Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 181 Who pays the bill at the end: Rock-paper-scissors war

Chapter 181 Who pays the bill at the end: Rock-paper-scissors war

After Big Tomato sent a WeChat message to a certain Huan, he immediately turned on the mode of laughing, laughing while eating, and the scene was very weird for a while.

But the only harmonious place in the field is probably Li Shuyao, this guy looks like he has been hungry for several days, and the speed of eating is really fast!

However, people eat very elegantly, which looks pleasing to the eye...

It is indeed the best singer in the food area, the highest game rank in the music area, and the best food in the game area. This highlights a multi-function.

As a result, Big Tomato ate a lot more together. Although he came hungry, he always felt that he was not as hungry as others.

Nan Yiyi ate for a while and looked at the others, then smiled, then lowered her head to eat, and then smiled again.

"Ahem, what are you doing so quiet? Aren't there 10 of us here? Let's talk more." Liyuan Bacteria patted his head.

"Yes, let's talk." Brother Yu raised his arms and hugged the empty chair next to him: "Come on, Xiaochao, pour it for you."

Big Tomato smacked his mouth, pointed to another empty chair and said, "Oh, don't keep drinking, Brother Beizi, don't drink anymore, don't drink anymore, it's all right, I'll respect you later."

"Why is he in such a hurry?"

"Happy, just very happy."


Li Shuyao looked in shock at Liyuan Bacteria, Brother Yu and Big Tomato who were talking to a bunch of empty chairs, I'll go, what's going on, is it because many people didn't come and got stimulated?

It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be.

Everyone in the live broadcast room said that I am a female ghost. Could it be that there are ghosts in this world, you can see them but I can't?
However, if they can see it and I can't, it makes sense the other way around...

Hiss... Could it be that the female ghost is actually me?

"Ahem, it's still a great honor to invite everyone this time. We have three guests here, and we are still very happy." Brother Yu raised the drink in his hand, and the others followed suit: "We expected It’s just two or three people.”

"Indeed, you see, when we were in the Cengfan challenge, no one was free to call all afternoon. Today, there are three at once, invincible!" Liyuan Bacteria also said.

"I didn't have time at first, but I made time for it. You know why I came so late. I was in a hurry to cut the video. Then I said it was too late, and then I turned off the computer and came." Big Tomato said seriously. Said.

"Indeed, Xiaoxuexue is sick today, but Li Yuanjun and Brother Yu are looking for me, so I will definitely come." Li Shuyao also nodded solemnly.

"Look, after seven sessions of training, we've become proficient at finding topics, and we can't stop chatting at all..."


The air suddenly became quiet, and then everyone vaguely heard some voices coming from the door...


There was a loud noise in the sky, and a certain phantom appeared on the stage!

Brother Yu reversed the camera, and a certain ghost walked in with strides.

"Haha, I already thought about the title of this video when I was walking on the's called Huan Di Lie!" A certain Huan gave Big Tomato a positive look, and Big Tomato looked relieved.

"Okay, why don't you go again and didn't take pictures just now?"

"Come on." Mou Huan immediately got up and closed the door, and then left again...

"Hey, it seems that someone is coming."

"Look, it really is."



"Ha ha ha ha..." Mou Huan laughed and walked over and sat down.

"Have you eaten?" Li Shuyao asked curiously.

"I have eaten dinner and supper." Mou Huan nodded.

"Would you like to eat more?" Li Shuyao blinked: "The seafood at his house is pretty good."

"hold head high……"

"Why don't you try this boiled egg with carrots, it's tender and smooth." Li Shuyao pointed to the dish again and said, "This is brought by classmate Nan Yiyi."

"Oh? I brought it here, so I have to taste it." Mou Huan picked up the chopsticks and took a bite.

"How is it?" Nan Yiyi looked expectantly.

"Hmm... slippery..." Mou Huan nodded solemnly.

"Ahem, that, why don't we play a game." Brother Yu made a suggestion: "You can continue to eat Yaoyao, we are almost done eating."

"That's right, you keep eating and eating, you must be full." Big Tomato said.

"Come, come, let's guess the number, and sing if we win..."


Li Shuyao slammed her mouth, why do I have to be full? Actually, I am almost done. The main reason is that if you are all full, it is a waste, and these seafood must be eaten for the first time. , It won't taste good in the second meal.

Seafood Seafood, don’t just eat fresh ones.

Then Li Shuyao ate while watching several people playing games, and then Nan Yiyi sang... a certain fantasy sang... Li Shuyao sang...

cough cough.

She didn't play the game, the main thing was that everyone sang the song she posted, and she sang along because of embarrassment, and then it gradually evolved into everyone singing together.

A Huan likes rap more, so he sang "In the Name of the Father" and Daoxiang with Li Shuyao, but Nan Yiyi sang with Li Shuyao, "I hope it lasts forever."

When the waiter passed by, he heard singing suddenly started inside and slammed his mouth. Sure enough, no matter what time it is, the diners like to sing when they drink too much.


Don't these people drink juice?
Can anyone still get drunk from juice?I really can't understand...

Singing is pretty good.

After singing, Li Shuyao sat down and continued to eat. This time the order was really too much. If she didn't work hard, she really couldn't eat it!

So a few people started idiom Solitaire, and then Li Shuyao ate beside him while having fun.

After eating, Brother Yu and Liyuan Bacteria began the exciting final battle of rock-paper-scissors who pays the bill!
Under the suggestion of Li Shuyao and Big Tomato, the two originally prepared for AA, and then it became a back-to-back rock-paper-scissors two out of three games!

"I think he's definitely going to make a cloth."

"No, no, I think it should be a stone."

"Hiss, I'm so nervous."

"Brother Yu, come on, Brother Yu, come on!"


The two of them stood back to back, and Li Shuyao and the other four made various comments beside her. Immediately afterwards, Li Shuyao turned into a commentator and began to explain the first "match" she encountered in her life.

"Come on, come on, they are going to make a move. Who will win the first round? Is it the suave Liyuan bacteria, or the once suave Yuge!"

"Haha, Liyuan Bacteria stretched out its hand slowly, what could it be? What could it be? Don't blink, everyone, it has appeared! It has appeared! In the first round, besides the scissors, Brother Yu came out The cloth, Liyuan Bacteria has won the victory! But don’t worry everyone, this is a BO3 match, the first win is not the win, the last win is the win.”

"The contestants on both sides seemed a little nervous, and started to release the pressure around the table. Our coach Yuge Fang, a classmate, patted Yuge on the face to cheer him up. The coach of Liyuanfang, Big Tomato, kept giving Liyuan Bacteria cheers, and I want him to take advantage of the victory to win the game in one fell swoop."

"So, what will be the result of the game?"

"Let's take a break and enter a commercial."

"Come, come, make-up artist Yiyi, give makeup to the two contestants."


 Thanks to the male nurse who endorsed for the reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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