Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 183 is finally over

Chapter 183 is finally over

Brother Yu patted his stomach and was worried for a moment, but soon he stopped worrying because there was someone on the opposite side who was more worried than him.

This table is not cheap, the average person here is 934. Although a certain magician didn't eat at the scene, there were still 5 people, even if they ate normally, it would be more than 5000.

Not to mention Li Shuyao who ate so much...

So it was more than 6000 at the checkout.

That is to say, Nan Yiyi really ate very little, otherwise she would not know how much it would cost.

"Let's go, let's pay the bill." Brother Yu walked out with Liyuan Bacteria in his arms. There were actually some waiters watching outside. After all, it was very late now and there were not many customers.

"AA..." When the two came to the cashier, Brother Yu said to Liyuan Bacteria.

"What's wrong?" Liyuan Bacteria blinked.

"AA, let's go to AA." Brother Yu said, "Isn't this Brother Cengfan, let's go to AA."

Seeing Brother Yu took out his mobile phone, Liyuan Bacteria smacked his mouth in emotion: "Then...then you end up..."

Looking at Liyuan Bacteria's handsome back, Brother Yu smacked his mouth: "Then I won or not."

After a while, seeing the transfer of Liyuan bacteria on the mobile phone, Brother Yu smiled and shook his head, this man.

After paying the bill and returning, Li Shuyao basically ate the rest of the food. After experiencing the inexplicable game before, the atmosphere was much more enthusiastic.

Sure enough, Li Shuyao is just for warming up.

Well, the premise is that she can't be allowed to eat!
This guy doesn't talk when he eats!

After exchanging pleasantries before leaving, and taking pictures with the waiter who rushed up, everyone was ready to go back to their respective homes. Li Shuyao seemed to be on the wrong path with no one, so she took a taxi and went home by herself.

On the way back, Li Shuyao was very happy all the time. It was really fun to shoot videos with these people, and when everyone was eating, they were very polite and obeyed the rules of eating without talking, so they were very quiet...

Although she didn't quite understand why she had to eat so much when making videos, but she did as the Romans did, so Li Shuyao kept her head buried in hard work.

Well, she is doing as the Romans do, not because she wants to eat more, she is not that kind of person!
Today's dinner is still very meaningful. Whether it is Big Tomato or Mouhuan, they are very well-known UPs at station B, and they can be linked more in the future.

Finally sent this group of people away, the waiters in the restaurant also thought it was a little funny, they were well-informed, but they really hadn't seen this table today.

Let’s not talk about the ones who came in front. Basically, everyone who came in faced the wall at the door for a while. The last one was the most normal, but it ended up going in twice...

Well, from their point of view, it is normal for someone to kick in the door.

Then the few who came in front didn't order food when they came, they just played board games in the house, and they played for three hours. They even suspected that this group of people used this as a cafe.

But when people went to the cafe and ordered coffee, pizza, pasta, etc., the three of them actually ordered a few drinks and played there. It was a joy to play like that for a few hours.

They all wondered if they would have to spend less time in the future, or else they would not be able to bear the exhaustion of a table of people every day. What if they really ordered two glasses of water and played a round of board games in the end? just left.

After that, it was quite normal. They saw a lot of people who ate and sang a lot, and they also saw a lot of people who started dancing when they ate happily.

But the fact that you made a fuss at the end was really for the fun of everyone. The pretty young lady’s serious commentary was so funny, and finally settled the bill and created a rock-paper-scissors contest.

The most interesting thing is that they really cooperated with each other. Although they fought each other from time to time, the thief seriously finished the whole game.

This is very interesting.

Everyone clearly disliked each other, but they finished the nonsense very seriously. Even when the fat boy won in the end, everyone's excited expressions seemed to be a real win.

That guy was so excited that it almost rained golden.

Well, it’s true, they ate more than 6000, it’s no different from winning an award...

It can only be said that the current Internet celebrities are playing really well.

As for the identities of these people, the waiters generally knew about them later. Some played Bilibili, some played Weibo, some knew a few, and some knew all of them. They all knew after colluding with each other.

Even the most famous one is not Big Tomato with the largest number of fans. After all, he is in the game area, and those who don't play games don't pay much attention to him. The most famous one is actually Li Shuyao.

It's not that she is famous, it's mainly because of her songs...

Then everyone basically knows that the singer who hopes to live forever will be the commentator here.

With this layer of filter, everyone suddenly doesn't think these people are strange, and even think that they are really having fun...

The fan filter is really scary!
Snake mental illness one second, the next second...

People are creating!Don't talk nonsense if you don't know how to create!

Li Shuyao wobbled home, and then saw Brother Gou sneaking into the backyard... Well, she saw a little tail, and Brother Gou just went out when she entered the door.

What is this thing doing?
Are you going to sneak out again?
In fact, Li Shuyao doesn't have any strong objection to it sneaking out now, after all, nothing has happened for so long... and this thing is much bigger than before, almost two-thirds the size of an adult cat , The gene of this product is still very strong.

So it's okay to go out.

Besides, when Gou was like that, only her, a terrestrial fairy, could save her. Maybe people thought the kitten was dead.

So with this kind of mentality, Li Shuyao asked Brother Gou to go out two or three times at night, and she watched quietly from behind. After all, it’s better not to be blocked, and it’s not good for children to stay at home, and this is a cat, not a real person. How can you be so obedient?

After coming down a few times, there were indeed no strange people following her. She was the strangest in the entire community, so she gradually let go, but she was also told again not to go outside, but to stay in the community.

But she finds it very strange, what is there outside that attracts it to run out all the time?
The first few times I followed it around and came back, and I didn't feel any attraction.

Is it natural to like to take a walk?
Li Shuyao was still very curious.

Then she quietly went out from the front door, and then quietly walked around to the back, and then saw Brother Gou dangling from the big tree at home, and then skillfully pinned the branch to the railing superior……

Li Shuyao: "..."

What's happening here?Didn't it get out of the gap in the middle of the railing the last few times? Why is it swinging on the swing like this today?
Did you lie to me before?
No way, although she knew that this guy was very smart, but he couldn't be so smart.

Li Shuyao was watching Brother Gou with a mobile phone camera in the distance, and thanked her classmate Tim from the film and television industry for teaching her how to shoot at night... Well, it seems that the whole night vision gene, otherwise, the cat would not be able to see clearly at night.

Well, brother Gou is good, wait to see what this guy is doing, and then squeeze out the genes of this guy.


 Hehe ~
(End of this chapter)

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