Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 161 I want to be a good person

Chapter 161 I want to be a good person
When he received the call from his boss, Wang Li's heart was broken. Today, when he saw someone in the group playing the rhythm of Zhen Hong's live broadcast platform, he felt that his boss would not stop. Sure enough, he immediately saw his boss Why did he have a friend who is Zhen Hong's boss...

The friend you mentioned is obviously yourself!

When he was praying that this guy would not think of him, the phone call came...

Gan!There are only you and me in this company, so you can't look for others. Can you stop looking for me whenever you have anything related to Li Shuyao? I'm not your secretary!

If it weren't for the face of giving me a salary increase, I wouldn't be on call every day.

"Bang bang bang."


"Boss, hey, you are looking for me." Wang Li knocked on the door and walked in.

"Wang Li, tell me... is the reputation of our platform really that bad?" Zhen Dahong rubbed his temples: "Isn't it the right platform for us to develop newcomers? I really want to ask those who leave from us Ask them, would they be where they are today without us giving them a platform?"

"Of course, there is no other platform in the entire industry that treats newcomers as well as we do. How many newcomers we have gone from zero fans to hundreds of thousands or millions of followers, they slander us in turn, it is shameless! "Wang Li said sadly, and then saw Zhen Dahong who was expressionless.

"They thought our contract was too harsh and tied them to our platform, right?" Zhen Dahong took a deep breath and said.

"Uh..." Wang Li opened his mouth, what should he say?In fact, this involves some fighting issues in the company. The development of new talents is the keynote set by Zhen Dahong, but the drafting of the contract is actually done by someone else.

That's right, he is Zhen Dahong's younger brother, who is also the person in charge of the company's personnel and property, in other words, Wang Li's immediate boss.

Wang Li didn't want to offend others, even if that person was not around now, let alone Zhen Dahong nodded his approval, and he couldn't carry it out if he disagreed.

"I don't quite understand why people nowadays always feel that all good things have to be theirs. We have given you resources and a platform. Why can't you be required to live broadcast on my platform all the time? Do I do charity? Make you popular and wait for you to change jobs?"

Zhen Dahong can't understand the brain circuit of some people nowadays. They can only reap but not give. If they give a little, they will scold them. It was indeed the plan he agreed to at the time. He thought it was no problem. You are a newcomer who has nothing. I will give you So many resources made you popular, but you didn't want to pay anything, and turned around and scolded the platform card contract.

Why didn't you scold me when I signed the contract?

Which newcomer was not so excited when he got their contract that he wanted to call him father, but he turned his face and refused to recognize him after he became popular. If you don't change the contract, you are bullying others by capital, and you are oppressing.

Why did I support you back then, just to make money, what the hell did I support you for if I didn't make money.

"That... that... I have a little opinion." Wang Li quietly raised his hand.

"Tell me." Zhen Dahong frowned.

"Times have changed." Wang Li said cruelly.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Actually, boss, let's talk from the bottom of our hearts. In this era, in the era of flood of information, is there really someone who can calmly analyze what you thought before?" Wang Li said.

"go on."

"To put it bluntly, in this era, whoever builds a beautiful and durable archway will win. If the archway is smashed, it will overturn and may collapse." Wang Li thought for a while and continued: "This contract, In fact, it is one of the many archways we have erected outside.”

"Everyone can't see the resources we have paid, and we can't talk about them, otherwise we will be labeled as capitalists." Wang Li slammed his mouth, he is a capitalist!Well, this sentence cannot be said.

"Once it is labeled, what we say is meaningless, so it is better to make this archway more perfect and beautiful. Aren't other platforms stuck with the contract? They are also stuck, why are they less scolded? We have been scolded a lot? Isn’t their archway beautiful.”

"The beautiful archway can make those people ignore the actual situation and come to the archway, but this is not a beautiful archway, even if you are really good, there will be very few people coming, and some of our men I also think that other people’s archway is beautiful and want to go there, in fact, in the past one or two years, there are quite a few people who want to jump back.”

"Well." Zhen Dahong nodded: "You are right, that is to say, I have to be a 'good person', right, a 'good person' in everyone's eyes. How could this 'good person' do bad things, right? .”

"Hey hey..." Wang Li chuckled. If Capital wanted to pretend to be a good person, it would really be a "good person" all along.

"Come on, let's start with Yaoyao as the first step!" Zhen Dahong patted the chair and said.

"..." It came again and again, I thought it was really about the company's operations, but it turned out that it was Li Shuyao again!

Li Shuyao, Li Shuyao, you are my nightmare!

"You go and find out if someone is doing something behind the scenes. The timing is quite accurate. It happened to be when the e-sports circle was frying, and Yaoyao chose to promote the song at this time to seize the heat. This The rhythm of the people also caught Yaoyao's desire to seize the heat and create traffic for herself, this is definitely a veteran."

Zhen Dahong said:
"It's very wise for Yaoyao to directly choose to stop the broadcast, and it can even be said to be very predictable. She was not dazzled by the pursuit at this time. At this time, if she says a wrong sentence at this time, it may be intercepted by others, but it is inevitable that she will lose You can't just rely on Lu Yao for the right to speak, that guy is lazy."

"The boss..." Wang Li opened his mouth, this is not our anchor, why are you so excited.

"Find out this person. This guy not only has Yaoyao's rhythm, but also dares to slander me. This is unbearable... No, I want to be a justice envoy in the industry." Zhen Dahong curled his lips: "We will To find out this person in the name of upholding justice, of course, the outside world will definitely not know about it, but there will definitely be many people in the industry who know, there is no rush to change the image, take your time."

"Boss is wise." Wang Li nodded.

"Ahem...Wang Li, you've done a good job." Zhen Dahong nodded: "This time the matter is over, I'm going to transfer my younger brother to develop markets abroad, and you will take his place."

"Ah... I... I... thank the boss for his trust!" Wang Li's mouth was a little dry, what the hell, is this opportunity falling on me?Li Shuyao, you are simply my lucky star.

"I want to see that our image is reversed, but our interests must still be there." Zhen Dahong smiled and said, "Can it be done?"

"Yes!" Wang Li nodded immediately, nonsense, at this time, he can't and can, first get the position in hand and then talk!However, I have to say something first: "Ahem, well, there may be a little less benefit in the short term."

"Yes." Zhen Dahong nodded: "However, the matter of Yaoyao must be done as soon as possible!"


You just want to watch her live, to put it bluntly...

 Last night, I paid attention to things in one place. I slept a little late and woke up a little sleepy. So I wish you all good health.

(End of this chapter)

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