Chapter 20 You can't tickle the itch if you say yes (Please collect~)

The "war" had already begun at this moment. Li Shuyao nodded in satisfaction while watching the fans who jumped out to comfort her. This was the first time she had confronted the force that wanted to blackmail her. It's just a pity for the fans. Was taken as a gun.

But she will definitely compensate the fans, she will bring many, many good songs to heal their hearts, and she will also make good-looking and fun videos to bring them joy.

Great, why don’t you build a group yourself? There are quite a few people in the comments calling for her to build a fan group. I feel a little guilty, so Li Shuyao built a group on Q, and then posted a post:
"At the request of fans, I will create a group account, 698-170-163, everyone can come in and play together OvO."

As soon as this post was posted, her phone vibrated immediately, and fans rushed in one after another. It was too much effort to click one by one, so Li Shuyao directly pulled Fang Xuening in, and gave it to her. manage.

Tranquil Snow: "??? I just fell asleep, and it woke me up directly."

Nursery rhyme in the book: "I just built a fan group, help me manage it."

Tranquil Snow: "Yes, let's take a bath together tonight."

The nursery rhyme "???" in the book

Tranquil Snow: "That's it!"

Nursery rhyme in the book: "..."

Li Shuyao helplessly sent six points of opinion, but Fang Xuening ignored her gorgeously. She went in and took a look at the situation in the fan group and opened her mouth, instantly regretting the establishment of the fan group...

"Front row violates Yaoyao!"

"Yao Yao is me."

"Ahem, please show some respect to my wife."

"Hehe, draw the knife."

"By the way, who has a photo of Yao Yao, I'm a little scared."

"What are you afraid of? Didn't my wife tell you that the video will be released at night?"

"Axue, have you ever seen Yaoyao in real life, please let me know."

Tranquil Snow: "Show it off, book the next hit."

"Hey, Xuexue is very confident."

"That said, I'm relieved. I'll just wait to see my wife's real face."

"Why do I have the feeling that I was ordered by my parents in ancient times, said by a matchmaker, and then went into the bridal chamber to lift the hijab? It seems that I am very excited and looking forward to it."

"I understand, this is the feeling of opening a blind box!"

"Open Blind Box +1"

"Open Blind Box +2"

"Open Blind Box +3"

Nursery rhyme in the book: "..."

"Wow, rumor has appeared!"

"Can you say a word, you can say anything, just use a loli voice!"

"Cut, none of you can do it, rumors scold me!"

"Rumor, please scold me!"

"I, I, I come!"


Li Shuyao glanced at this group of gentlemen, and suddenly felt the urge to disband this group, after thinking about it, she let go of her impulsive hand.

Forget it, it's fan benefits anyway!

After eating, Li Shuyao hurried home, and found Fang Xuening in Fang Xuening's room, who was laughing and watching the video.

"Hey...cough cough, ah, that Yaoyao, you came back so early today..." Fang Xuening immediately turned off the display screen, changed her innocent face in seconds, and looked innocently at Li Shuyao who came in .

"What... are you looking at?" Li Shuyao looked at Fang Xuening suspiciously. Why is the operation of turning off the display so similar to when she was playing cs in a computer class when the computer was still big-headed and met the teacher? examine.

"Ah, it's nothing, I'm just editing the video." Fang Xuening blinked her big eyes, tossed her white hair and said, "It's been a long time since I submitted an article, fans have already scolded me as Pigeon King gone."

It turns out that you also know that you haven't updated the video for a long time. How long have you been at my house?
"Oh... I'm going to post the video you recorded tonight..." Li Shuyao said, "Send me the video, and I'll edit it."

Hey, I seem to have said before that I would definitely not send it. Forget it, don’t think about these things. Fighting is the most important thing!
Well, she mainly wants to start a war with those who black her, and she doesn't have any other ideas!

"Ah, this one, I've edited it." Fang Xuening blinked her eyes and said, "I'll send it to you later."

"Fixed?" Li Shuyao glared at Fang Xuening. It took about half an hour for the message she sent just now. It was impossible for her to edit the video so quickly. The goods are definitely edited in advance!
"Yeah." Fang Xuening nodded with a smile: "How about it, let me be considerate of you."

"...Then I'll just take a look at you, if there is no problem, I can post it directly." Li Shuyao blinked and said.

"You don't believe me!" Fang Xuening said with a serious face.


"Trust me and go back, I'll send it to you!" Fang Xuening continued to say with a serious face.

Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows, then quickly stretched out her hand, and directly turned on the screen of Fang Xuening's computer. Fang Xuening didn't react at all, and only saw a white and tender hand flashing in front of her eyes. After a while, his display screen was turned on.

Hey, this is the hand speed that has been strengthened to the full level. Even if you don't have a lock, it will be opened for you in minutes.

Immediately afterwards, Li Shuyao's proud smile froze on her face.

Because she saw a big smile on the screen with a brilliant smile on her face...

Well, that's right, this big face is her own.

"Fang! Xue! Ning!" Li Shuyao gritted her teeth and looked at Fang Xuening.

"Ah, it's time for you to come, it's just here..." A certain white hair spread out his hands innocently: "I just paused for a while."

Li Shuyao twitched the corner of her mouth, blame me?
You are secretly watching my video in the house, hehe, silly music, do you still blame me?
Can this be tolerated? This is absolutely unbearable!

Therefore, Li Shuyao decided to follow her inner thoughts.

She's out!

The target pointed directly at the itchy flesh on the side of a certain white hair.

"Ah...hahahaha...hahaha, no, no,'re lying,'s agreed not to tickle, hahaha..."

Li Shuyao's hand was so fast that Fang Xuening didn't react at all, she just scratched her face, and threw herself on the floor with a laugh.

Li Shuyao didn't let Fang Xuening go, but directly grabbed her leg, tore off the little white socks, and scratched the soles of her feet!
"Hahahahaha...ahhahaha...I was wrong, I was wrong...hahaha."

Fang Xuening performed a death roll on the ground!Finally got rid of Li Shuyao's clutches, then blushed slightly, and said to Li Shuyao, "I told you not to tickle me."


Li Shuyao took out her phone and took a photo.

"Hmph, I also have your photo now!" Li Shuyao smiled and pinched her waist: "Next time if you poke secretly again...Hmph, I will post it to you in the group!"

Li Shuyao took out her mobile phone and glanced at the photo she just took. She has long white hair scattered on the ground, rosy cheeks, big watery eyes, and her mouth puffed out angrily but with a smile on her face.

Oops, what happened to the sudden heartbeat.


When Li Shuyao looked at the phone and the corners of her mouth gradually rose, Fang Xuening also took out her phone and took a picture.

"Hmph, we're even!" Fang Xuening pursed her lips, and ran out of the room bouncingly: "I'm going to live stream, record, and watch your video live stream tonight."

 Well, this is my group, haha, with private goods.

(End of this chapter)

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