Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 186: Advertising video should be done well

Chapter 186: Advertising video should be done well
From this day on, Brother Gou finally remembered the fear of being dominated by Li Shuyao. At first, he thought that he was joking with him, but he didn't expect that he really wanted to teach him to be a human being...

Well... literally teach it to be human.

Tantai Jingyi and Fang Xuening were speechless for a while. They couldn't understand some of the lecture, and the large passages of classical Chinese made them feel dizzy, let alone the little cat.

If it weren't for Li Shuyao's seemingly normal behavior from all aspects, they had reason to suspect that this guy might be a little crazy...

In the past few days, Li Shuyao actually has another important thing besides teaching Brother Gou to make him understand things... and that is to design advertising videos.

Tim taught her a lesson before that advertising videos must be done well, or each video must be carefully designed so as to attract the audience, it is better not to fool.

Especially ads.

If the advertisement is fooled, it is really a black spot for yourself. In the future, there will be no high-quality funder fathers to come to you to advertise, and you will lose a lot of fans. If it becomes a big trouble, it will become a black spot.

In addition, Li Shuyao also wants to design a plan for Party A to review, and if the other party is satisfied, it can be produced.

Li Shuyao was teaching Brother Gou how to speak... Ah bah, when teaching Brother Gou to understand things, she was thinking...

Evening Star is pure music, and it is also full of dreamy feeling. Li Shuyao feels that it is actually better to take this beautiful and dreamy route.

As for the plan that Party A needs...

She didn't think it was necessary, and she almost made the video when she had time to write the proposal.

She had already produced the music before. She locked herself in the studio, and kept repeating the song, combining the bumps of her brain with the ups and downs of the music, to find the picture she wanted most.

But gradually, she found that she didn't think about any storylines in this music, and she didn't even want to think about any storylines. She just saw a few pictures, and she just wanted to draw them out.

Li Shuyao, who has entered the working state, is very focused, constantly wandering in the ocean of music.

The music over there is still flowing slowly, but here Li Shuyao seems to have been pressed the fast-forward button. Under the light, the hands drawing pictures seem to have turned into phantoms, and a starry sky gradually appears on the screen...

Under the starry sky is a wilderness, with winding rivers flowing through the grass, and continuous mountains looming in the distance.

On that river, a young girl was lying on a small boat with a light on the stern of the boat. She closed her eyes lightly, with a peaceful smile on the corner of her mouth. She stretched out her right hand, as if wanting to touch the sky. Star, next to her is a mobile phone playing music...

"Phew... it's a bit slow, but slow work yields meticulous work." Li Shuyao breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the time, more than an hour had passed, even with her hand speed and reaction speed, It took so long to make this original painting.

Well, if her words were put out, she would probably be locked in a small dark room by an angry original artist and beat her up.

"Work hard to make the video in these two days."

Li Shuyao encouraged herself. This time she will make a breakthrough in the video. She has also studied animation for so long, right? She wants to make progress in animation.

This time the opportunity is good.

There is no need for any lines, and there are very few storyboards. Generally speaking, the content is relatively simple, mainly to reflect the charm, so her workload is much less.

This gave her a chance to practice.

But even so, it took Li Shuyao 4 full days to make this 3 minutes and 15 seconds short animation. In the past few days, she started making animations as soon as she opened her eyes after exercising, eating and so on in the studio Solved, the live broadcast also asked for leave directly, and the training for Brother Gou was delayed...

The overall video produced is relatively simple. Based on the painting, the boat flows continuously with the river, the stars in the sky, the double shadow of the distant mountains, the forest and the grass swaying in the wind.

The nearby light is very soft, and the picture looks warmer, while the far distance is deep and mysterious. The contrast between the near and the far looks very layered.

And as the music continues to progress, the boat seems to be gradually moving away from this world, entering the vast sea of ​​stars, wandering in the sea of ​​stars, as if you can touch the bright stars where you reach out, countless near or far stars will hold the boat Surround, encircle.

And she has been lying quietly on the boat, as if in a hazy dream.

At the end of the video, she yawned softly. The world changed in an instant. The sea of ​​stars and the wilderness became a small and cozy bedroom. In an instant, the sun and the stars shine together.

She gently touched the mobile phone on the bedside table, sat up with a smile, and closed her eyes gently, as if recalling that wonderful dream.

The video also ends here.

The whole video is very simple and heartwarming, and Li Shuyao, relying on her superb hand speed and almost [-]% success rate, can be regarded as giving this video to her liver. After making it, she only has one feeling...

It's really impossible for one person to do this shit, she felt like she was going to die for such a simple video, and she couldn't handle the complicated ones in the future!

Sure enough, it's better to leave animation to the production company, she can't handle it by herself.

In the future for this kind of small video, I can at most help with original paintings and storyboards, and the production should be handed over to the tool... Ahem, Lu Yao can do it, or set up a studio.

But it's not there yet, let's wait for two years to settle down.

When Lu Yao got this video, his brain was a little bit confused...

This... just made it?
It's only a few days.

Made it?
Is this a robot?Is it so scary?A studio for one person?They asked you to come up with a plan, so you can directly make a video for me, right? If they are not satisfied, do you have to redo it?

This person is outrageous!

Outrageous in every way!
Although she thought so in her heart, she still proudly went to talk to Party A.

I can't make them dissatisfied, I just look good!Everywhere is good!
You see, our family has produced the video so quickly, and the quality, not to mention anything else, can be ranked first in the animation area. You can see that the animation is full of details. Take a look at this boat. Look at the stars, look at the last bedroom, it's an absolute work of art!
Among other things, you listen to this music, watch this video, this mountain, this water... this... right, it's absolutely comfortable and warm, and the intention is good, it's like having a comfortable dream.

Roaming in the sea of ​​stars, forget all the pressure and pain, and get the peace and relief of this moment.

And it is natural to bring your home's products into it. Isn't it normal for everyone to put their mobile phones next to them when they sleep?

Hmm... Although some people say it's not good, there is still a distance between the phone and the bedside table. In the dream, this phone is like a link with the real world. When watching videos, it seems that I can hold the phone and enter the sea of ​​stars. Same.

You look at this quality, this concept, this picture!

It's a bit unreasonable for you not to add money.

 The above video content is purely a personal brainstorming, haha... I still like to create my own imaginary MV for songs.

(End of this chapter)

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