Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 180 Come on, brothers!

Chapter 180 Come on, brothers!


When the time came to 9 o'clock sharp, the private room suddenly opened, and the four people present all looked at the door, only to see a handsome young man in a jacket standing at the door with a kick And into the poss.

Then he was stunned.

Fuck, a bunch of people are waiting for him as promised, and then he finally gets stuck at the timing like a hero coming on stage?Why do you see that there are only four people inside, and they are playing board games?

I saw the ghost board game, isn't it eating? Why are these people playing board games?No, how can there be a group of people, isn't it just these four people, my God...

"Oh oh oh oh..." Seeing the person at the door, everyone cheered and stood up.

"Why are you just the four of you... Look, look, score 59, just right." Big Tomato walked over holding his phone.

"At 8:59, I was still standing below for 10 minutes." Big Tomato said.

"Why stand for 10 minutes?" Liyuan Bacteria blinked.

"Just to wait for 8:59 to come in." Big Tomato walked in while talking: "Where should I sit?"

"Sit whatever you want." Brother Yu shook the note on his face and smiled.

"I don't think there are names posted on the seats here." Big Tomato walked to the middle position: "Then I won't be polite."

"Come on, let him guess first whether the others want to invite them out." Li Yuanjun and Brother Yu stood up and laughed while holding the camera.


"Guess who else is here besides us." Li Shuyao also asked with a smile.

"Nap tide must have arrived." Big Tomato said.

"Why?" Nan Yiyi was stunned for a moment.

"His bag is here." Big Tomato pointed to the bag on Xiaochao's chair.

"This is my bag..."


"Hmm... Mou Huan's chopsticks moved... But he definitely didn't come." Big Tomato stood up and said in a circle.

"Why?" Liyuan Bacteria asked.

"He told me he wasn't coming."


"Okay, please come out..." Brother Yu and Li Yuanjun walked to the door: "Ahem, don't guess, don't guess, um, waiter, let's order."

"Ah? No more." Big Tomato blinked.

"No, it's just us." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "Isn't this the rich man here?"

"...I waited below for 10 minutes. I imagined that everyone above was waiting for 9 o'clock, and then I pushed the door in at 9 o'clock. It was very handsome." Big Tomato shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, brother eggplant was very handsome the moment he kicked in the door." Liyuan Bacteria nodded.

"Yes, but the camera may not have captured me, only the note on your face." Big Tomato looked at these people, and then at the board game on the table: "You are also quite creative, Play Monopoly here."

"Yeah, it's fun, do you want to come together?" Li Shuyao smiled, the note on her face was the least, there is no way, she is very lucky today!

"Ahem, er, order, order."

"Yes, yes, let's play again next time..."

Although they said so, Li Yuanjun and Brother Yu suddenly felt that bringing the board game out seemed to avoid embarrassment. After all, everyone had a common language before, so that they would not sit together and stare at each other.

The waiter walked in and saw the few people who finally started ordering, and some of them finally waited for you. Fortunately, I didn’t give up. They almost thought that these people came to find a private room to play games...

"Ahem, well, I'm not very hungry today, so I don't need to order too much." Li Shuyao hurriedly reminded Li Yuanjun and Brother Yu when they saw that they were ordering frantically.

They were probably thinking that they had a big appetite. She used to have a big appetite and most of them paid for it by herself or from big families, so she wouldn't say that she had to eat so much when she ate here.

Her appetite is too small, she can't eat that much at all!

She must reverse the wrong stereotype that she has a big appetite!

"Is there enough to eat? Don't be hungry." Big Tomato said: "It's okay, just let go."

"Yes." Nan Yiyi also nodded.

"..." Li Shuyao opened her mouth, what should I say to make you believe that I don't eat much...

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry, there must be enough food."

"Don't let go of Yaoyao, don't save us money."

Brother Yu and Li Yuanjun waved their hands, and then continued to click.

"..." Li Shuyao was tired. It seemed that the fact that she was able to eat could not be reversed. I regret it, I regret it so much, I would have known that I would not have eaten so happily before.

This is all a misunderstanding!

Seeing the waiter go out with the ordered menu, Li Shuyao also sighed softly. If you eat all you have to eat, you can't waste food!
After ordering, everyone cleaned up the table. After all, there were quite a lot of small props. After they were neatly stacked, things came up one after another.

For hot pot, there is no need to cook, so the serving speed is quite fast.

And at this time, Nan Yiyi took out her own mixture of carrots and eggs...

The waiter opened his mouth when he saw the things in the tea mug, then smiled and nodded, put them in the colander, and boiled them in the pot.

After a while, I took it out and put it on a nearby plate: "You can eat it, it's very tender, very tender, absolutely perfect, smooth, and tender."

"Come and have a taste." Nan Yiyi looked expectantly at Brother Yu and Li Yuanjun eating food: "How is it, how is it."

"Hmm... slippery."

"Hmm... Tender..."

"..." Big Tomato smacked his mouth next to him, then turned around and saw Li Shuyao also seemed to have an expectant look on his face...

Whether this product is edible or not is a look of anticipation.

"I'll try it, I'll try it..." Li Shuyao has always been very fond of delicious food, and this food looks good. When she boiled it, she put it down whole, so it is still a whole. The egg Looks bling bling's.

"Well, it tastes good, tender and smooth." Li Shuyao nodded, and then launched an attack on other ingredients.

This big table dish, today's pressure is not small, it must not be wasted!

"Hey, this teacher Huan sent a message, asking if there is a second round." At this time, Nan Yiyi suddenly raised her phone and said.

"Come on, come on, make a call, make a call."

"Hurry up."

"Hello... Teacher Huan." Nan Yiyi quickly dialed Huan's voice call.

"Teacher Nan Yiyi, is everyone here?" Mou Huan said.

"Everyone is here, just waiting for you."

"Yes, yes, everyone is here."

"Come on, come on, it's just you..."

Li Shuyao and the others booed together.

After the call was over, the atmosphere suddenly became a little different. Before the food was served, Li Shuyao could always be heard talking about this and that, and after the topic was opened, everyone chatted together.

But after the food was served, this guy wanted to plunge his head into the pot, and the scene became a little quiet for a moment.

Big Tomato took a sip of his drink, then took out his mobile phone, and quickly sent a WeChat message to a certain Huan: "Brother, there are 3 people here in total, the scene is a bit embarrassing, come to the rescue!"

 This issue is also very interesting, haha, but I also added my own program effects, um, mainly in the next two chapters, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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