Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 19 How can the affairs of the big men be called green tea?

Chapter 19 How can the affairs of the big men be called green tea?

Li Shuyao's life in the past two days is a bit rosy. After Fang Xuening finally started to devote herself to making cover videos, she began to enjoy it to store energy for the system!
In the past, when I went out to eat, I always couldn’t eat because I had a small amount of snacks, so I often needed to read other people’s recommendations and strategies to determine what I wanted to eat.

But she doesn't need it now, she can eat a little today, eat a little tomorrow, and then eat all the dishes in the whole store, and then go to this restaurant today, to that restaurant today, and to that restaurant again today eat……

In this way, she can eat the whole street in one day!
And according to Fang Xuening's suggestion, she took a video camera when she went out to eat, and recorded her eating process.

At first Li Shuyao still couldn't let go, but then she gradually let go, talking to the camera while eating, she really couldn't put on that expression of enjoying herself, so forget it...

Anyway, she just eats normally, and she is obviously a music live broadcast, and eating is basically a post about daily life during the break period of making music.

Now Station B basically does this, all kinds of linkages, all kinds of life, all kinds of games...

after all……

Who hasn't lived a little yet.

"Platinum disco" has become popular on station B in the past two days, and it has also been honored on the homepage. The number of views is rolling and turning over. After three days, there are already more than 300 million hits Well, the broadcast volume of the big up has also brought her the first small sum of money.

Of course, in recent years, the number of users of station B has skyrocketed, so a million clicks is not so rare, but for a newcomer, it is definitely an incredible achievement.

Her fan base has grown to around 18...

Fang Xuening said that it was mainly because she did not show her face. If she showed her face and insisted on updating for a period of time, the number of fans would increase crazily.

In addition, the hit rate of songs on NetEase Cloud is also increasing steadily. Many people jumped over from Station B, and NetEase Cloud also sent her an in-site letter to sign a contract.

But she is still hesitating...

Li Shuyao was happily nibbling on the sheep scorpion when Fang Xuening called.

"Hello? Is it swollen?" Li Shuyao said, trying hard to swallow the mutton in her mouth.

"There are hackers starting to hack you on the Internet, your little universe should be on fire."

Fang Xuening's words lifted Li Shuyao's spirits!
Sure enough, it's here, waiting for you!

Two days ago, Fang Xuening analyzed that if she didn't sign a contract with a platform quickly, it is estimated that Zhen Hong's side would start to make troubles, and then Li Shuyao didn't sign the contract, waiting for Zhen Hong to make troubles.

These days, if someone spends money to make you hotter, don't hurry up... As the saying goes, real gold is not afraid of fire, and her resume is clean and clean, and she is not afraid of being blackmailed at all.

At that time, if her resume is exposed, those who are definitely slandering her will feel ashamed.

In the end, she has a trump card.

Her parents had an accident not long ago...

Once things get to the point where she is very unfavorable, she will play a few sad songs, and then cry live, she can't believe that no one sympathizes with her!
So when she realized that Zhen Hong might blackmail her, she keenly realized that this was an opportunity to hype!

Although she is not a gold medal agent, she guesses that the world's most gold medal broker can't understand her operation. She has her own unique understanding of how to get popular.

With an excited heart and trembling hands, Li Shuyao opened her app on station B, but she did not open Weibo. Although many people are calling for her to open it, many ups on station B have not been opened, so she does not plan to open it. .

Sure enough, there were a lot of discordant voices under the post where she posted "Platinum Disco", and the number of likes of these voices was increasing at an extremely outrageous rate, and it seemed that they were about to rush to the top of the popular comments.

In fact, after the general hot reviews are fixed, there will be little change, and the speed of this upward rush is obviously wrong.

After all, she has been posting this song for three or four days, and almost everything that should be fixed has been fixed. Even if Station B is still recommending it, many of them are starting to prepare to sing a cover, and some have even started to sing it in the live broadcast room. , but nothing should change here.

It's not a celebrity who left a message below.

Li Shuyao paid special attention to it, and it basically looks like this:

"What kind of nursery rhyme is this? You look ugly and don't dare to show your face. Maybe it's another Grandma Qiao."

"If the nursery rhyme is good-looking, I will broadcast live on my head and eat flying. What age is it and I still don't show my face? It's obviously tantalizing, standing upside down!"

"It's the most disgusting kind of malicious showmanship. I'm really convinced by you people who talk about awsl. When someone picks up her appearance, you will be scared to death."


There are not many on the top, just a few, and many fans of Li Shuyao are retorting below. Some say that Chongchong has already proved it, and some say that although they did not show their face in the previous video, they did show their figure, at least not. would be too ugly.

These people are here to spray, so naturally they won't reason with you. You say that Chongchong looks good, and they say it's just being polite to each other. When people say that they have a good figure, they say that a good figure doesn't mean they're not ugly.

When someone got angry and scolded him, he said that he really has no quality, and he has all kinds of fans if he is up.

All kinds of sarcasm, all kinds of yin and yang, so there are more and more debates below.

Sometimes it is like this, they are obviously here to start a fight, and they must be fired, if no one pays attention to him, maybe he will change his name and scold himself.

In addition, besides Ping Lu, there are many more such attacks on her in private messages.

Li Shuyao slammed her mouth after watching it for a long time...

Not good enough, just attacking her without showing her face?This is too painless.

But don't be careless. After all, they seem to be just trying to force themselves to sign with them, not to destroy themselves, so it's normal that it doesn't hurt at first.

Li Shuyao carefully thought about the platforms she had contacted with in the past two days, and finally felt that the one who invited the navy to make trouble should be the most limitless Zhen Hong.

Of course, it doesn't rule out other platforms, but it doesn't matter, whoever can do it, isn't it just gaining popularity for nothing...

Li Shuyao hooked the corners of her mouth slightly, okay, this time I let a certain white hair get away with it, it seems that I still have to release the video of the song recorded that day.

After thinking about it, the heat is not enough. It doesn't feel like cursing people in private with just a few accounts. It seems that I have to fight again.

Thinking of this, Li Shuyao posted a post on her Bilibili account:
"A lot of private messages and comments are complaining about my not showing my face, and some saying that I am ugly, hehe, I remember them all in a small notebook! Tonight I will release the video of recording the song at that time, it is @ Tranquility Xue recorded it while making music, and I will release more videos showing my face in the future, for example, I will shoot some daily videos such as eating and interacting in the future, interspersed between music videos.”

"Hey." Li Shuyao nodded in satisfaction looking at the post she edited, cleverly pointed out that someone was hacking her, and followed the opportunity to release a signal that she was about to show her face, making fans feel sorry for her, nice!

Uh, does this make the green tea a bit...

Bah, how can the matter of the elders be called green tea!
 Tomorrow is the holiday, with excited heart and trembling hands, I can finally sleep until I wake up naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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