Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 168 This is the Almighty Goddess

Chapter 168 This is the Almighty Goddess
Li Shuyao opened her page and informed her of the joint contribution this afternoon. Anyway, Lu Yao was operating there, so she didn't care.

But now it seems that this video is really popular, that is, after three or four hours after it was released, it has already had more than 100 million views, and when Li Shuyao opened it, there were more than 6 simultaneous viewers.

This is only the first episode. Li Shuyao knew that they had stayed in that villa for several days, so they probably recorded several episodes. It seemed that they were very ambitious.

Li Shuyao clicked on the video directly. At the beginning, he made a title like a variety show, and briefly introduced the rules of the game.

The rules of the game are actually easy to understand, or even if you don't listen to the rules, you can almost understand...

"Come on, let's watch the video."


Sun Xiaoming is a little tired recently. After all, he will graduate next year, and he plans to go directly to his dream institute next year. He is doing it for a better experimental environment and for his graduation thesis.

Although he has not yet graduated, he is very confident in his talent and learning. He is helping to complete some of his tutor's projects. He knows very clearly that he is a genius.

But he has never been proud, he knows that compared with those really powerful people, he is still far behind.

So he was very tired. He got up early every day, then plunged into the laboratory, and continued to do experiments until he went back at [-] or [-] o'clock in the middle of the night. Sometimes he had to stay up late to write papers or something.

At this time, Li Shuyao's songs and live broadcast greatly relieved his fatigue.

However, Li Shuyao did not broadcast live for 5 consecutive days.

This made him a little mentally exhausted.

But today he is very excited, Li Shuyao is rebroadcasting!
For this reason, he specially bought a lot of food, and prepared to watch the live broadcast in the dormitory, which can be regarded as soothing the recent fatigue.

Although the experiment is very important, he also understands the principle of "opening and relaxing", so he won't hold on so tightly.

As soon as he opened the door of the dormitory, he saw three other people sitting in the living room, eating takeaway and watching Li Shuyao on the big screen on the wall.

"Yeah, it's already started." Sun Xiaoming said.

"Of course, I'll wait for you." Zhou Shiyou said while gnawing on the chicken leg.

"Yes, yes, you can't pinch the timing right now." Hao Xiao, another roommate of Sun Xiaoming, held a skewer and said, "Look, we have prepared a sumptuous barbecue feast today."

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity that it's not easy to drink in the dormitory." Jiang Shi slammed his mouth: "Otherwise, maybe I'll compose a poem for you."

"Come on, just your poem, in ancient times, it is easy to be sunk by others." Zhou Shiyou rolled his eyes.

"Live on the water again, haha." Sun Xiaoming put down some chicken nuggets, chicken skin, chicken wishbone, etc. that he bought, and then picked up a hand pancake and sat down to eat it.

"It seems to be a linked video, shot with other ups, my God, I just checked the duration, it's almost 50 minutes." Hao Xiao slammed his mouth: "This can be broadcast live for an hour at once, this live broadcast It really made her understand."

"Come out, come out, and say that the goddess of justice is invited." Jiang Shi shouted.

Then everyone saw Li Shuyao running out with a cute face holding a chicken leg.

Everyone: "..."

At this time, the video suddenly went black, and a line of words appeared on it: "Misplaced the video, try again."

Then Li Shuyao entered the arena with a calm face...


"I go……"

"Brother Hei Dao with this face...ah no, what is the feeling of eldest sister?"

"Haha, Yaoyao's aura is gone."

"But I suddenly remembered what happened to her eating chicken legs just now..."


Li Shuyao entered the arena with her head held high, and the video got to the point. This relaxed, cheerful and down-to-earth variety show quickly attracted the audience's attention.

Well, Li Shuyao has been going in and out of various people's cameras with all kinds of snacks in her hand...

It can be seen that in addition to discussing games in the barrage, everyone is often talking about...why is this person still eating.

Sun Xiaoming and the others had a great time watching it. They were already eating, so this relaxed and happy video looks like a good meal!In addition, there is a woman who has been eating in the video, so they eat more deliciously.

Sure enough, watching Li Shuyao's live broadcast was the most relaxing.

It's funny to see the proud look on her face while watching the video.

It is a blessing to be able to eat.

The video as a whole was carried out in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, until... Li Shuyao finally made a move.

"This time... oh... is this rumor so powerful... I just threw the ping pong ball into the cup... Hao Xiao, how about you calculate the parabola." Jiang Shi smacked his lips and said.

"Forget it, watch the live broadcast carefully." Hao Xiao was speechless, don't talk about these things during entertainment!


"I'll go, is this dart so accurate?" Jiang Shi looked at Hao Xiao again.

"Not counting!" Hao Xiao tidied up the things on the table a little bit, holding a bamboo stick in his hand and gesticulating to the side twice.


"No... I can understand the previous ones. What's the situation with this direct shooting?" Jiang Shi turned his head to look at the others: "Can you two stop being obsessed and respond to me a little?"

"What's the matter? This shows that Yaoyao is very powerful." Zhou Shiyou blinked, and looked like he had never seen the world. Our family's Yaoyao has always been so powerful, okay?

"Huh?" Jiang Shi opened her mouth and looked at Sun Xiaoming. You have always been the best learner here, show your opinion!
"Yes, yes." Sun Xiaoming nodded: "Yao Yao has always been very powerful."

"You are poisoned, you are definitely poisoned." Jiang Shi opened his mouth: "You are not right!"

"What's the point, she can also write songs, draw pictures, make animation videos, dance, martial arts, and the League of Legends can reach the top ten in Hanbok... Isn't it just throwing darts and shooting baskets, what's so strange Yes." Zhou Shiyou shrugged.

"..." Ma Dan, what you said is very reasonable, and I seem to have no way to refute it.

"It seems that I have to study this up carefully, ah no, this video..." Hao Xiao nodded and said.

"What else can she do, you can say it all at once." Jiang Shi curled her lips.

"It seems that I have seen a news before, it seems that she dived to save people, but there is no follow-up report." Zhou Shiyou thought for a while and said.

"Oh, she can play all kinds of musical instruments." Sun Xiaoming said.

"Oh, she also composes her own music and makes her own accompaniment..." Reporter Zhou Shiyou said: "It seems that she will go to the competition after a while."

"How old is she?" Jiang Shi opened her mouth.

"18 years old." Sun Xiaoming said.

"It's not 18 years old forever, it's really 18 years old." Zhou Shiyou added.

"..." The way you two sing together is disgusting!
Hmm, but this rumor does look pretty good.

It seems that we can pay attention to a wave.

Such versatile ups these days are treasures!
Well, it's mainly because of her talent, it has nothing to do with her appearance or figure!
Absolutely not!

 Last night I dreamed that I flew up with a light jump, and then I flew variously in the dream, haha, it was so interesting, some flew in the forest, and some flew in the city, I remember flying on the sea at the end of the dream, And then there are huge pink sharks in the sea...

(End of this chapter)

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