Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 182 Who Said Rock Paper Scissors Can't Explain

Chapter 182 Who Said Rock Paper Scissors Can't Explain
"Winter skin is prone to dryness. As a woman, you must take good care of your skin. Oh, look, my skin is not good after being blown by the cold wind... Before this time, I will choose... cough cough , Advertisement space for rent, patrons and understand."

Big Tomato: "..."

Nan Yiyi: "..."

A certain fantasy: "..."

Power Source Bacteria: "..."

Brother Yu: " it so embarrassing..."

The other five people looked at the camera smiling and nodding in bewilderment, and made a small platform with their right hands next to them, and they were short of putting an advertisement on it for rent.

"Okay, brothers..." Li Shuyao turned to the camera and began to explain loudly: "Who will pay the bill? The second round of the rock-paper-scissors contest will start soon!"

"Then who will be the winner? Is he the smart one, or the strong and brave one! Alright, now, please stand back to back!"

"Tsk tsk, we have seen that both sides are ready for the battle, and the coaches of both sides are giving final tactical guidance and psychological counseling, so let's repeat it again, the score on the field is now 1-0, and Liyuan Bacteria temporarily Take the lead and get the match point."

"However, the temporary lead is only temporary. In a match where there is absolutely no possibility of match-fixing, any result is possible!"

"Okay, the players from both sides are ready, let's see together now, whether Liyuan Bacteria will take advantage of the victory and win the game in one fell swoop, or Brother Yu will come back against the wind and tie the score!"

Brother Yu: "Let's start quickly, my God."

Liyuan Bacteria: "Hurry up, hurry up, I can't wait, I can't wait, master, stop reading!"

"Okay, okay, don't urge, this is called creating suspense, you know, the atmosphere you just made up by urging me is gone." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes: "Cut this part out in time."

"Ahem, okay, brothers, Brother Yu, Liyuan bacteria, are you ready?" Li Shuyao shouted loudly.

"Ready." They both yelled together.

"Okay, then I will say three, two, one, and you all hold your answers above your heads. Everyone pays attention, the critical moment is coming!"

"Three... two... oh, I'm a little excited, a little excited, everyone calm down... Cough cough, don't stare at me... Come on, come on, both players are ready! Three... two... one! Please come out fist!"

"Wow, wow... We saw that Brother Yu released the scissors and the force source bacteria released the cloth. In this round, Brother Yu withstood the pressure and moved the score to a one-to-one tie. He also kept the suspense until the final round. We Seeing coach Mou Huan excitedly embrace Brother Yu, now, both sides are back on the same starting line!"

"Don't be discouraged by Liyuan Bacteria and Big Tomato. Although they failed to take advantage of the victory, they still have a chance. Don't be discouraged. Let's fight like a BO1."

"Brother Yu and Mou Huan shouldn't be too happy too early. Opening champagne at halftime is not a good thing. The next step is the decisive time."

"So, will Liyuan Bacteria keep its throne, or will Brother Yu let the first chase the second and win the final victory? Let's take a break and enter a commercial..."

"Don't advertise!"

Just as Li Shuyao finished speaking, the other five people shouted together, which shocked Li Shuyao.

"All right, if you don't want to advertise, then don't advertise. Why are you shouting so loudly? You scared me!" Li Shuyao rolled her eyes: "You guys don't have the spirit of advertising at all. If you don't want to advertise, where does the income come from? If you don't have income, how can you invest more?" , how do you make a good video without investing in it? If the audience is the source of life for our up, then the advertisement is the flowing water that makes life active. That’s right, alas, that’s what it means anyway, understand the spirit!”

Several other people were taken aback by what she said, this person talks a lot when he is not eating!

"Okay, since everyone agrees that it's better not to have ads, then I won't insert ads anymore. Well, do you want a makeup artist?"

"Okay, it seems that our makeup artist also said that he will no longer wear makeup, so let's start directly!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, my dear fellows, the much-anticipated rock-paper-scissors contest of who pays the bill has finally come to the deciding game."

"In the next game, we will decide who is the real rock-paper-scissors king, and who will pay for today's meal!"

"Perhaps you think that this is just a simple game, but this game is a competition of the psychological quality of the two sides. The simple three gestures represent three completely different personalities."

"The cloth represents everything, and it also represents the cage!"

"Scissors represent breaking through everything, and also represent cruelty!"

"The stone represents repression and recklessness!"

"The three gestures restrain each other, repel each other but attract each other, as if a triangle locks all kinds of things in this world... This competition is sponsored and broadcast by this patron dad, this patron dad and this patron dad !"

Li Shuyao gestured three times to the camera: "Well, add something to me later."

After speaking, Li Shuyao walked behind the camera again:
"Look, Big Tomato is instructing Liyuan Bacteria, and they are analyzing what kind of gestures the other party will make."

"However, Mou Huan and Brother Yu seem to be different. Mou Huan is giving Brother Yu a head massage, so that Brother Yu can completely relax, stop thinking about tactics, stop thinking about games, and completely empty his mind. Leave it to God's will, choose everything as you like, then in such a relaxed state, Brother Yu, can you complete the reversal!"

"Well, it's a bit biased. Brother Yu said so much, I'll just say a word here." Liyuan Bacteria was speechless.

"Reversal, you know, the audience loves it." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth: "Don't interrupt me, I forgot what to say."

"Ahem, this, then the competition will officially begin."

"Next, the coaches of both sides are asked to leave the field, and the players of both sides are invited to enter the competition area and stand back to back."

"Friends in the audience, friends in the audience, the exciting moment is coming! The contestants have been there for many years... Ahem, the hard work of the contestants is about to show the final result."

"Listen to my password, three..."

"At this moment, I can't help but think of my childhood... Ahem, please don't look at me with cannibalistic eyes, okay, okay, I will continue."

" this moment, I want to say a few words...uh, that, stop talking, put down the chairs for me!"

"! Out!"

"The choice of contestants from both sides has come out. Liyuanjun has chosen rock, and Brother Yu has chosen paper!" Li Shuyao shouted loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen, I announce that the first Rock-Paper-Scissors Contest will be the final match!" The winner is..."

"Brother Yu!"

"Oh oh oh oh..."

Li Shuyao called out Brother Yu's name loudly, and everyone cheered together: "Brother Yu, Brother Yu, Brother Yu, Brother are the fattest!"

"What? Who said I'm the fattest? Well... I'm the fattest..."

 Still working on Saturday...

(End of this chapter)

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