Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 184 Is this product going to be a pet class?

Chapter 184 Is this guy going to unify the pet class?
Before, Li Shuyao didn't think about copying the genes of Brother Gou, mainly because it was a little dark under the lights. After all, this guy was rescued by her. At that time, she didn't think too much about it, and she didn't think that there were any genes in cats that she could use. of.

For such a long time, she has copied human genes, and she has never even thought of using animal genes or anything.

Now it seems that you can experiment a little bit, anyway, if it is not suitable, you can knock it out.

Li Shuyao quietly followed behind, and was more careful this time, after all, it seemed that this guy was lying to her before, so what she saw before should not be the truth!
Hmph, this little guy is playing Infernal Affairs with me, right? I'll let you know today that a kitten can't beat a treasure girl!
Then she watched her kitten trot all the way outside other people's backyards, and then meowed two times at them, and then sat there and waited after the meowing was over.

Li Shuyao was also wondering, what is this guy doing squatting outside the window of someone's house, they are already asleep so late...

You don't sleep at home, what's the point of squatting here?Is it for peeping?You... can't see anything.

Li Shuyao looked at the family curiously, but it was pitch black and nothing could be seen...

Could it be that there are other kittens?

It's possible...

Tsk tsk, Brother Gou has grown up gradually, and he has started looking for kittens by himself, Ma Ma is very relieved.

Li Shuyao didn't feel like her cabbage was being bulldozed. After all, reproduction is a biological instinct. There are so many excellent genes in this guy, and she also wants to see if she can pass them on.

Cough cough, it's not that she wants to pass it on herself, she modified it for others, so it can be passed on.

While thinking wildly, Li Shuyao suddenly felt some swaying in the grass on the other side of the fence in the family's backyard. The family was surrounded by a circle of Euonymus microphylla.

Under the moonlight, two white figures came out from the gap between Euonymus lobata, and then quickly ran to Brother Gou, jumping around it, Brother Gou stretched out his paws and patted the two white figures. The figure, and then the three little guys continued to run out.

Li Shuyao: "..."

What did she just see?Did Brother Gou hug two little foxes and run away?I am super, what's the situation, brother dog is not a cat, why did he kidnap two little foxes and run away?

That's a fox, right?

Your species is different, right?
In addition, let’s not talk about male and female, why are there two? Hey!

You can't be too bothered about being a cat!
Li Shuyao thought about it for a while, most of the couples in the family are a male and a female, but her family abducted both of them...

You can't give birth!There is isolation!
Li Shuyao was speechless. I don't know why Brother Gou hooked up with the little fox. Although the fox is indeed very beautiful, does it conform to the aesthetics of a cat?
King Zhou is actually my cat?
Li Shuyao quietly followed behind, ready to take a look at these people... Ah no, what are these brats doing!She really wants to know what makes her cat happy all day long.

Gradually, Li Shuyao was shocked...

The three little guys didn't get into a grove and start dancing happily together as she imagined... Instead, they started circling the whole community.

Every time I passed by a family, I stopped and called out, and after a while, a cub ran out, big and small, but even if it was a big one, it should be underage.

Li Shuyao stared dumbfoundedly at Brother Gou running into the woods with a group of cats and dogs... Oh, there are also foxes, and the most ridiculous thing is that there are hedgehogs and tortoises...

When he got to the edge of the woods, Li Shuyao turned directly onto the tree, looked at the group of cubs from a distance, and then saw brother Gou lying in front of a big rock with two little foxes in his arms. Then eat, drink and have fun...

Damn, what kind of scene is this? It overturned her worldview!

Then she also saw two little black figures jumping down from the tree to join the feast, they should be two little squirrels, and then there were three little white things scurrying around on the ground.

If Li Shuyao is not mistaken, it should be a pet mink.

It is already possible to open a small pet shop here, not to mention that it has a complete range of categories, but also a wide variety. This guy can open a small zoo at home.

You're going to take care of all the pets in this neighborhood!

Good guy, I didn't watch it all of a sudden, this guy is going to unify the pet world in this community, do you want to find you a chicken and give you the whole chicken kicking ceremony?

No wonder this guy runs out every night. It turns out that he is the boss for me to hold a banquet here.

Li Shuyao smiled and shook her head, forget it, just play if you like, it doesn't matter if you come back with a belly full of kids, since you can afford it anyway.

Li Shuyao jumped from the tree lightly, borrowed a little strength from the trunk, and then landed on the ground smoothly, patting the dust, thin yellow leaves, and dead branches off her body.

Brother Gou also has his own little life.

He pursed his lips and smiled slightly, no wonder he had to run out even though he objected, it seemed that he had a group of younger brothers and had the responsibility of being the boss.

Look at those cat food and so on, they are all saved at home, no wonder I always feel that this product is so edible, so I brought it here for my little brother to eat.

The cat food I bought was very expensive, but this little kitten was different, I pulled it back from the brink of death with my own hands, and she modified the genes of Brother Gou, so this kitten could accompany her for the rest of her life.

So she has always taken care of this product...

I originally thought that this guy was quite lonely in their house, and when he would give him a whole kitten as a companion, but now it seems that he doesn't need it anymore. There is a yellow pad underneath.

Li Shuyao is not worried about its safety or anything, if brother Gou can have an accident in this community, then don't leave the house.

All the way home, Li Shuyao saw Tantai Jingyi waiting at the door, she smiled slightly, then shrugged and said: "Did you see those little guys too?"

"You also know?" Li Shuyao asked in surprise: "I walked around with it so many times before, and it knew it. It deliberately didn't show it to me. This time I followed up secretly to see it."

"Do you think your eyesight is better at night, or that little cat's eyesight is better." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile.

"You mean, it did it on purpose this time?" Li Shuyao blinked in surprise.

"Children have some achievements, they always like to tell their parents about it, don't they?" Tantai Jingyi pouted.

"Then last time?"

"It's worried that you won't agree, so it will test you." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "It seems that parents don't know their children very well."

"..." Li Shuyao was speechless, how on earth could she understand a furry child so well...

However, let's talk about why Tantai Jingyi can understand it so well.

Brother Gou talking?
Then Li Shuyao looked up and saw Tantai Jingyi's unfathomable smile.

"..." Hurry up and set up a street stall, you can even fool people!

 The weekend is finally off~
(End of this chapter)

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