Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 190 Beautiful music can always move the world

Chapter 190 Beautiful music can always move the world
That night, there were quite a few people like Meng Sijing. Although some people were not interested in pure music and this form of video, more people found peace in this melody.

Nowadays, people are mostly running around for their livelihood, relying on various entertainment products to relieve stress every day, sometimes because some hyped-up public opinion affects the nerves, it is easy to get excited together with the heat of the head.

There are too many people who are easily excited, maybe sometimes we can calm down a little bit, put aside the complicated online world, listen to music quietly, read books, calm down the restless heart, and don't be led away so easily...

"Film and Television Jufeng did a really good job." After eating breakfast, Li Shuyao glanced at the video released yesterday, paying special attention to the video of Film and Television Jufeng.

They didn't hide anything, they just came up and said it was an advertising video, and then released the product display of their mobile phone, introducing what the main content of their video is.

I have to say that the starry sky at four points in the southeast and northwest is indeed full of sincerity. In order to shoot this video, they traveled back and forth in a short period of time, feeling the coldness of the extreme north and the suffocation of the plateau...

If you don't go to the plateau yourself, you will never know what altitude sickness is.

In order to capture the most beautiful and clean starry sky, they came to the plateau despite the altitude sickness. When the melody of the evening stars bloomed, it happened to be the time when the clear starry sky was swaying.

It can be said that this moment gave Li Shuyao a very strong sense of shock.

She pulled back and clicked on the barrage again. Sure enough, countless people expressed their emotions at this time, and the shock of this moment made many people intoxicated.

"It's really good." Fang Xuening nodded beside her, "But in terms of simple click-through rate, yours is still higher."

Indeed, the video click rate of Film and Television Jufeng currently has more than 80, and it is estimated that the final one will be around 100 million. This is already a very good result. After all, it is just an advertisement, and it even exceeds many of their other usual works. playback volume.

But after a night of fermentation, the video of the song released by Li Shuyao has reached nearly 200 million views.

In fact, it also has something to do with the length of the video. Li Shuyao's video lasted more than three minutes, while Jufeng's video lasted more than ten minutes, which discouraged many people.

Duration is a very important thing for up owners. Unlike novels, readers generally wish the author would update tens of thousands of words every day, but the number of people watching videos will decrease if you are too long.

Novels are static, you can stop halfway at any time, and continue watching later, but videos are very troublesome, this is a dynamic, you need to devote a whole block of time to watch.

Many people don't have that much time, which has led to a lot of videos of more than ten seconds and a few minutes occupying a huge market.

Of course, this is just an overall trend, and those well-made long videos are still liked by many people.

Li Shuyao is different, she is a bit like a singer releasing a new song, the nature is different.

High playback volume is normal.

"But this time, it seems that the comment section is very harmonious." Li Shuyao returned to her page, and this time the comment section was surprisingly harmonious, much more harmonious than other videos she posted before.

"Maybe it's...they think they're tall and powerful, so they don't dare to blackmail?" Fang Xuening smiled and pursed her lips.

"I don't know, maybe..." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth.

In the previous videos, there were praises and curses, most of the curses were punished by Li Shuyao, and most of them praised her, so she didn't care too much, after all, she couldn't just ignore the abuse of a few people Appreciated by most people.

If you give up on yourself because of the abuse of this few people, wouldn't it be a disappointment to the praise of the majority.

Well, the last time I complained was because I was too tired!
I was out of my mind at that time!

Just sauce!

Li Shuyao flipped through the comments, and gradually a smile appeared on the corners of her mouth, with a little touch in her eyes:

"It's been a long, long time since I saw the stars. The night in the city is too bright. It's been a long, long time since I woke up early and worked hard... The memory is very long, and the music is very nice."

"I hope everyone who sees this comment can find their goal and stick to it. Come on, you are already great."

"I want to see the most brilliant sparks, whether it's with the person I like or with my friends, lying in the endless grassland and thinking about it, playing with the fireflies running in the grass, quietly looking at the starry sky, discussing the past and the future. bit by bit."

"There are always unsatisfactory things in life. We are children living in different worlds. No matter how many hardships we have endured, we must yearn for light in our eyes."

"Those who read the comments but don't comment may be the ones who are really scrupulous. All the strangers passing by, I hope you will be treated sincerely, and all your efforts will not be let down. You will have someone to accompany you for the rest of your life. Come on, strangers."

"This pure music seems to dissolve the ceiling, and the people lying on the bed tossing and turning finally saw their own starry sky. Tears flowed down and they closed their tired eyes. Good night."

"Everyone who has already slept, or hasn't slept, I wish you all a good dream."

"I fell asleep without knowing it, and my heart was very peaceful. I never thought that I would be healed by a piece of pure music."

"Whether you have important things or not, whether you are in a hurry to face life, I suggest you take 3 minutes to quietly indulge in this video, maybe you will calm down and find some meaning to yourself."

"It seems that I haven't been so peaceful for a long time. Every day, I charge in this comment and raise a bar in that comment. Thinking about it now, I feel a little silly. Thank you Yaoyao for letting me breathe again."

"I haven't slept so peacefully for a long time, as if I have returned to my mother's cradle."

"I really dreamed of the sea of ​​stars, the wilderness, and drifting with the tide. It was very comfortable and warm..."

"It turns out that the stars I always wanted to see when I was a child can really be seen in my dreams."

"The music is beautiful and the video is beautiful."


It is true that there were very few abusers this time. On the contrary, there were many more professionals... What these people said was really professional, not a derogatory term, but a literal meaning.

Li Shuyao opened it and took a look. Some of them were just private accounts without a profile, and some of them had Little Lightning. The profile seemed to be some musicians or something.

But Li Shuyao still likes to read the comments of ordinary people.

Good music can move the world, and this world is made up of thousands of ordinary people.

Perhaps, it was precisely because of the power of music that those who usually spared no effort to attack her gradually calmed down, the redness in their eyes faded, and they listened and thought quietly.

After thinking for a while, Li Shuyao wrote a comment below, and then pinned it to the bottom of her video:
"No matter what the world has done to you, and no matter how you have treated the world, I hope to give you a moment of peace, calm down, and heal the wounds that may have existed but you have never discovered. Going to stop the pain by hurting others will only make you more painful, treat the world well, and the world will treat you well.”

 I hope that my novels can also make readers feel a moment of relaxation and tranquility. I will not write too intense conflicts or too large a world view. I just want to write some small and warm daily life. I hope that in this impetuous society In the corner, leave a little peace.

  Another: The comments are based on the comments of the netizens at Station B and Netease Cloud, and some modifications have been made, and some of them are written by myself.

(End of this chapter)

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