Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 18 I'm optimistic about her!

Chapter 18 I just love her! (Please collect~)

Fang Xuening was happily eating dinner. After an afternoon of adaptation, she felt that she had already come up with ideas. She had her own ideas, and she was very happy when she ate. Thinking that she finally had material, she couldn't help it Hey, hey, so she was having fun while eating...

After having fun for a few moments, she suddenly found that she didn't quite match her personal settings, then quickly regained her composure, and ate with a calm face: "Oh, Zhen Hong, as expected, every day Every time there's a potential rookie they throw poisonous mushrooms."

"Oh... I like to find newcomers... Uh, no, isn't it an olive branch? How did it become a poisonous mushroom?" Li Shuyao blinked her eyes and asked in confusion.

"For newcomers, people generally can't tell whether it is an olive branch or a poisonous mushroom. Many people sign directly when they see a stable salary, but generally their contracts are stuck. If you want to give any advice or change jobs It will be difficult."

Fang Xuening shrugged indifferently:

"It was sent to me at the beginning, but I rejected it."

"You knew so much back then?" Li Shuyao blinked.

"I didn't know at the time. I didn't even think about signing a contract. I just posted it for fun. I was still in college at that time. I didn't think about it so much, so I refused. Then they didn't look for me. Later, I gradually Only after doing it did I understand these things." Fang Xuening said.

"Oh... then I'll just refuse." Li Shuyao nodded, "But how did they know my information and my phone number?"

"What's so difficult about this, now it is estimated that many of your classmates say they are your classmates in Moments or Weibo, maybe your photos will be found out, so it doesn't make sense to say that you don't show your face, I want to find out You can still find it, but if you insist on not revealing it, it is true that most people will not know it, but you obviously have an advantage, so there is no need to block it."

"And if you block for too long, fans will be full of fantasies about your appearance. Although you are said to be beautiful, some people always have unrealistic fantasies. The longer the time, the more outrageous the fantasies. Then you will suddenly show your face Black powder may appear."

Fang Xuening brought the conversation to the exposed face, she desperately wanted to release the previous video of Li Shuyao's recording, the playback volume is definitely higher than the current picture!
The magic of this picture is a bit magical, but in this era, LSPs have been upgraded, and seeing real people is an urgent need for everyone.

In particular, some live broadcast platforms have extremely inconsistent faces and voices, and there are even cases where men use voice changers to imitate, so everyone is very cautious.

If Li Shuyao showed her face, the number of views would definitely double.

In fact, with the current playback volume, apart from the fact that the song is really good, there are also previous videos of her showing her figure, and Chongchong made a guarantee.

"I know, don't you just want to post that video, and post it in two days." Li Shuyao was helpless, forget it, post it as soon as possible, sooner or later.

As for the black fans, she doesn't care, she has been strengthened to the full level, can this be black?
That was definitely on purpose!
"Oh, by the way, if you are being targeted by Zhen Hong, you have to be careful. Otherwise, you should sign a live broadcast agreement with Station B earlier, or they might continue to bother you." Fang Xuening suddenly thought of something, and then hurriedly Said.

"Ah? No way, didn't you just say that if you refuse, there will be no follow-up?" Li Shuyao blinked and asked.

"I was a cover host at the time. Anyway, there are so many anchors on station B, it doesn't matter. Of course, this newcomer is also different. Among the many newcomers, the one with the most potential must be the hardest to win."

Fang Xuening took a sip of the soup and said comfortably:
"You have already shown a strong creative talent, or even if there are no other songs in the future, this song is enough for them to flock to it. Some big platforms may not pay so much attention to you, but Zhen Hong, who likes to grab newcomers the most, definitely I dream of getting you."

"Hiss, don't be so disgusting..."

"It didn't happen before. Zhen Hong really used all kinds of tricks in order to rob people. I heard that he even specially invited the navy to host black people. In the end, they gave up the live broadcast." Fang Xuening Said while hugging his shoulders.

"Do you want to be so exaggerated?" Li Shuyao opened her mouth: "Is no one caring?"

"Yes, I was warned, and then restrained myself for a few years, but rookies are easy to fool, rookies' ability to withstand pressure is very poor, and if you find a few people to scold him, your mentality will collapse, and you won't be on the trending list at all. Even hot searches on the platform won’t be listed, these days, whoever broadcasts live won’t be scolded by a few people.” Fang Xuening spread her hands.

"Hiss, this is too bad."

"That's why they have a bad reputation in the industry. Newcomers who know the old people basically don't go there, but those who know the internal situation are a minority after all, and newcomers emerge in endlessly."

"Don't be afraid, if they dare to come, I will dare to attack them. Anyway, I am not afraid of crooked shoes! Oh, no, it's because the upper beam is not right... Ah, it's not, it's... Forget it, anyway, no matter how dark they are, I can resist !" Li Shuyao chuckled.

"What if...they say your private life is chaotic?" Fang Xuening blinked.

"So vicious?" Li Shuyao opened her mouth: "Is this still a person?"

"It's not necessarily true. There are fewer and fewer black girls online from this point of view." Fang Xuening shrugged: "And after all, I have been warned, but there may be some doubts."

"It doesn't matter if you question it." Li Shuyao shrugged: "Come on, come on, suddenly the fighting spirit is ignited, haha."

There are too many things in her music library, if you dare to blackmail me, I will beat you to death with songs!


The next morning, Wang Li came to Zhen Dahong's office a little dejected.

"Xiao Wang, what's going on with the nursery rhyme?" Zhen Dahong said with a smile, "Have you won it already? I have always believed in your ability to work."

"Uh, she...she refused." Wang Li scratched his head: "I was rejected just as soon as I declared my family. I suspect that she should have asked people in the circle. After all, we are in the circle..."

"What's wrong with us in the circle? Aren't we the best live music platform in the circle? Do other platforms have our resources and influence?" Zhen Dahong stared.

Wang Li opened his mouth, thinking, boss, you really don't have a B number, don't you know your reputation in the circle.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Zhen Dahong's thinking. The issue of the contract will only gradually appear when you reach the upper-middle level of the anchor. For the lower-level anchors, there is actually no big difference.

And they are indeed very influential platforms in the field of music live broadcasting.

It is precisely because of this reason that Zhen Dahong has always been very confident.

"Boss, why don't you just forget about it. He's just a newcomer. There are too many newcomers with potential these days." It's normal that newcomers can't be recruited. Generally, Wang Li persuades it. After all, sometimes don't The conditions offered by the platform are more generous.

"It doesn't matter, but this time I don't think it will work." Zhen Dahong shook his head: "I have a feeling that this nursery rhyme will become a big hit, so we must get her here while she is starting! I am optimistic about her! "

"Then... what's going on?" Wang Li opened his mouth, are you sure you don't like loli sounds?
"Do you still need me to teach you? Give her some pressure from public opinion, and then go to comfort her, be gentle first."

 Do you want to add a pet~ Well, adding one is still good, I will add it after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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