samos here!

Boss, that's a fox, a fox has misled the country!

They really are two vixens!Since he is beautiful and has dominated the boss for a long time, since the two foxes appeared, the boss doesn't play with them very much, and he just knows to lie with his arms around the two foxes...

No, we can't go on like this anymore, we want to clear the king's side!

After the dogs barked at each other a few times, they became firmer in their beliefs. Naturally, it is not enough to rely on them alone. We still need to find the same kind as the boss, and we need to find those cats and cats!

A few kittens were walking next to them after eating, or climbing trees, anyway, they were very elegant, as if all of this had nothing to do with them.

This is impossible, we have no sense of responsibility at all, we have to unite, go to the palace together, and let the boss expel those two vixens!
It's really's okay to give up a position, let our most beautiful little Satsuma be a person beside the boss!

So the dogs dragged and dragged the cats together. During the period, they inevitably suffered a lot of cat punches, but the dogs didn't care. For the boss's career, and for the boss not to be confused by the vixen, the dogs even I don't hesitate to sacrifice myself!

We are the most loyal!
"Wang Wang..."

"Wang Wang Wang..."

"Wow woof..."



After a discussion, everyone decided to rush in front of Brother Gou together, and use all of us to force Brother Gou to give up a place beside him. Today, we must send little Samo to Brother Gou's little paw!

Just as a group of cats and dogs walked towards Brother Gou, two gasps sounded.

"Wow, woof!" The two dogs barked very loudly, much stronger than the group of little milk dogs. Soon, two big dogs came out from the side, one Caucasian and one wolfhound.

There are still some healing wounds on the two dogs, and the corners of their mouths are constantly dripping. Looking at this group of cubs and cat food is like looking at food.

Or, for them, this is food.

These are two stray dogs.

Moreover, there were two hungry stray dogs, perhaps attracted by the aroma of food, or by the barking of puppies.

It doesn't matter anymore, all the cubs felt the crisis at this moment, they all got together and grinned at the two stray dogs.

Even little hedgehogs have erected their spines...

But obviously it thought too much, the two dogs had no interest in the little hedgehog at all.

Well, some turtle in hiding isn't interested either.

Brother Gou walked up gently, and glanced indifferently at the two stray dogs... Sigh, my country is always facing challenges.

 If there are no accidents, it will be unblocked soon, happy, everyone cheers...

(End of this chapter)

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