Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 189 The night is so beautiful

Chapter 189 The night is so beautiful

Meng Sijing is an ordinary real estate salesman, wandering among countless clients and colleagues every day, and there are countless noises lingering in her ears as soon as she arrives at the company...Because the real estate is too expensive, almost no one can easily make up his mind to directly Buying a certain property, so every day is endless tugging and rowdy.

The protagonist in the novel spends a lot of money, but that is only in the novel. Meng Sijing was still dreaming of being the protagonist of the novel a year ago. At that time, she had just walked out of campus and was full of infinite longing for the future.

But when I came to the company, I realized that I really didn't learn anything when I was in school, I couldn't say nice things, I couldn't read words, I couldn't fake smiles...

The last time she met a customer who was full of words, she couldn't even understand what the other party said.

Only then did she discover that the world was completely different from what she had imagined before.

Colleagues seem to have endless comparisons, companies seem to have endless demands on themselves, and customers seem to have endless picks on themselves...

Many times, she feels that the whole world is demanding from her.

She has no time to fall in love, no time to entertain, no time to pursue the dreams she once had.

Sitting on the bus, looking at the looming stars in the sky, Meng Sijing suddenly remembered her dream of becoming a doctor a long time ago.

How long ago was that?
It seems that before I was admitted to medical school, I seemed to have changed my dream after that.

Dreaming of being a dancer myself...

When was that?

It seems to be the time when I became the C member of the club when I was in college.

Now, it seems that only one year has passed, but it seems that a long time has passed. One year ago and now seem to be two worlds.

What is your dream now?

As if... as if there were no dreams.

Now I just want to complete the performance of each month, and then wait until the age to find a suitable person to marry, and then finish this life in a normal way.

It seems that everyone has such a dream.

Also, every day when I open my eyes, I have to go to the company, and I am confused for an hour on the bus. When I arrive at the work unit, I have entered the hustle and bustle of the city. Countless phone calls, countless inquiries, countless doubts...

Meng Sijing took out her mobile phone and looked at it. It was already 9:16, and today she worked overtime until almost 9:9, but before [-]:[-], the person in charge drove away all the people whose homes were far away.

This way, there will be no taxi fares.

Anyway, unlike those Internet companies, for them, the business at work at night is not so busy.

Those who are busy may not be in the unit anymore.

Meng Sijing didn't want to be that busy, maybe she could get better performance that way, but she didn't want to.

Perhaps, this is the thinking of most people of their generation, and she also knows that the thinking of the next generation will be stronger, but she just left silently.

It was almost 9:30 when I got home. Perhaps she should thank her for working overtime, so that she could return home early after missing the evening rush hour.

When I walked to the door of the house, the takeaway had already been placed at the door. I picked it up and walked into this small rented apartment. It was not big, but she decorated it very warmly.

After a simple meal, Meng Sijing tidied up the trash.

Although it is a person's life, she doesn't want her nest to be too embarrassing.

After the happy video with her family, Meng Sijing walked to the window, looked at the twinkling stars in the sky and sighed softly: "The night is so beautiful... so quiet."

She was going to bed.

Without enough sleep, she will not be able to cope with tomorrow's work. If the state is too poor, it is likely to cause a vicious circle.

Although she often suffers from insomnia, and when she closes her eyes, she hears the endless noise during the day, but she still wants to let herself go to bed early, even if she just closes her eyes and rests her mind.

However, before going to bed today, she wants to listen to the new songs of nursery rhymes in the book.

She didn't know if she was her fan, but she felt that those songs were nice, the videos were nice, that's all.

She follows a lot of up masters at station B, and the nursery rhymes in the book are one of them. Every time she finishes her work, she always likes to open station B to watch the updated videos of her favorite up masters.

Whether it's funny, moving, or long as it can make her feel relaxed for a moment, she is willing to watch it.

Gradually, this place has become a place for her to relieve stress.

She likes to put on headphones and immerse her whole body in the video, as if escaping the world for a moment.

She took out another spare mobile phone. The mobile phone she used had been charged and placed beside her. After all, if it was not charged, it would be a disaster to go to work tomorrow.

After washing up, Meng Sijing turned off the light and lay on the bed, ready to go to bed after enjoying the music.

She directly opened the homepage of the nursery rhymes in the book, and saw the girl on the cover who seemed to be sleeping in the galaxy, she was slightly stunned, and the title of the video was only two words - Evening Star.

Meng Sijing turned on the video, and the melody was like stars falling on her heart. She didn't open the barrage, but looked at the girl who was lying on the boat and drifting with the tide. The melody in her ears seemed to bring her into the world. In this world, at a certain moment, she felt as if she was really lying on that small boat, slowly wandering under the empty night sky...

When the boat flew into the starry sky, she felt that her thoughts were suddenly opened, as if she could touch the bright lights with her hand.

When she woke up slowly, the warm sunlight shone into the bedroom like a starry sky, and seemed to shine into Meng Sijing's heart. She smiled and relaxed with her.

"Huh..." Meng Sijing turned over and lay on the bed, chose to play in a loop, and then gently closed her eyes, feeling the feeling of being surrounded by music.

Flying in the stars is a childhood fantasy of countless people. Maybe when we grow up, we become more realistic and like material things more, but when we return to our dreams, there may be a moment of nostalgia left for that starry sky.

That piece of boundless expanse, infinite daydream starry sky.

Gradually, Meng Sijing felt as if her body was shaking from side to side. This feeling seemed to be returning to the cradle, and seemed to be on the boat drifting with the current.

It seems to be walking through the wilderness, and it seems to be wandering in the sea of ​​stars.

In the ocean of music, she was very calm. Although the music was still playing, she felt an inexplicable sense of peace, and the impetuousness that kept echoing in her ears gradually dissipated.

There are no dazzling lights, no noisy noise, some are just the faint light of the stars, and some are just the melody that is constantly twinkling like stars.

All this made her feel peaceful.

It was as if she jumped out of this world and entered another world of her own.

"Huh..." Gradually, this slightly shaking feeling made her fall asleep. Naturally, she dreamed of such a wilderness, such a starry sky.

That night, she slept peacefully.

When the morning sun squeezed into the bedroom through the gap in the curtains, Meng Sijing slowly opened her eyes.

"Ahh..." She stretched her waist long, threw aside the spare mobile phone that had been turned off automatically, opened the curtains forcefully, and embraced this brand new world.

"Good morning."

 Well, I wrote this chapter while listening to Evening Star, and it feels very peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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