Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 155 How Much Inventory Do You Still Have?

Chapter 155 How Much Inventory Do You Still Have?

When Fang Xuening was in a daze, she heard weird laughter coming from the bathroom, and the desperate screams of the kitten...

Fang Xuening curled her lips, this guy is taking a bath for Brother Gou again, you take a bath when you say you take a bath, why do you make such a weird laugh, those who don't know it think they are doing something shameful .

And that little cat, isn't it just to take a bath, or to be with Yaoyao, how many people are crying and howling, but they can't ask for the opportunity, you got it easily, and you still look like you are being forced.

Sure enough, things that come too easily in this world will not be cherished.

Looking at the autumn wind outside the window, Fang Xuening shrank her neck happily, and then lay down again. Sure enough, she couldn't get up so early every day to practice Tai Chi like those two animals...

Well, among the three animals, Brother Gou actually gets up earlier than her every day, it's crazy!
But Fang Xuening also understands that she went for the championship, so she was a little crazy, especially Tantai Jingyi, she was a little crazy when she knew that there was a scientific way to maintain her best condition.

What a long and painful process it is to reverse the biological clock. Not to mention people who have adjusted jet lag, those who have missed winter and summer vacations should all understand.

But Tantai Jingyi turned around within two days, going to bed early and getting up early every day, and the friends in her live broadcast room couldn't get used to it.

You can't imagine that two days ago, she was a person who stayed up until about three o'clock every day.

Fang Xuening knew that no matter staying up late or going to bed early, Tantai Jingyi did it for the sake of winning the championship. Tantai Jingyi's staying up late was not because she couldn't fall asleep, but because there were so many people playing ranking at night. to a better training effect.

And when there is a more effective method, she can immediately reverse this habit.

This person is afraid of having goals, and people with goals are scary.

Fang Xuening looked at the ceiling in a daze, what was her goal?

Oh, by the way, the Chinese version of Sui He will be released soon, and her goal is to make this song a popular song!
The Chinese version of Let Him Bar is easy to understand, and the melody is also highly recognizable. You can sing along with the chorus after listening to it twice. Coupled with the accumulated popularity of the previous English version, it is estimated that it will become popular soon!

At that time, if she can sing in all major singing studios, then she will be satisfied.

Well, this is the short-term goal.

As for long-term goals...

Why do we have to have long-term goals? How tiring is life? It’s not good to set a short-term goal and then fish every day. If you have a short-term goal that can be achieved, you will be very happy if you achieve it.

If you set a longing and unattainable goal, it seems that you will never be able to achieve it. How hopeless it is. After a long time, you will lose confidence in dreams.

Although she is a salty fish, she doesn't want to lose confidence in her dreams. In order to achieve her short-term goals, she can still work hard for a while, much better than that slacker Li Shuyao!

After lying down for a while, the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves disappeared, and then there was the comfortable meowing of the kitten. Fang Xuening knew that it had come out of the water and was blowing the air.

Coming out of the bath, and then the warm wind blowing slowly, it is still very comfortable, and the body will be refreshed soon.

Every time after taking a bath, she would blow warm air with Yaoyao.

It's comfortable.

Seeing Li Shuyao and Brother Gou coming out of it, Fang Xuening waved her hands slightly: "You guys should keep your voice down next time you take a bath."

"You tell this cat." Li Shuyao was speechless, every time this cat takes a bath, it's like killing it. This is good for you, you know!This is not something that hurts you in the name of being good for you, it is really doing good for you!
God knows why taking a bath is like killing it. I am really speechless, so I also took a bath along with it.

Fang Xuening opened her mouth, what should she say, in fact, your laugh is much scarier than meowing.

No wonder so many people in the fan group and the live broadcast room say you are a female ghost, and your smile is no different from that of a female ghost.

Fang Xuening took a look with her hand, and then said to Li Shuyao who was changing clothes, "Sister Lu will be here soon."

"Huh? Shall I pick you up to make music?" Li Shuyao was looking for suitable clothes in the bookcase. The clothes in the cabinet were too girly. Although she has gradually accepted it now, well, she still wants to dress up. .

After all, I'm following the cool route, so I can't be so girlish.

Then Li Shuyao picked out a pink T-shirt with a smiling girl on it, which was more in line with her current state, and matched it with a pair of pink pants...

Anyway, you don’t need to wear so thick at home, it’s still very warm at home.

"No, the production over there is almost done. It seems that she is coming to see you. Didn't she tell you?" Fang Xuening looked at her phone, it was just after seven o'clock... Tsk tsk, now she is getting up more and more sooner.

"It's so early..." Li Shuyao blinked her eyes. What's the rush? I'm afraid she fell asleep when she got home last night, and sent a message directly when she woke up.

This is too professional.

Tsk tsk, you obviously agreed to fish together, why are you secretly dedicated to your work, I am not used to you like this.

I did some maintenance lightly...

Well, I learned from Fang Xuening, she secretly looked at it, it's fine if she doesn't usually wear makeup, if she doesn't take care of it, she will probably be suspected!
This is definitely not what she wants to maintain, it's all forced by life!

Hmm, but it still smells good.

After Fang Xuening got up and had breakfast, Lu Yao drove over in his car. The guy looked dusty, and he seemed to come after changing clothes...

Li Shuyao wondered if she hadn't woken up yet.

"Yaoyao, do you still have a lot of songs that you have produced that haven't been released yet?" As soon as he entered the door, Lu Yao directly stated the purpose of his visit: "If there are any, you must register them for me, don't It was stolen by someone."

"Ah?'s a bit." Li Shuyao nodded.

"It's really there." Lu Yao opened his mouth: "Let's go, I'll go and have a look, my God, didn't you tell me?"

Lu Yao also suddenly remembered yesterday, if Li Shuyao can make music so fast, how many songs can this guy make at home every day...

It should be quite a few.

Lu Yao thinks it's quite a lot, this guy can't be judged by common sense, who knows what she's thinking every day.

Li Shuyao brought Lu Yao to the recording studio. Her recorded songs are all stored in this computer, and there are already more than ten songs in it.

Well, after all, it's still a bit of a struggle to make songs, and Li Shuyao hasn't made too many songs well.

But, I have written a lot of lyrics, including Chinese, English, and Japanese, and I still remember the Korean ones. After all, there are too many songs, and I haven't had a turn yet.

"So... so many..." When Lu Yao saw these more than ten finished songs, his heart was a little broken. He knew that you had done something in advance, but he didn't know that you had done so much. You are enough Released an album!

"How much stock do you have?" Lu Yao said speechlessly.

"Oh...and some lyrics." Then Li Shuyao opened another folder, which contained lyrics one after another.

Lu Yao: "..."

 I started working today~ I was a little sleepy when I got up early.

(End of this chapter)

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