Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 162 This is what it feels like to execute justice

Chapter 162 This is what it feels like to execute justice

Wang Li's investigation was very fast. In other words, it was very easy for them to check the source of the news. At night, Wang Li knew who it was, and it was a tabloid reporter named Jiao Hougen.

"This Jiao Hougen first took advantage of Li Shuyao's popularity in the e-sports circle and directly contacted a number of e-sports self-media to emphasize Li Shuyao's rank, and promised that Li Shuyao will play professionally next year."

In Zhen Dahong's office, Wang Li told Zhen Dahong the news.

"Li Shuyao has registered as a professional player, but he is only a player in the secondary league. If you don't check it out, no one will know about it. After all, everyone usually only checks out players from the lpl. After his advice, many people They all found out the news about Li Shuyao and released it, making Li Shuyao, who was already hot, popular again."

"Afterwards, he sold another piece of news to these self-media, and he should have gained some money."

"What's the purpose of this person?" Zhen Dahong asked, "Can I know what kind of news it is selling?"

"According to our analysis, it's only for money and traffic, and it's not supposed to blackmail Li Shuyao. It's just to follow Li Shuyao's current traffic to make money. Simply put, Li Shuyao stopped broadcasting directly, which is a bit overreacted." Wang Li said.

"We saw that this tabloid also updated a report about Li Shuyao on its account, which was much more popular than other reports."

"As for the news, it should be the news that Li Shuyao had contact with Shen Zongyue, the manager of the CR team, as well as the specific photos. I checked with the We Media we are familiar with. It should be that Tantai Jingyi is also involved."

"'s normal, Jingyi is Li Shuyao's good friend." Zhen Dahong nodded, "Then why did he blackmail us?"

"It's a diversion target." Wang Li slammed his mouth. He didn't find out that this tabloid reporter hacked them. It may be purely because they have a bad reputation in the industry. In addition, Zhen Dahong always played the rhythm in order to listen to the song...

It can be regarded as being affected by his previous coquettish operation, but Wang Li can't say that, it is definitely the rhythm brought by this tabloid reporter!
"It's disgusting, you actually dragged us into the water because of your own traffic! What's more, Yaoyao stopped broadcasting, it's unbearable!" Zhen Dahong slapped the table with a touch.

"Then... how do we do it..." Wang Li opened his mouth. After all, he didn't do anything. He just wanted to make money and traffic. This kind of thing is very common.

As for making Li Shuyao famous, it's a win-win situation. Li Shuyao was obviously overreacting, so why blame him.

"Let him immediately stop hyping Li Shuyao as a professional player, and only conduct normal reports, and apologize to Li Shuyao in private." Zhen Dahong said.

"Okay..." Wang Li nodded after a moment of pondering, normal reporting, that is, what people announce and report, don't make any gossip in advance.

"Do you think that since you care about Li Shuyao, why don't you let this tabloid reporter do the hype? Right..." Zhen Dahong laughed.

"No." Wang Li said with a smile.

"It's actually very simple. For truly talented people, there is no need to hype things other than works. This is also the choice of the little fairy. You thought she was overreacting, but in fact this is her choice. She doesn't want to hype her works or anything other than her grades, so the little fairy chooses to avoid the limelight for the time being."

Zhen Dahong smiled and said:
"Hype will naturally make a person popular quickly, but it will also provoke many, many people who are disgusted. Since the little fairy can be popular by relying on her works and achievements, why hype some things that are not."

"Hmm..." Wang Li nodded approvingly. If you hadn't said it one by one, I would have believed it!
"Go, let the industry see, our conscience! Zhen Dahong stood up and waved his hands, feeling that he had realized what is real...

It feels so good!
When Wang Li left the office speechlessly, Zhen Dahong was still intoxicated by the feeling of secretly stopping other people's "evil deeds". This feeling is really wonderful, no wonder so many people like to meddle in their own business.

It seems that we need to do more things like this in the future.


Jiao Hougen was the same tabloid reporter who reported on Li Shuyao's diving rescue last time, but that news did not bring much traffic to their newspaper, and some big media also reported it. After all, it was a social event, and many local The news media will pay attention.

However, in fact, it’s just a matter of paying attention. The divers are unwilling to accept follow-up interviews, and Li Shuyao doesn’t want to use this matter to make hype, and there are no casualties. Everyone passes it after watching it for a while, and many people don’t even know about it. It was Li Shuyao who saved him.

If this is the case, it is a very common piece of social news, there is no breaking point, and everyone dispersed after expressing their concern.

But Jiao Hougen didn't give up on this news. Outside of his daily work, he kept exploring who those people who came into contact with Li Shuyao that day were.

Tantai Jingyi knew about it, and Lu Yao could find it out, but that man was a little troublesome... But after a few days of investigation, he still found out about Tantai Jingyi, that person is the CA team LOL Shen Zongyue, the manager of the branch.

Then he specifically checked the registration information of professional players. He couldn't find it in lpl, but he did find Li Shuyao's information in the secondary league.

The discovery excited him.

They haven't announced it yet, which means that he can rely on news to gain traffic.

The traffic of e-sports is getting bigger and bigger nowadays. Although it may not be a big news, it is impossible to cause a big trend, but he never thought about doing such a big thing, I just need to make money, I have traffic.

After a period of time, he didn't reveal this matter, because it didn't meet his psychological expectations. After all, during the World Championships, everyone's focus was on the World Championships. Even if Li Shuyao was an up master, he really played the game No one paid attention.

His goal was during the transfer period, when gossip was flying all over the sky, and CR was an old team again, so there must be a market for this news.

After losing the lpl world championship, the song "Let It Go" became popular in the e-sports circle, and he knew that the time he had been waiting for had finally come.

Let him alone. The creator of this song, Jane, and the singer went to the CR team to play professionally. Is there a market for this news?

This is too much.

These days, the e-sports circle is full of the song Let Him Go, and all kinds of second-generation videos are coming out soon.

And at this time, if it breaks out that the author of this song has hooked up with CR, then there are two hot spots, let him have a transfer period.

The tabloid where Jiao Hougen is located also got a bonus of traffic.

However, he is still very experienced, and he didn't release all of them at once. After all, even if Li Shuyao is registered, he is only the second team of CR. The second team doesn't mean anything, everyone is still concerned about the first team.

So when he was almost ready, he released the news of Li Shuyao's contact with Shen Zongyue.

A member of the second team definitely doesn't need to contact Shen Zongyue privately, the purpose of such contact is obvious.

Li Shuyao wants to enter the first team.

This point is related to the CR first team's roster for next year, and this is what everyone is paying attention to now.

 Set storm
  On March [-], there was rain in Shahu Road.Go with the rain gear first, and all the colleagues are embarrassed. I do not realize it, but it is clear, pretending to be this term.

  Don't listen to the sound of Lin knocking leaves, why not scream and walk slowly.Who's afraid of bamboo stick shoes lighter than horses?Ren Pingsheng was born in a misty rain.

  When the spring breeze awakens, it is slightly cold, but the hilltop is shining obliquely. Looking back at the bleak place, there is no wind, rain or sunshine when I return.

  The one who can still be so optimistic, positive, and free and easy after being demoted is me, Mr. Dongpo.

(End of this chapter)

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