Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 187 It's Your Reason

Chapter 187 It's Your Reason
After making this advertisement, Li Shuyao felt as if she had completed some epic task, she felt that she lost a lot of weight...

Well, it's just her own feeling, in fact, there is basically no change...

After making the whole video, she suddenly felt that she had a lot of Buddhism, and the eyes of Gouge were full of love. Although Gouge ran away in horror, she didn't want to let Gouge learn how to become a prince today. , she just wants to paddle quietly now.

However, she had to broadcast live today, and she hadn't broadcast live for four days. If she hadn't posted a video today, everyone in her fan base would have thought she was missing.

Well, of course it didn’t mean that the advertising video was posted today, but the vlog video that was shot before. She originally thought that such a long video could always be edited into three, but Lu Yao and the others still edited it into two , many things have been deleted.

Today's release is the first part. Li Shuyao read it, and basically it's the whole journey by himself, and then he introduced the place where he lives, and then the part about fishing by himself, and finally added the part about diving by himself.

Just happened to be stuck in the area where I saw Jufeng and the others in the film and television...

That is to say, at the end, I saw someone shooting on the stone in the water, and then added a little sound effect, which left people in suspense.

Li Shuyao couldn't help but wonder who was filming and what was filming?
Some people even asked in the comments below if Li Shuyao was secretly photographed...

However, she always felt that the person who asked such a question was a bit malicious. After all, it can be seen from the video that the distance between them is very far, and the direction is not this way at all, but there are people with a strange brain circuit.

Well, if you see more of this kind of people, the blacklist will be richer.

She prefers a harmonious comment area, whether it's complaints, funny, or even a little bit of driving, she can accept it, after all, it's too beautiful, no one knows who else.

But some people really make her feel puzzled.

For example, this one: "Why did you post this kind of video?"

What happened to this video?What's wrong?Can't post a vlog?What do you mean by saying such a sentence without beginning or end?
For example, this one: "This video looks good, but it's not interesting."

How about you leave it here?This comment is purely disgusting. If you praise someone, please praise them well, and if you scold them, please scold them well. What do you mean by half of your praise!
As for the rest of the bunch who express their "emotions" directly without even reading it, she won't talk about it. If you don't like it, you can leave it. If you want to comment, you can finish it. Comment……

Let's brush KPI here.

Not to mention the swearing, it happens every time, and there are also some that don't need to be dealt with by yourself. Viewers will report it, and then the system will automatically delete it.

"Actually, what some people want to express here is not what they mean. It just falls on the paper, and the feeling conveyed to people is a bit wrong. Maybe he has a lot of thoughts in his mind, but when he writes it down, he doesn't have his brain. The process of thinking inside, just looking at this point is like scolding people."

Fang Xuening took a bottle of freshly squeezed banana milk and put it on the table, then said with a smile:
"So sometimes they're not bad, they just can't express themselves."

"You look away." Li Shuyao put the tablet on the table, then picked up the banana milk and took a sip: "Actually, I understand what you said, and I don't really care, just delete it. "

"..." Fang Xuening opened her mouth, did she care?

"A lot of people here are not very old, who hasn't been young yet. I also came from that time. When I know a novel word, I want to use it everywhere. I don't think about whether it is appropriate or not. , Will it cause harm to others.” Li Shuyao let out a soft sigh while leaning on the beanbag sofa: “There are also many people who will never think about it in their entire lives, and many people just passively start to think about it after being severely beaten by the society.”

"Originally, when there is no Internet, everyone is those people in their own small circle. They know each other better and know who the other party is. They can hear the tone and naturally know what it means."

"However, what you see on the Internet is just words. Some people can't express, some people don't want to cover up, and some people want to show off. When you can't hear the tone and see the context, the misunderstanding is It's normal, when misunderstandings pile up, there will be quarrels, and it may even turn into some relatively big arguments or even storms in the end."

Li Shuyao smashed her mouth and said:
"In fact, most people are just arrogant on the Internet. In reality, they should do what they should do. Of course, some people are affected. After all, many things are subtle, so we have to output positive energy and let the sun shine as brightly as possible. , to illuminate people's hearts."

"..." Fang Xuening opened her mouth, but you still can babble: "You know so well and delete people?"

"I have to let them know that doing this is wrong." Li Shuyao said as a matter of course: "If you do something wrong, you have to be punished. If I don't delete it, they will feel that they are right, and if they continue to do this, it will affect other people. There are so many people, and the harmonious comment section is great, these few comments are too dazzling, and other viewers feel uncomfortable watching it."

"While we create good works, we also have to take into account the comments. At least the audience should see a harmonious and perfect video in the genuine version. The audience should be happy and relaxed. Looking at the comments, the good guys are scolding people. , the audience is also angry, especially our real fans, they will be even angrier when they see someone scolding me, some people don't like to talk, they can only hold it in their own hands, that's not good."

"Some people don't like to hold back, and it would be even worse if they scolded others. We can't provoke this kind of debate just for the sake of heat."

Fang Xuening: "..." All right, no matter what you say, you are right.

"Besides, why should I be so angry." Li Shuyao pouted: "If you say I accuse you, I will accuse you. You are allowed to scold me, but you can't let me delete you. It's not like I made a mistake. If you don't like it, just leave, why do you scold me, since I can't scold you back, and I can't find someone to scold you back, then I will delete you, block you, and we will be strangers from now on, I will go my way, and you will pass Your single-plank bridge! This is the head office!"

"Ahem, well, are the Yangguan Road and the single-plank bridge reversed?" Fang Xuening asked.

"Oh...don't care, just sauce!"

Li Shuyao pinched her waist, drank all the banana milk, and then blacked out a few scolders: "Huh, comfortable... Actually, everyone should calm down and talk, the environment is still very harmonious."

Looking at the harmonious comment area, Li Shuyao nodded in satisfaction, and went to the live broadcast.

Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao's back and shook her head with a smile, she was really childish...Maybe it was because she was confident enough, other people couldn't do her so chic, like Fang Xuening herself, she couldn't be so chic. Just blacklist and delete some people.

The same is true for most ups, especially some ups with a small number of fans. They cannot ignore those accusations, nor can they directly block and delete them.

So most people either suffer in silence or opt out.

"Brothers, I'm here, haha, do you miss me..." Li Shuyao quickly started the live broadcast with a smile on her face... Ah no, watch the video!

 I’ve been a bit full of melons lately... It’s fun to watch, so I, a single dog whose monthly salary is not enough to pay taxes, feel that 1 million is a small amount of money in the past two days...

(End of this chapter)

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