Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 166 I'm Fat

Chapter 166 I'm Fat
Li Shuyao played this piece many times before she gradually stopped. Many times she would play the piano by herself at home, and the feeling of listening to the melody she created little by little was really wonderful.

She really likes the feeling that this emotion is constantly swinging with the music. Many times, this feeling makes her forget her troubles...

Uh, it seems that she really doesn't have any troubles now.

After the melody gradually ended, everyone didn't applaud. It's not that everyone didn't like the melody, but it was very quiet at the moment, and everyone was immersed in their own dreams.

Finally, Li Shuyao played a melody quickly, pulling everyone back from this dream.

It's almost time for a short rest, so let's do what we should do!
What do you mean with those unfinished expressions, do you still want me to do another paragraph?I'll go, I've been playing for such a long time, not to mention a performance fee or something, I don't even have a fruit plate!

After thinking for a while, Li Shuyao stood up with a smile, bowed down to greet everyone's applause, and then she saw Tim in the corner with his camera.

I'm going, why is he here, still holding my video camera...

What happened, when did he come, I have no idea!
Hiss, it seems that you can't close your eyes when you play the piano outside, or else you won't know if your things are taken away.

"This song is amazing, you are amazing." Seeing Li Shuyao approaching, Tim greeted him with a smile.

"Haha, it's okay." Li Shuyao smiled and waved her hands.

"It's like this. I want to talk about cooperation with you. Can I buy you something to eat?" Tim returned the camera in his hand to Li Shuyao.

"It's ok, you don't need to eat, let me go and watch your filming, okay." Li Shuyao nodded.

"of course can."

Walking out of the hall, the sea breeze was blowing on the surface of the sea, and the two raised their heads to look at the sky almost at the same moment.

Although it is far away, the starry sky is really beautiful.

"It's far away, but it's beautiful, so it's a dream." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "If this song is just a video, you can use it if you want."

"If it's just my video, I'd like to thank Mr. Yaoyao for his sponsorship, but ours is a just video, haha, so I can compete with Party A. I believe that with such a good song, they should be the same. Willing to pay." Tim said as he walked.

"That's a good relationship. I like the wool of Party A, haha."

The outdoor shooting is not as romantic as it seems. As time goes on, the seaside at night is getting colder and colder. In order to capture the best starry sky, they can’t have any light source around them, so everyone just looks up. Looking at the starry sky, constantly adjusting the equipment.

Perhaps these hours of shooting, plus several hours of post-production, the final presentation is only a few minutes, or even less than 1 minute of accelerated video.

But the beauty of that moment of acceleration is unparalleled.

Li Shuyao followed and waited until the end of the filming. There was no cheering or celebration. Everyone was so cold that they couldn't stretch out their hands. They just silently put away the equipment, greeted each other and then left.

The next day Li Shuyao rarely woke up very early, even the biological clock could not resist the power of staying up late, Li Shuyao fell asleep until nine o'clock after a long absence.

Lying on the bed, listening to the waves outside constantly beating against the coast is still very comfortable. This feeling of being away from the hustle and bustle made her wish that time would stay here forever.

However, as they gave up on continuing the hype, and news of transfers of other star players from other divisions or LPL divisions continued to appear, Li Shuyao's news was also covered up.

Everyone knows that there is such a thing in their hearts, but they will not discuss it too much.

It was time for her to go back.

After all, the viewers who were waiting for her live broadcast were about to start sending blades.

So after saying hello to Tim and going back to contact again, she went home directly.


"I'm gaining weight!" Li Shuyao stood at the door of his house, opened the door outside and dragged the suitcase and yelled, and then saw brother Gou running out of the small door, and jumped on Li Shuyao's body.

"Hahaha, why are you following a puppy, haha." Li Shuyao held Brother Gou in his arms and rubbed it, feeling that the little cat was twisting and turning on her body like a puppy welcoming its owner home If you go, you only need to bark twice, and then lick again.

"Haha, didn't you just go out to play for three days? As for thinking about me so much?" Li Shuyao laughed at the little cat, then stared blankly at Tantai Jingyi holding a small dried fish in one hand and a stuffed animal in the other. The ball also opened the door and came out.

"..." What are you doing with those things, are you preparing to train the dog...

However, Li Shuyao felt a bit out of place in time and space at the moment, vaguely remembered that it was Tantai Jingyi who stood at the door last time, and then opened the door to welcome her.

Life is really so wonderful.

"I'm back, how did you play this time?" Tantai Jingyi threw the fur ball home, then walked over and pulled out Brother Gou's head, stuffed the dried fish into Brother Gou's mouth, and directly picked it up for her. luggage.

"It's not bad, haha, I also met a few ups who shot the starry sky, maybe I can make a small amount of money." Li Shuyao smiled, and she had to quickly produce this song in its entirety.

She inquired about it later and found that Tim's advertisement this time is also one of the top mobile phone brands in China. If such a big manufacturer can take a fancy to her songs, they will definitely make a small profit.

I heard that these big factories will spend a lot of money every year for promotion, the kind that can't be done without spending all of it!
This piece of hers is also considered a small masterpiece. She used to like to listen to it very much, but she never thought of it before, and it is fate to think of it this time.

Many times when I think about it deliberately, my mind goes blank, and I remember it when I am touched by something.

It feels really good to suddenly unearth a treasure occasionally.

"Let's get ready to play a game next Saturday." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile.

"Tsk tsk, it's true that you don't train once, just go up and play? Will this not affect the mentality of the little brothers of the second team?" Li Shuyao shrugged.

"If you go to train for a period of time, it will really affect their mentality." Tantai Jingyi said: "You don't fight with them all the time, what are you training with them?"

"Okay, that's right." Li Shuyao nodded, threw her luggage aside, and rushed into the piano room.

Well, Brother Gou also flew up with him...

"You...don't take a break?" Tantai Jingyi blinked her eyes.

"No, no, I still have to make money!" Li Shuyao chuckled, this time it's pure music, it's not that complicated, at most it's just an ensemble of some instruments, it's easy!
Let's see how the response is. If it's good, I can add more pure music in the future. This copy... ahem, how fast it is made!

Tantai Jingyi sighed when she heard the sound of ding ding dong dong music coming from the piano room, then turned her head to look at Brother Gou, who was getting up from the sofa and preparing to run away.

"Brother Dog, let's continue training." Tantai Jingyi smiled and grabbed the little fur ball that Brother Gou threw away, and then grabbed a small dried fish from the side.

"Meow!" Brother Gou turned around and ran away, one or two in this family are abnormal!
 So don't always argue about anything, experience a moment of peace in music and novels~
  (Thanks to SleepGod for the reward, meh~)

(End of this chapter)

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