Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 164 The starry sky is so beautiful

Chapter 164 The starry sky is so beautiful (plus more)

After Lu Yao and Li Shuyao's continuous discussion, they felt that no matter what the other party's purpose was, it would be fine if they didn't pick up the quarrel. Anyway, they didn't think much of it, and the broadcast would last for two or three days, waiting for everyone's attention to shift to other contestants. Then she will replay it.

In fact, if Li Shuyao wanted to create hype, she could gain a lot of fans by taking advantage of the popularity. However, both she and Lu Yao felt that the popularity generated by purely hyping the news was too weak, so they didn't want to take advantage of the popularity.

I was also worried that someone was doing things behind their backs to catch their flaws, so I chose to avoid it temporarily when the situation was unclear, and it was not that I had quit the Internet.

Right now Li Shuyao is still shooting a vlog with a camera, which can be regarded as a small travel vlog, which can be posted on station B to let everyone know what she has been doing these two days.

Well, posing is definitely a must, how can you capture so many beautiful shots without posing!

Li Shuyao, the guy who suddenly jumped out to apologize, didn't respond, and didn't scold herself, but somehow jumped out to apologize. If it was sincere, it was probably Shen Zongyue's fault again.

After eating happily, Li Shuyao took a short walk outside, then changed into her swimsuit and went swimming.

How can you not swim when you come to the beach? Wouldn't it be a waste of time!
It is noon now, and the sun is still plenty, so the temperature in the water is not bad, and it is still very comfortable to swim.

This time is not the peak season for tourism, there are not many people here, and even fewer swimmers, Li Shuyao's swim is still very happy.

She herself is now very good in both physical strength and diving skills, wearing a pair of flippers, swimming goggles and other swimming equipment, and even brought an underwater camera...

Li Shuyao learned from the divers with underwater cameras in the documentary and explored the sea bit by bit.

However, they still circled it to prevent you from running too far, for fear of danger if you run too far, and this circled area is actually almost completely occupied, and there are not many things.

So all in all...

Li Shuyao took a picture of loneliness.

Well, at most she took pictures of herself.

When the time comes, how will the problem arise? The versatile Treasure Up can still dive?

Haha, ahem... I didn't praise myself, I just stated a fact.

It is rare to have the opportunity to swim in such a vast world instead of her own small swimming pool, Li Shuyao can be said to be throbbing to her heart's content...

"Huh... ah..." Li Shuyao broke through the water, let out a long breath, and her long hair covered with water was thrown behind her...

Miscalculation, I didn't wear a swimming cap when I went into the water, and I didn't arrange my hair properly. This flowing long hair is a little bit troublesome at this time.

Then Li Shuyao turned her head and seemed to find a group of people on the reef not far away holding some camera equipment to take pictures of something.

Li Shuyao tilted her head, it's almost night in the middle of the afternoon, these people don't seem to be lighting up, what are they shooting there?

Li Shuyao wanted to go over and have a look... However, considering her current state, she finally decided to go back and take a shower and change clothes first!
After all, although the water is not cold, it must be cold when you get out of the water and stand outside!

So Li Shuyao ran out of the water with the camera in hand, and after searching for a long time, she finally found the slippers she wore, changed her flippers, and ran back to her room in a hurry, took a shower, and changed into a warm suit Clothes and comfortable sneakers, Li Shuyao also walked out holding the camera.

"When I was swimming just now, I found that someone seemed to be taking pictures of something over there, and they didn't turn on the lights. It was quite strange. Now I changed my clothes and went to see what they were doing."

Of course, there is a certain amount of interaction with the audience when making a vlog, although it looks a bit silly next to it...but it's all for the video effect!
Li Shuyao walked over with the camera in hand, those people were still there, and they looked very leisurely, as if they were still there before the time they wanted.

However, it was already evening at this time, and the sky was getting darker, and there were no light sources around. It could be said that it was getting darker, and it would probably be pitch black after a while.

I don't know what these people are filming.

"Hey, is it a nursery rhyme in a book?"

When Li Shuyao walked over holding the camera, a tall and thin male voice who looked like a big boy next door recognized her immediately.

"Hello..." Li Shuyao nodded with a smile. She went to the university campus for a class and no one recognized her, but she was recognized on this small island.

This is really surprising.

"Hello, I'm also the up owner, my ID is Film and Television Jufeng, and my name is Tim." Said the big boy with a nice smile.

"Oh... so it's you, I said it looks so familiar... Hehe... Cough cough, what are you guys doing here?"

Li Shuyao didn't expect to be a colleague, so she was a little embarrassed, and then hurriedly changed the subject.

"Oh, we are shooting the starry sky." Tim said with a smile: "After accepting an advertisement, I am going to take a picture of the starry sky in the south and sea, to test the shooting performance of this phone."

"North and South?" Li Shuyao tilted her head.

"Yes, this is our first stop, and then we will go to the westernmost, southernmost, and northernmost places to shoot the starry sky." Tim laughed.

"...Wow, isn't it so romantic." Li Shuyao opened her mouth. This is the attitude of conscience up towards the video. It is not low to go to so many places after receiving an advertisement.

"It's fine." Tim smiled.

"Are you going to use your mobile phone to take pictures of the starry sky?" Li Shuyao blinked. Can you take pictures of the starry sky without a professional camera... What's so good about the starry sky captured by a mobile phone?

"Yes, wait a moment, I will show you."

Tim came over to introduce other people. There were people from his studio, and another up master who professionally photographed the starry sky. It was pitch black.

Tim set up the camera stand, and then put the phone on it: "Open the function options in the camera, and then select the professional mode inside, choose the standard lens, and increase the ISO sensitivity. Generally, adjust it between 1600 and 3200 according to the actual situation. , in the current moonless situation, the shutter speed can be selected to 25 to 32 seconds."

"Then turn on manual focus and set it to infinity..."

Li Shuyao's eyes widened when she looked at the sky and bright stars that suddenly seemed to become low in the phone. The person in front of her seemed to be operating on the phone as if by magic, and then the sky that seemed to be pitch black appeared dotted with stars. .

This is the beauty of optics!
"It's so beautiful." Li Shuyao opened her mouth, then exhaled softly, quietly looking at the twinkling stars and the transparent sky...

After watching for a while, Li Shuyao turned around and ran to the resort.

At this time, some BGM sounded in her mind again.

She remembered that it seemed to be a piece of pure music called Evening Star.

She remembered that there was a piano there, and she wanted to record this BGM!
 Thanks again to Ling Feisi's leader~
  Video Hurricane video is very good, let you experience the charm of photography.

(End of this chapter)

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