Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 165 Dream Like a Sea of ​​Stars

Chapter 165 Dream Like a Sea of ​​Stars
Everyone was a little confused when they saw Li Shuyao running away suddenly. What's the matter? Why did he run away suddenly... Then everyone looked at Tim.

Did you secretly do something to be sorry for others!
That's not right, he's not that kind of person either.

"You said, is it possible that she thought of something..." Another up who specializes in shooting starry sky said: "She should be a singer and composer, do you think it is possible that she suddenly had an inspiration for writing, and then Went back to create."

"This...hasn't she seen the starry sky before?"

"Yeah, starry sky shooting is normal."

"There are also a lot of this kind of shooting on station B."

"Yes, it's very common. This has been photographed a lot."

"We haven't dealt with it yet. It's just a few shots of the starry sky. It shouldn't be..."


A few people were a little confused. For them, there were too many images of the starry sky. It was really shocking when they first watched it, but gradually everyone felt nothing.

If you see too much of this thing, it will be the same, even if you see too much of a beautiful thing, it will lose its freshness, and this thing has not undergone their post-processing, so in fact, to them, it looks like that.

It is indeed beautiful, but it will not be so shocking.

"Well... have you ever thought that she is just a fresh graduate and only 18 years old, maybe it's really the first time for her to watch it." Tim thought for a while and said: "Or, it's the first time to use When seeing such a picture on a mobile phone, even if it is not the first time, if you only watch it a few times, you will still feel a little shocked."

"Yes." The other up nodded: "Why don't you go and have a look, I'm not in a hurry to watch it here, if there is really a good song, it seems that you can also use it."

"Us? The cost is a bit high."

"Yeah, let's shoot an advertisement..."


Indeed, if it is just to shoot an advertisement, and then run to buy the copyright of a song that has just been created, it seems that the cost is a bit high.

"Let me go and have a look." Tim smiled, then followed Li Shuyao and ran to the resort, turned his head while running and said, "You guys have a good time taking pictures."

Li Shuyao ran very fast, she wanted to hurry back and record this song, so she ran all the way with her camera.

Well, it is absolutely impossible to leave the camera behind. This camera costs a lot of money, no matter how anxious you are, it is impossible to leave your camera and run away.

When Tim ran down the reef, he couldn't find Li Shuyao, and he was a little speechless. Is this kid running so fast? He used to be on the track and field team at school?

Because everyone discussed it before, Tim came out late and lost Li Shuyao's figure all of a sudden. He was at a loss for a moment on this dark island...

He could only try his best to run in the direction of the resort, but the resort was not small, and he didn't know where to go...

After hesitating for a while, Tim smiled, then turned around and prepared to go back. He needed himself to shoot over there.

Just when he turned to leave, suddenly a gust of wind blew, bringing some fresh questions and strings of piano sounds.


Why is there a piano sound on this island?
By the way, there seems to be a piano in the lobby of this resort.

It's so late, and he can still play the piano, maybe it's the nursery rhymes in the book he just ran out of.

Tim turned and ran towards the lobby of the resort. If nothing else, the background music he wanted was here.

He has listened to a lot of Li Shuyao's music, and he has no doubts about her creative ability, and this kind of music created after watching the starry sky is undoubtedly the music that best suits his video.

As for cost...

To be honest, he thought about it, but for him, the quality of the video is more important, and even because it is an advertising video, it needs to be refined.

An excellent advertising video has too many benefits. Party A is satisfied with seeing it, and more Party A will come to you. After all, this is one of the main sources of income as an up owner.

Another point is that the audience will also buy it. He never thinks that because the up mainly eats, the audience of the advertising video must buy it. The audience buys it is a good video. If your video is well done, the audience will not mind if it is an advertisement. Video, so many excellent advertising videos are also sought after by many people.

Along the way, the sound of the piano became clearer and clearer. Accompanied by the journey of the piano music, he felt as if he was walking through the ethereal starry sky.

That's right, the starry sky is not vast, but it is very ethereal.

This feeling of walking through it, with countless stars twinkling around, feels very comfortable, warm, and peaceful...

In a certain moment, it was like riding a flat boat, wandering slowly on the sea, the sky is within reach, accompanied by stars, maybe it is the feeling of "I don't know the sky is in the water when I am drunk, and the boat is full of clear dreams to press the galaxy" .

He is very happy, the music is not so shocking, but it gives people a dreamy feeling.

It really is a nursery rhyme in the book.

Tim ran into the hall. At this time, there were many people in the hall, most of them were staff, and there were also a small number of tourists. Everyone was quietly listening to Li Shuyao's performance.

Li Shuyao was sitting in front of the piano, swaying her body gently in accordance with the melody. With her eyes closed, each note seemed to jump out of the piano, surrounding the entire hall.

Tim walked to the piano with a smile, picked up the video camera that Li Shuyao put down, and carefully recorded this moment, whether it was Li Shuyao who was playing, or the audience listening to the piano music quietly, and there were even people who were constantly being caught. Piano music attracts new audiences.

The charm of music is fully displayed at this moment. It is a kind of emotional thing. No matter what country or language is used, in this beautiful melody, you will find a peaceful place for your soul.

That's the melody, that's the melody I want.

Tim thought about what kind of background music he wanted to match with this video, he thought about shocking, he thought about intense, but he always felt that it was not suitable.

At this time, there were many images of the video in his mind, and he imagined what kind of dreamy feeling this song would bring when Xinghai appeared in the video.

Just look at the audience present.

They didn't cheer enthusiastically, didn't beat the time together, and didn't dance. Instead, they all closed their eyes and quietly experienced the peace of this moment in the ocean of music.

Yes, the stars belong to the night. For people, the night should be quiet, dreamy, and boundless...

Just like that sea of ​​stars.

Just like this melody.

This would be a perfect video!

He had a hunch that when watching this video, his audience must be leaning on the back of the chair or lying on the bed, quietly experiencing the dream-like feeling brought by the starry sky.

The graceful starry sky and melody will pull the audience out of their exhaustion, and take their souls across the sea of ​​stars to the vast world above the starry sky, where they can find a moment of respite and peace.

Perhaps this is why he chose to shoot the starry sky.

 This evening star is very good, and it is also pure music. If you like it, you can listen to it.

(End of this chapter)

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