Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 169 It turns out that I really know how to cook

Chapter 169 It turns out that I really know how to cook
As the video came to an end, everyone suddenly asked to see how long it would take for Li Shuyao to pass the level, and then everyone gathered together to watch Li Shuyao pass the level.

"Haha, the way Yaoyao hits the wall is so cute." Jiang Shi watched Li Shuyao hit the wall with a bang, and laughed, and then turned around to see Sun Xiaoming and Zhou Shiyou looking at the big screen with worried faces ...

You two are enough!
Can you stop acting so scary!

She's just an up master, not your wife!'s really cute.

However, as the video continued to advance, everyone gradually fell silent.

It turns out that this person is so fierce.

These games obviously seem to be quite difficult. Some of you have tried it yourself, and it is indeed very difficult, but why can this person succeed so quickly and directly.

Also, why is she so strong that the tug-of-war just dragged two people away?

Also pulled twice?
The last part of this video is weird from beginning to end, no matter how you look at it, it feels too fake, but you look at the expression on his face, and you feel that if it happened to Li Shuyao, it seems that it is not unacceptable.

Just like what Sun Xiaoming and Zhou Shiyou said before.

Isn't it normal for rumors to meet these things?

Jiang Shi and Hao Xiao turned their heads to look at the expressions of Sun Xiaoming and Zhou Shiyou from time to time, and sure enough, these two had always been very calm.

Nodding, kind of smiling.

She was not surprised by Li Shuyao's performance at all, and was even satisfied.

It's like seeing your daughter meet the standard.

God TM has reached the standard...

By the end of this episode, there were voices of doubt from everyone, but I don't know if it was because the foreshadowing in front of the show made everyone feel too real, or Li Shuyao's usual performance was too versatile, and the doubts were not so strong.

Many people automatically assume that this is true...

This is what shocked Jiang Shi the most. is it true!
The nursery rhymes in this book are not outrageous, but her audience is the most outrageous!
Jiang Shi has a lot of MMPs in his heart but he can't tell them. There are two outrageous ones in his dormitory. If he tells them, he is afraid that these people won't copy his homework for him!
At the end of the video, these people said that they were going to eat together, and then said that 2P is a video of them eating together, and it is also a video of Yaoyao cooking. If you are interested, you can jump to 2P to watch.

During the live broadcast, Li Shuyao was a little surprised that the other party actually included the video of her cooking.

It is normal to put it in 2P. After all, it has nothing to do with the main video. It can be counted as a tidbit and released, but it is still put together.

The 2P barrage was uncharacteristically not much less, and at the beginning, a large part of the barrage floated directly...

"2P since ancient times... I'll go, why are there so many people?"

"Come here, I'll come when I see Yaoyao and Fan."

"I'm a gourmet fan of Yaoyao!"

"I watched it again, absolutely, absolutely absolutely."

"Fortunately, I watched it at noon, and I ate 2 extra bowls of rice."

"I knew that Yaoyao could cook before, but I didn't expect it to be to this extent."

"Brothers, what do you say that rumors won't do?"

"The perfect tool for the restaurant owner——Yaoyao."

"Which culinary school did I learn this from, and I'm going to learn it too."

"This is the legendary master of time management."


Everyone didn't quite understand what these people were talking about at the beginning, but when the video continued to move forward, basically everyone knew why those people who came back left that kind of words at the beginning.

"No, this person is a bit outrageous, besides giving birth... no, this person can even give birth! I strongly suspect that this person is an artificial intelligence." Jiang Shi pointed to the person in the picture who was cooking three dishes by himself, and The timing is just right, one operation after another, and there will be no waiting to waste time.

"Like." Hao Xiao also nodded: "This operation is indeed a bit outrageous. She calculates the time while operating, and calculates the time of almost every operation very accurately. This is indeed something that someone can do. Yes, but that kind of person won't waste brain cells on cooking boringly."

"Is there?" Zhou Shiyou looked at the other two people in surprise: "It's not that exaggerated, isn't it just to cook faster, this is easy to do."

"Yeah, look at the sudden surprise of you two, isn't it that exaggerated?" Sun Xiaoming blinked: "Yaoyao is still a top student, graduated from university at the age of 18, and skipped grades before, such a genius It's normal to do anything."

"Wake up, both of you!" Jiang Shi patted Sun Xiaoming on the shoulder: "You are the smartest person in our dormitory, how can you be fooled by this superficial phenomenon, this is obviously a gimmick created by capital operation, what? Almighty, how can human beings be omnipotent."

"Possible." Sun Xiaoming nodded: "According to the international imagination of future genetic technology, it is possible to realize human omnipotence through technological means. Since human beings can achieve it through technological means, then nature, the existence that created everything, naturally has may create an omnipotent being."

"My God..." Jiang Shi was speechless: "Have you already started to explain yourself, have you already started to find scientific basis for the outrageousness, this is the real outrageousness."

"Jiang Shi, since Xiaoming said it was possible, then it is really possible. Besides, there is nothing impossible in this world..."

Zhou Shiyou Balabala said a lot of things, and then looked at Jiang Shi solemnly. Although what he said seemed to be nonsense, it was indeed nonsense...

But Jiang Shi could see it from his eyes, he felt that such a person was not outrageous at all.

"Ahem, that...although it's outrageous, but it looks really delicious." Hao Xiao smacked his lips looking at the very delicious up master in the video.

Those meals look really delicious!

" looks delicious." Jiang Shi slammed her mouth, whether she should say it or not, I don't care if TN is real or not, but this food looks really delicious.

"Yaoyao is really edible. I ate so much before and I can still eat it. The most important thing is that I can eat so much that I don't get fat at all. It's amazing!" Zhou Shiyou said with a smile.

"Well, but according to Yaoyao's living habits, she wakes up early every morning to exercise. Such a large amount of energy consumption should be one of the reasons why she keeps in shape." Sun Xiaoming said seriously.

"How do you know she exercises every morning?" Hao Xiao asked curiously.

"She occasionally posts news or Weibo on station B. She wakes up very early in the morning to practice martial arts." Sun Xiaoming said: "It's normal for people who practice martial arts to eat more."

"Although I saw her cooking in the last live broadcast, they were all barbecue and the like. I didn't expect her to be so good at cooking." Zhou Shiyou slammed his mouth: "Perfect, it's so perfect, I feel Yaoyao is the woman who grew up in my love point, I will definitely find a girl like her in the future!"

"I can tell, you just want to eat soft food." Hao Xiao said rolling his eyes.

"Hmph!" Zhou Shiyou pouted: "I mean, I'm going to find a rich little old lady and kill her to inherit the family property. What does this have to do with my liking for rumors..."

 I finally rest today~ sleep more, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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