Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 21 This is the fairy

Chapter 21 This is the fairy
After Li Shuyao watched Fang Xuening run out, she sat in her seat and turned the progress bar down to start watching her edited video, um, it was the video she recorded before.

At the beginning of the video, I said hello to Fang Xuening, and then happily ran into the soundproof room. Since I was at home, I was dressed more casually, with a white shirt, beige shorts and white long-leg socks. The above is a happy tow child...

Before he entered the soundproof room, he kicked the child aside.

Seeing this, Li Shuyao patted her forehead. She didn't wear shoes because she was afraid of causing too much noise. There were blankets lit inside the sound insulation, so people went in barefoot.

Then she gestured with Fang Xuening, and then began to sing.

Fang Xuening has already added the song to it, so since the music started, she has been bouncing up and down, making faces at Fang Xuening from time to time.

Because the song as a whole is cute, it uses loli and girly voices, so from time to time she will make different actions according to different voices.

If it wasn't for this guy, she would fall in love with him in no time.

But if it's me...

How do you feel that every minute and every second in this video is the scene of the death of the society? How do you feel that this will be turned out as black history and whipped corpses after many years...

Sure enough, delete this video, let the person who hacked her die, she won't post such a horrible video!
After watching this video, Li Shuyao silently clicked the right button to delete, and then let out a long sigh of relief...

Then silently restored the video from the trash can.

Well, I just restored it for the sake of fighting with others, not because I thought it looked pretty.

I looked at the time, it was almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon, well, it should be able to upload directly, and it will be almost evening after the review.

The timing is stuck!

After posting the video, Li Shuyao patted her stomach contentedly...

Well, time to order takeout for dinner.

Hey, the next time you go out to eat, take the opportunity to shake hands with the chef and steal the chef's talent... Ah bah, how can something about the system be called stealing? It's called copying!
Thinking that I can have a perfect cooking skill in the future is still very flattering.

However, Li Shuyao had so much "metallicity" that she didn't even have any cooking genes...


At around 7:[-] p.m., Fang Xuening finally opened her live broadcast room after a long absence. Since she was the one who announced this afternoon, there were already many people waiting in the live broadcast room when she started the live broadcast.

"Hey, why are there so many people today? Is it because I miss me since I haven't broadcast live for a long time." Fang Xuening smiled at the rising popularity. In the past, the popularity slowly rose after the broadcast, but today it seems It was very popular from the beginning.

"Yes, yes, I'm at Yaoyao's house, yes, it's the nursery rhyme in the book, it's the up who released "Platinum Disco", well, we have known each other for a long time, we used to be classmates, and she is a genius , although much younger than me, but graduated from university at about the same time as me..."

Fang Xuening talked about the glorious history of Li Shuyao.

Student Fang Xuening is currently 24 years old, and Li Shuyao is only 18 years old, and she graduated from university in the same year as her. It is annoying to think about it.

"What? You want to see her? Ang... I said why did you come to my live broadcast room so early today, I'm afraid you all want to see Yaoyao here." Fang Xuening slapped her mouth: " Her video should have been posted, you should have seen what she looks like by now, hehe, let me tell you, I hug her to sleep every day."

"Hiss, my wife hugs my wife to sleep every day, so excited."

"I want to see the little fairy, I want to see the little fairy."

"Wow, Yaoyao and Xue'er are in the same frame, it's so beautiful."

"I didn't expect Yaoyao to be so beautiful. I also questioned that Yaoyao was ugly before."

"The people who spread the rumors are really innocent. They wronged our family's rumors and were wronged."

"I didn't pay attention to the song before, but I decided to pay attention after watching the video just now."

"Xue'er hurry up and ask the little fairy to broadcast live, I'll be the captain directly!"


Fang Xuening opened Station B while talking, and then opened Li Shuyao's homepage.

"Hey, this video has almost 1 million clicks in just an hour after it was posted, let me tell you, the last time I asked her to post this version directly, she didn't listen to it, and she insisted on posting her own GIF. You see, the click-through rate of this video must be higher than that of the original video."

Fang Xuening opened the latest video with a smile and enlarged it to full screen:

"Let me tell you, this video was recorded by me. At that time, Yaoyao didn't post this. Look, hehe, how cute."

"Yaoyao's sense of music is very good. You can see that she puffs her mouth, pinches her waist, kicks her legs, and pouts her lips. It gives you a feeling, as if the music should do this when it comes to music."

"Well, I told you in the group, don't believe those rumors, Yaoyao is the most beautiful, you still don't believe it... However, this rumor seems to have spread quite far, how do you all know? "

Fang Xuening was a little strange, she actually saw that there was a rhythm in Li Shuyao's dynamics, but she didn't expect that the influence seemed to be quite large.

"Oh, you also saw it in other live broadcast rooms..."

"I also saw the comments below some related videos? Is this an exaggeration?"

Fang Xuening opened her mouth, it seems that this time she has put in a lot of money, and she has spent so much effort, it seems that she is determined to win Li Shuyao.


As for, it's just a newcomer.

Fang Xuening couldn't understand Zhen Hong's operation. If it went too far, it would be even more impossible to join them if Li Shuyao got annoyed. This operation really doesn't understand.

Fang Xuening was also amused watching the barrage in the video, and sure enough, the barrage had been taken over by the gentlemen.

"Wow, what kind of fairy is this?"

"Whether it is appearance or figure, she is impeccable. She really is the perfect wife in my mind."

"I declare that from now on, I will have one more goddess."

"I didn't expect that there is a goddess of this level in Xiaopozhan."

"Ma Ma, this woman teases me."

"So cute, really cute."

"I don't know why, we've seen a lot of beauties, but this one really moves my heart."


Watching Li Shuyao make various movements in the music, Fang Xuening unconsciously laughed along with her.

"Hiss, why do I feel that Xue'er's smile is so obscene."

"Damn it, Xue'er, let my wife out!"

"Let Ruan Yao appear on the screen and show us."


Fang Xuening glanced at the barrage and said with a smile: "Let me tell you, I actually recorded this video with my mobile phone, and Yaoyao didn't wear makeup at that time..."

"Because she didn't want to appear on camera at the time, so she didn't wear any makeup. I just added some filters and didn't apply any beautification. Haha, how about it, Yaoyao is a [-]% pure goddess."

 Happy National Day everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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