Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 154 This cat is a little dirty

Chapter 154 This cat is a little dirty
"Brother Dog, why don't you lie down in the den and run up that tree every day?" After Li Shuyao ran two laps, she saw Brother Gou jump down from the tree, and then looked at the two of them eagerly.

"'s cooler outside?" Tantai Jingyi tilted her head and looked at Brother Gou.

"Meow..." Brother Gou stared at the two of them with big innocent eyes, looking like an ordinary pet cat.

"Tsk tsk, why do I feel like you didn't do anything good by waiting for such big eyes." Li Shuyao scratched her head and looked at Tantai Jingyi.

Tantai Jingyi pursed her lips, looking at Brother Gou's expression somewhat amusedly: "Let's exercise first, or it will be cold soon."

They had just finished warming up, so it was better to hurry up and punch. It was already the end of October, and the morning was not very warm.

"I'm going to exercise first, and I'll see you later." Li Shuyao nodded Gouge's little head, then fought in a row with Tantai Jingyi, and began to practice Tai Chi one by one.

After several days of groping, Li Shuyao gradually discovered that it is really refreshing to hit all the Tai Chi from the Chen style, but if it is purely aimed at e-sports players, the effect of some of the movements is more obvious.

Instead, she can simply pull out these few movements, compile them into a small gymnastics, and then lead everyone to do a set in the waiting room before each match to adjust her state.

"Today is the final of the global finals. It's a rare match between LPL and LCK. What do you think?" After finishing a complete set, Li Shuyao let out a long breath, and said to Tantai Jingyi with a smile.

"Although we won the championship last year and this year's momentum seems to be good, but the opponent is also very strong, maybe four or six points. I think the DN team is one point stronger, but SK is not impossible to play. If the state is adjusted well, it can also play. Yes." Tantai Jingyi said.

This is basically the general opinion of domestic players. SK was actually not that strong in the summer split, and eliminated two LPL teams all the way to the finals in the knockout round, as if it was a dark horse.

However, the feeling of dark horses is not so stable. Maybe everyone will look forward to where they can go, but there is no certainty about whether they can win the championship.

On the contrary, another LCK team showed dominance from the beginning of this World Championship, only losing one or two small games along the way.

"No matter who wins the championship this year, we will be the champion next year anyway." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "With the set of martial arts we have summed up, I believe we will be able to maintain the best state to meet every competition. "

"I hope so." Tantai Jingyi smiled and nodded.

Li Shuyao stretched, then suddenly turned around, and saw Brother Gou's two front paws slapped on the ground.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Did this guy just stand up again?As a cat, can you not surprise me like this every day, just stand up once in a while, don't be afraid of being taken away as a monster by standing up like this every day!
Brother Gou looked at her innocently, like a pure white cat, with the corner of his mouth slightly hooked?
Li Shuyao squatted down, and suddenly shot and grabbed Brother Gou directly. While Brother Gou was in a daze, he looked up, down, left, right, left, right, and right, then turned his head to look at Tantai Jingyi: "You can see Nothing."

"Hmm... It should have sneaked into the grass." Tantai Jingyi touched her chin, and then found a piece of withered and yellowed grass from the side of the cat's hind legs.

"Meow?" Brother Gou was stunned for a moment. I purposely sat down in a place without grass. I just wiped all the dirt off my body on the tree. How could I find grass from my hind legs.

Could it be left when he stood up and beat those two dogs?

Also a possibility……

Alas, I can't see the hind legs either, pay attention next time, pay attention next time!

"According to my analysis, this grass should not be in our yard. Because of the frequent watering, the lawn in our yard is not withered and yellow in a large area, and most of it is still dark green." Tan Taijing Yi smiled and said, "So this little guy ran out."

"Meow!" Brother Gou quickly shook his head, this is not a nonsense, I didn't go out!This grass... this grass is withering on my little feet!

" actually ran out to play secretly by yourself, didn't you?" Li Shuyao said while pinching Brother Gou's little foot.

"Meow meow!" No, definitely not!You can't slander me just because I can't speak, it's wrong for you to do so!

"I think it should be like this, heh heh, the little cat is disobedient and ran out secretly." Tantai Jingyi said with her arms folded.

"Meow!" Damn, why are these two-legged beasts so smart, so compared to my subjects, no matter how they look at it, they feel stupid.


Brother Gou was taken aback, I didn't sigh, why was there a sound of sighing, Brother Gou looked up, and saw Li Shuyao looking at it with an aggrieved face.

"Meow?" Brother Gou was puzzled, why did Ma Ma sigh, obviously I should have sighed.

Li Shuyao walked back with the kitten, then sat on the sofa, and said to the kitten earnestly, "I know, you like a free life very much."

"Meow..." I am quite free now.

"But there are bad people outside, you know, there are bad people who are arresting you, you know that." Li Shuyao said seriously: "So until you grow up and have the ability to protect yourself, don't go out easily, you know."

Li Shuyao remembered that she saved Brother Gou from a bunch of dogs, and that bunch of dogs were obviously trained by someone to not hurt people, not even kittens.

Because she remembered that the injuries on the kitten were all from its own collapse, not from the trauma caused by those dogs.

At that time, Brother Gou would have died without Li Shuyao, so Li Shuyao would not have been sent back after being saved. After all, this cannot be explained by a miracle...

She didn't let Brother Gou run out because she was afraid of being discovered by others and then caught back. She didn't care. Anyway, she didn't admit it, and there was no evidence, but no one knew what the kitty would face after returning. .

Li Shuyao didn't want to find out what was behind this, she thought that when the kitten grew up, after a long time, the kitten would no longer be recognized over there, and then she could run outside casually.

With Brother Gou's genes, there shouldn't be any animals in the city that can hurt him, and he has a high IQ and shouldn't actively attack humans.

"Meow..." Brother Gou thought about it, saw Li Shuyao was a little sad, and took the initiative to come over, it's okay, I've been running away for more than half a month, there is no one, but Ma Ma is still very touched by caring about herself ah.

"Hey, you're so dirty." Li Shuyao pushed Brother Gou back the moment he approached.

"Meow meow?" Brother Gou was confused.

"Hmph, you little kitty, you ran out by yourself disobediently, and got so dirty, go, take a bath, I must wash you clean!" Li Shuyao held Brother Gou Fate's nape , rushed all the way to the bathroom.


Brother Gou's screams echoed in this quiet morning...

 Normal work starts tomorrow~
  (Thanks for the reward of Shimmering Through the Leaves~ Meme~)

(End of this chapter)

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