Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 153 My country is so beautiful

Chapter 153 My country is so beautiful

This is not the first time Brother Gou has faced challenges. Although the law and order in this community is very good, and the security guards will regularly clean up some stray dogs, but some people are not as good as dogs if they can’t stand it. If it is wrong, just abandon it and replace it with a new dog.

Don't look at the group of cubs that Brother Gou has now are the treasures of each family, but it may become a member of the stray dogs at some point.

There are even people who only like cubs and abandon them when they grow up...

Therefore, one of the main sources of stray cats and dogs is human abandonment, and this type of death rate is also the highest. Those cats and dogs born outside have a higher chance of surviving.

Brother Gou glanced at the two stray dogs in front of him, and immediately saw that they were not born in the wild, but were abandoned by their owners, so although they looked fierce, it was only superficial and stimulated by hunger The body reacts instinctively.

If it was a stray dog ​​born in the wild, it shouldn't have exposed its position so early. Even if it faced a group of cubs, it would quietly lurk, and then kill them with one blow when they relaxed!
But Brother Gou only encountered such a stray dog ​​once, and that time it ran outside the community, so there is no need to worry about such a stray dog ​​in the community.

"Meow!" Brother Gou yelled at the two stray dogs. Although you may be pitiful, it has nothing to do with me. If you two were cubs, I would consider receiving them under my command, but the two Adult dogs are out of my consideration.

Brother Gou doesn't intend to give food to the two stray dogs. Although he occasionally sees Ma Ma giving food to stray cats and dogs, he doesn't intend to imitate it.

Ma Ma has too many things, so he will give food to other cats and dogs. It has no habit of giving food to others!

What's more, these two stray dogs obviously didn't just want to eat the little scraps they ate, they wanted to eat the cubs of those cats and dogs.

This is intolerable to Brother Gou!
If Brother Gou backs down this time, they will come again next time, and next time, next time, unless their lives end, more and more stray dogs will rely on them.

They are just a group of cubs who come out to let the wind out while their owners are asleep, not philanthropists!
The two stray dogs were not frightened by Brother Gou's barking. Although the number of each other made them a little hesitant, hunger still kept urging them.

And no matter how you look at it, they are just a bunch of little kids, adding one piece is not as heavy as the two of them!
"Wang Wang!"

The wolfdog howled, and then the two dogs rushed directly to the remaining bones and debris that they had gnawed on the ground.

They are too hungry now, let me add a little bit, obviously those cat food residues and barbecue residues on the ground are more convenient for hunting.

"Touch! Touch!" Brother Gou jumped out suddenly, stood upright in front of the two dogs, bowed left and right, and punched the two dogs back with one punch.

It will not let these two dogs eat the residue on the ground. First of all, they must not be full. If they are not full, they will recover some strength after eating a little.

At that time, the strength of the opponent will increase.

Although Brother Gou is still confident that he can defeat them, isn't that more troublesome!
As for its cat food stock, it is even less likely to be eaten by these two dogs. It can't afford two stray dogs!

"Wow!" Brother Gou stomped on the ground with his two little feet, imitating Li Shuyao's movements and opened his posture, staring at the two "aggressors" with his big eyes.

Several other puppies and cats also came up behind Brother Gou, as if Brother Gou had given them the courage to fight against the big dog, and they also howled along with them.

The voices of these cubs are not loud, and they are even a little immature, but when they get together and call out, they can be regarded as imposing. Even the little kitten and the little fox stared at the two standing up from the lawn with a little fear in their eyes. big dog.

The two dogs were not injured, but Brother Gou's two punches were not light, and he struggled on the ground before turning over. The two big dogs understood Brother Gou's roar, it was a warning.

The previous two-punch dog brother kept his hand. If he still has to make an inch, then he will not show mercy in the future!
The two stray dogs gradually began to retreat. Although they were abandoned and lacked some survival instincts, they still knew how much they could survive. They must not be injured outside. Once injured, waiting for them may be death. .

You can't eat here, there are other places to eat, many garbage spots have a lot of thrown away meals, those things are places they frequent, but the competition there is also fierce...

Watching the two stray dogs recede gradually, the kitten, puppy, fox, and even the little hedgehog all cried out excitedly together, and then circled back and forth on the spot.

"Hey." The little husky who was circling suddenly fell and rolled on the ground... The little Labrador ran over curiously, and then pawed on the ground twice...

A little turtle was pulled out of the grass by it.

All cubs: "..."

When we were fighting, you actually hid on the ground like a turtle!
Uh, it looks like they are turtles.

Forget it, this product is a turtle, so be it.

Brother Gou landed on all fours again, and then slowly returned to the side of the big rock. The two little foxes obediently followed Brother Gou, and after Brother Gou lay down, he also lay down.

It has won again!

Brother Gou is very pleased.

Sure enough, I still have to practice that kind of martial arts with Ma Ma every day, it's really useful!
Brother Gou squinted his eyes and watched the cubs squabbling together. He didn't care what happened in the outside world. All he could control was the three two-legged beasts at home and these little brothers under his command.

Maybe stray dogs have a hard life, maybe they are always on the line between life and death, but that's not my dog ​​brother's fault, and my dog ​​brother is not obligated to pay for the mistakes of other Twolegs.

I almost died...

Brother Gou tilted his head, thinking about what happened before he came to Li Shuyao's house, his memory was a little fuzzy, at that time it was just an ordinary kitten, it didn't have such a deep memory, and it didn't have such a strong thinking ability.

I just remember that it was also delicious and delicious...

Perhaps, it itself is also abandoned.

I don't know how long it took, and the cubs also lay down on the lawn and slept for a while, and some of them would consciously run away if they wanted convenience.

Looking at the distance, Brother Gou seemed to have a little bit of light jumping out of the sky, reflecting wisps of light among the trees, and this light shone on the bodies of other cubs.

My country is so delicate.

However, it's time to go back, Mama will start practicing martial arts in a while, and I have to practice with him every day!

Brother Gou picked up the sleeping cubs one by one, then carefully hid the rest of the cat food, sprinkled some urine marks on it, and drove away other stray cats and dogs, and then Brother Gou began to put these cats one by one. The cubs are sent home.

After making sure that every cub ran home, Brother Gou went back outside the backyard by himself, grabbed the branch with a leap, shook it slightly, and returned to the tree.

Brother Gou looked at the door of the backyard through the branches, just in time, Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi came out...

 I hope there will be less abandonment in this world, whether it is pets or humans.

(End of this chapter)

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