Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 179 Let's play board games together

Chapter 179 Everyone Plays Board Games Together
Nan Yiyi also has some things to do today, she didn't have anything to do at first, but Li Yuanjun and Brother Yu called her temporarily, so she has one more thing to do today - to go to the banquet!

She was also raped before, but at that time, it was the real early stage, completely random and without any preparation.

So, she invited the two to drink lemon fruit tea at home, and then danced together.

Today, she is going to give back to these two people. Since it is a meal, and the two of them dyed red and yellow hair because of the next one, she is going to make carrot scrambled eggs for them!
Although scrambled eggs with tomatoes is a very classic combination, but she thinks that the current hair color of Li Yuanjun is more like a carrot.

So she ended up choosing scrambled eggs with carrots!
But when she had cut the carrots, beaten the eggs, and was about to start frying, she suddenly discovered... her pot was broken.

The words please report for repair kept flashing on it, which made her a little broken.

So she put the chopped carrots and eggs in a small tea mug, and took them away together.

Anyway, today we are all eating hot pot, so we can just cook together in the pot when the time comes.

When she set off, it was already 6:30, and she felt a little sorry, because it took too long to make the scrambled eggs with carrots, and the result has not yet come out.

It was already 7 o'clock when she arrived at the place.

So she rushed into this restaurant in a hurry...

But, when she walked to the private room, she always felt that the waiter looked at her a little strangely, but she couldn't tell what was strange, she looked normal, she kept smiling and nodding, but she just had an inexplicable feeling So weird.

Forget it, it doesn't matter, although she felt that the waiter's expression became even more strange after she stood at the door and waited for a short while, but she is a man, and she is herself!

Come on, Nan Yiyi, you can do it!

Then she opened the door and saw three people rolling dice inside...

"Hahaha, tolls, come on, come on, I built a third-level building here, wow." Li Shuyao jumped up excitedly when she saw the character of Liyuan Bacteria walk to the city where she built the building.

"Oh my god... I'm going bankrupt." Liyuan Bacteria looked helpless.

"Liyuan bacteria, you can't do it, it's time for the finals between me and Yaoyao again!" Brother Yu curled his lips, showing an indescribable smile...

Then, the moment the door opened, the three of them paused for a moment, and then turned their heads to look at the door in unison.

"What are you...doing?" Nan Yiyi blinked her eyes. She did a lot of mental construction before entering the door, and thought a lot about the scene she was about to face, but she really didn't expect to see three people playing Monopoly...

Aren't you going to invite me to dinner today, aren't you going to invite the Hall of Fame from Cengfan Challenge to have dinner together? Why are you playing board games?
Also, others?
Why is it just the three of you, you agreed to Cengfan to challenge the reunion?
It's been an hour, why did only one person come here?

"Hahaha, I said it's impossible for only one person to come!" As soon as Nan Yiyi finished speaking, Liyuan Bacteria jumped up from the seat and walked over.

"Come on, come on, haha... what are you?" Brother Yu also walked over, and then saw the big tea mug in Nan Yiyi's hand.

"Oh, this is the scrambled eggs with carrots I brought to you." Nan Yiyi opened the lid of her tea mug, and said seriously: "I actually wanted to make it well, but in the end my pot broke, yes Really broken."

"Uh... let's wash it later."

"Yeah yeah……"

"Come on, Yiyi, come and play Monopoly." Li Shuyao also ran over and pulled Nan Yiyi to the side: "Let me tell you, the more people I have in Monopoly, the more fun it is."

"Big, big... Monopoly?" Nan Yiyi was a little dumbfounded: "Others, why are you the only one left?"

"They all went to the bathroom." Li Shuyao waved his hand.

"What?" Nan Yiyi looked back again: "Did they go together?"

"Uh..." Li Shuyao nodded, "Hey, the role of this little beauty is swollen for you."

"It's so cute." Nan Yiyi looked at the little puppet and nodded with a smile, then sat down with Li Shuyao, and then both of them turned their heads to look at Li Yuanjun and Brother Yu who were awkwardly standing next to them.

"Come on, what are you doing standing there?" Li Shuyao asked strangely.


Li Yuanjun and Brother Yu opened their mouths. They seemed to be here for dinner. Why did they start playing board games out of nowhere?
However, nothing seemed to happen.

I don't know who will come and who won't...

It seems a little early to order directly now. It is agreed to be from 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock.


Just wait.

Playing board games seems to be better than everyone playing mobile phones, and it seems that it is easy to get awkward when chatting.

"Okay, audience friends, we suddenly became playing board games together, but during this waiting time, in order to avoid embarrassment, Monopoly seems to be pretty good." Li Yuanjun held the camera and said a few words and then said: "Then brothers, let's play board games together!"

So, this side started to become a millionaire in the private room of other restaurants. During this period, a few ups made video calls. One was to explain that he couldn't come because he had something to do, and the other was to see how many people came here. .

Then I saw a few of them playing board games...

"Brothers, something big happened... It seems that they can't come, but we took up a private room in a restaurant to beat the millionaires. I don't know if they will be angry."

After playing for a while, Brother Yu also took the camera and started talking.

These later stages basically have to be edited to interact with the audience.

"Some of the other people were busy shooting videos, and some went to other places. This time it was really too random, and there was no notice in advance, so everyone didn't come if they had something to do."

Li Shuyao...

Well, she is more obsessed with playing Monopoly and has forgotten the passage of time.

She even forgot what she was here for!

The time passed quickly in the game, and gradually, the time has come to 8:50, and the game here is in full swing, it seems that there is no point in ordering food, and the waiter in the restaurant looked at the man who was in the game again with a strange look on his face. The young man pacing outside the door...

What is this thing doing?
Is he coming to eat?

Why don't you come in, what are you doing walking around the door, it seems that you are still walking while watching the time, are you waiting for someone?
Although it is said that there are people waiting every day, but today seems to be extraordinarily many. There is a private room waiting for people in my store. I have been waiting for 3 hours. I don’t know, I thought I was looking for a place to play board games. .

Anyway, there is no low consumption, right?

After a while, about 5 minutes to 9 o'clock, the person who was rubbing his hands outside came in, and then went to the private room where he was playing board games...

Then I also looked at the watch outside the private room and waited for a while...

So why do people in this private room like to wait outside for a while? Hey!
What kind of new traditional art is this?

Is it because I haven't been online for a long time, so it's a new popular meme?
 It's snowing in Dalian does it feel like it hasn't snowed for a long was raining last's outrageous.

(End of this chapter)

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