Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 160 Paparazzi in Action

Chapter 160 Paparazzi in Action

After the World Championship ended, the number of people who contacted Lu Yao and Li Shuyao suddenly increased. Not to mention the advertisements, some of them were because the song "Follow Him" ​​became popular in the e-sports circle at the right time. Many people know her and Fang Xuening, and naturally many collaborations on songs have also appeared.

The other part is more teams...

Because everyone suddenly discovered that Li Shuyao's division is so high, and the age is not too bad, why don't you hurry up and get in touch with him for a trial training, even though he might not come, but you still have to try, these days It's not easy to find high-score players of the right age.

Then within a few days, the omnipotent netizens discovered that Li Shuyao had already registered as a professional player...but she hadn't signed a contract with an lpl team yet, which showed that she was in the CRM team, which is the second team of the CR team.

At this moment, many people, especially Li Shuyao's fans, were stunned. How could Li Shuyao quietly become a professional player under such circumstances.

We are still concerned about whether you want to play professionally or not, but you have already contacted the team?
So, now every day Li Shuyao's live broadcast is a group of people who want to follow him, a group of people are asking when the game will be played, and her pure song listeners will ask her every day if she will release a song after the game.

Except for the loyal fans who still call her a female ghost every day, it is basically a group of people asking and asking, and her head is getting bigger...

It's not 10 whys, it's [-] people asking...

It's horrible.

After the end of the world championship, the transfer period will start soon. Generally speaking, the transfer period will be held until the end in the lpl division. Basically, everyone will start to have an accurate transfer list until the last day. At most, who is due before? Now, who has become a free agent, who has left which team.

As for importing...

Then I must wait until the end to say!

Therefore, generally speaking, there are different opinions before, during and after the transfer period of lpl, and various gossips are flying all over the sky.

Usually at this time, other competition areas will suddenly announce various official lineups, but no one will say anything about the lpl competition area.

In this way, various self-media have created space to create topics.

No one expected that the first one to create a topic this year would be an up master of the music section of station B, um... It can be said to be from the League of Legends area, or it can be said to be from the food area...

Anyway, people are more or less on the whole.

Several of her songs have been played more or less in various live broadcast rooms, and then everyone suddenly discovered that it was you. Aren't you a singer? Why did you suddenly come to play professionally?

This strong sense of separation made everyone speechless for a moment.

Then it was revealed from the media that Li Shuyao was even more speechless after ranking in Hanbok.

How did you manage to sing so well and play games so well.

Everyone has a lot of questions to ask at this moment, facing everyone's questions... Li Shuyao suspended the live broadcast.

On the one hand, it is because she has been on fire for some reason recently. This fire is not normal. She asked Lu Yao and Shen Zongyue, and neither of them did any promotion in this regard. Lu Yao only did promotion for songs, but not There is no guidance to the players.

Shen Zongyue was also puzzled, he had no intention of announcing the introduction of Li Shuyao now.

But if it's just a spontaneous discussion among netizens, there shouldn't be such enthusiasm. They are keenly aware that something is wrong, and someone is making trouble behind it!
Therefore, in order to prevent any accidents, Li Shuyao immediately announced the suspension of the live broadcast, and waited for the limelight to pass. At this time, Lu Yao did not dare to bet on what would happen during the live broadcast. , then there may be an accident.

Don't look at it seems that everyone is praising Li Shuyao now, but there are many things to say, and it may change directly at any time, so it is good to be cautious.

Anyway, as long as there is news of the transfer of a player with a bigger name, everyone will soon forget about Li Shuyao, after all, she hasn't made any achievements in the arena.

So, a person who hasn't played yet suddenly became popular, there must be someone behind this!

Li Shuyao agrees with Lu Yao's decision. She is a talented person, and she doesn't need to hype outside of her works, and she doesn't need to hype outside of her results when she plays games in the future, so she doesn't want to take advantage of this abnormal heat. .

It would be good to let Fang Xuening go for it. Anyway, she is not in the e-sports circle, but just singing, so Fang Xuening became popular again for no reason... Then she started to go out to make announcements again.

Li Shuyao took advantage of this gap to go to the beach to watch the wind. He was going to play a game in a few days, and then he was going to start a training camp in a while.

I'm afraid it won't be so silent for a while in the future.


Fang Xuening started running to make announcements, Li Shuyao was going to relax, and Tantai Jingyi wanted to stay at home to take care of Brother Gou and maintain her own training.

It seemed to calm down all of a sudden.


Someone is unhappy.

Li Shuyao suspended the live broadcast, her fans are not happy, originally everyone watched the high-end game of Hanbok every day, and occasionally listened to Li Shuyao singing, the most important thing is how wonderful it is to see a beautiful woman who is almost perfect every day Ah, it looks good to be in a good mood.

Then suddenly, for some reason, a bunch of people said that Li Shuyao was going to play professionally. If Li Shuyao was still broadcasting normally, everyone would think it was a campaign, but they announced that the broadcast would stop, which means that it was leaked in advance. What is it? who?

Immediately afterwards, someone quietly posted in the group, saying that Li Shuyao had been hacked by Zhenhong's live broadcast platform, and then the fan group became a little bit fried. Many people thought that it was the shameless Zhenhong live broadcast platform who jumped out again. Li Shuyao is black.

Then many people started digging up Zhen Hong's scandals, saying that this platform bullied newcomers and so on.

This situation naturally aroused the resentment of many people, so everyone began to scold Zhen Hong's live broadcast platform together.

However, at this time, there was a manager in the group, who was also a local tyrant who had landed on Li Shuyao's list, and the one who had flown many admirals during Li Shuyao's first live broadcast, stood up and spoke.

He said that he is also an executive of a live broadcasting platform, and he knows the boss of Zhenhong's live broadcasting platform, so he can guarantee that he did nothing this time.

His words still hold a lot of weight in the fan group, after all, he is also the leader of Li Shuyao's fan group, so the criticism of Zhen Hong's live broadcast platform temporarily stopped in the group.


The leading brother is a little angry now, or very angry!

He was angry that Li Shuyao, who was playing the rhythm, made him lose sight of the little fairy, and he was even more angry that after the rhythm was played, this person actually put the shit bowl on his head with his backhand.

Well, that's right, he is Zhen Dahong, the boss of Zhenhong's live broadcast platform!
In addition, he was also thinking, is it possible that his reputation is so bad? Why did no one speak up for him when something happened, but they all slandered him.

After thinking about it seriously, Zhen Dahong picked up the phone on his desk: "Wang Li, come here."

 This year it seems that you must be over 18 years old, and now older professional players are also popular, so my science is more meaningful, it is to extend the professional life of professional players wow!

(End of this chapter)

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